
Nematon's page

41 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


I know magus can cast only a certain number of spells per day and starts off with all 0 spells in his/her book but how do i tell how many of the other level spells to add per level?

LazarX wrote:
Nematon wrote:
So I have joined a new group where everyone is animalistic in the party. I choose to play a sorcerer kitsune and I am looking at this, maybe its just me, but it seems kinda flawed. The official (no 3rd party.DM wont allow it) race can only use simple weapons, which means it can't even use a katana, and can't even use its claws. I was hoping to use those to make up for my lack of spell in the lower level, plus a monster of Asian mythology, not being able to use a Asian blade is just wrong. Can anyone help me not be so weak at lower levels.I am not really used to this whole, "magic known" stuff. I chose to go with the shadow bloodline and chaotic neutral to rift of the nogitsune, since that doesn't exist either.

Kitsune in asian stories arent' always blade chopping dervishes. Their other role is frequently a multi-tailed magician of mystery who doesn't fight at all.

Maybe you should have gone magus instead?

I know,but blades are fun =p

Also a sorcerer was STRONGLY suggested by the dm

Nematon wrote:
Hmm wrote:

So... Speaking of sorcerers, what is your bloodline?

I also agree that "Charm Person" is an awesome spell, especially for kitsunes!


I was literally about to message you asking the same thing! Right now,I choose shadow, I wanted to rift off of the nogitsune and i have black fur :P

What did you choose?

I was looking at shadow weapon for one of my starter spells, since I get shadow bonuses, and later a enchantment one.

Hmm wrote:

So... Speaking of sorcerers, what is your bloodline?

I also agree that "Charm Person" is an awesome spell, especially for kitsunes!


I was literally about to message you asking the same thing! Right now,I choose shadow, I wanted to rift off of the nogitsune and i have black fur :P

What did you choose?

Hmm wrote:

My name is fun! The letters "Hmm" are my initials in real life, as well as my attitude towards interesting questions.

I'm playing a kitsune sorcerer as well, and having a blast with it. I've discovered that I am really excellent at battlefield control. While my personal damage sucks, I make things work great for my team.

My recommendations... Get grease as one of your first spells. Grease the weapons of bad guys. Grease the squares outside of doorways so that your team can hold position and take advantage of attacks of opportunity.

You'll need mage armor, but if you can get it as a wand, do so. That'll free up room for another spell where your high DCs might matter.


Epic, thanks for the advice ^w^

BigNorseWolf wrote:
Nematon wrote:
BigNorseWolf wrote:

If you want a weapon proficiency in an eastern blade, try heirloom weapon trait. (Katana is exotic, 1 handed martial so i think you'll have to settle for wakzashi without blowing the feat)

Creatures are automatically proficient with their natural attacks.

You really don't want to be using either of those as a sorcerer.

What would you recommend? =)

Kitsune are really good at enchantment spells and have a bonus to charisma.

Getting off a charm spell before hostilities start can sometimes save you from the other guy getting a +5 bonus to their saves, so initiative is good.

I would focus on that. hitting things As a sorcerer with a strength penalty is something you'd have to specifically build for.

ah i see. how does stuff like that work with receiving XP at battles end? I know in the past when I have focused on aiding more than attacking my XP suffered since I didn't land many hit.

Rysky wrote:
Nematon wrote:
Rysky wrote:
That and a race is always proficient with any natural weapons it has.

according to paizo, it doesn't have claws

"Natural Weapons (Ex) In her natural form, a kitsune has a bite attack that deals 1d4 points of damage."
Then where are you getting the claws from? The Bloodline?

Kitsune are anthropomorphic/humanoid foxes. The anthropomorphic/humanoid cats and dogs get claw attacks, and foxes are related top both more closely to dogs. Even in Kitsune lore they have claws

Hmm wrote:

In my mind, Kitsune are one of the least flawed races out there. They get all kinds of good stuff.

A kitsune can take realistic likeness at first level, and turn into any human they've ever seen. Add the 200 g Sleeves of many Garments, and you can turn yourself into a 2 year old to slip through small spaces, or a tall person to reach high shelves. You can run around a corner away from guards, change, and then say, "They went that away!"

Plus, sorcerers get that awesome bonus to enchantment DCs as a favored class bonus...

As a sorcerer, you are not the weapon guy. You are the magic guy. Still, you can use a simple spear to aid others in combat and stay at a distance, or take advantage of attacks of opportunity.

Here are some combat ideas for you:
1) crossbow -- yeah, it's not great, but it's a distance weapon that doesn't require strength;
2) acid splash with an acid flask as a focus -- +1 to your damage with acid splash, and you can do that cantrip endlessly
3) daze cantrip (trade it out at fourth level) -- as a kitsune, your DC would be hard to resist;
4) grease -- cause bad guys to fall, and then skewer them with your spear when they get up, and your team can skewer them too!
5) silent image (make fake walls, boxes with arrow slits to protect your party, etc.) I enclosed an enemy caster in a box of mirrors while my combat guys dealt with his horde of undead. He was stuck there for THREE rounds, not being able to see or get out. That was three rounds of him not casting at us. By the time he got out, my guys were in position and finished him off. It was great!

In addition, Charm Person is a great out of combat spell that remains useful for a long time.


Hmm, Guess i was looking at it all wrong, I have never been a magic main focus player before. Thank you :)

p.s. your name is fun ;)

Matthew Downie wrote:
Nematon wrote:
Matthew Downie wrote:
You can use the Heirloom Weapon trait to give yourself katana proficiency.
good to know! Do you think use of my only feat at lvl one would be good to use that on?
It's a trait, not a feat, so you don't need to use a feat for it if you're in a game that allows traits. Though you can also use a feat to gain proficiency in one weapon.

Wow, I am all kinda of blonde today XD

Imbicatus wrote:

Since this doesn't seem to be PFS specific, I've flagged to be moved to advice thread.

As others have said, you are automatically proficient in your bite, and you can gain proficiency in a martial weapon via a Trait, but those are poor options for a sorcerer. You generally do not want to be in melee range to use either one of them. You don't have the defenses to not die in melee, or the offense to make a difference with a poor STR modifier.

You are generally best served by having a light crossbow or a cantrip enchanced with an alchemical focus.

Opps sorry, thanks for the move and advice!

BigNorseWolf wrote:

If you want a weapon proficiency in an eastern blade, try heirloom weapon trait. (Katana is exotic, 1 handed martial so i think you'll have to settle for wakzashi without blowing the feat)

Creatures are automatically proficient with their natural attacks.

You really don't want to be using either of those as a sorcerer.

What would you recommend? =)

Matthew Downie wrote:
You can use the Heirloom Weapon trait to give yourself katana proficiency.

good to know! Do you think use of my only feat at lvl one would be good to use that on?

Rysky wrote:
That and a race is always proficient with any natural weapons it has.

according to paizo, it doesn't have claws

"Natural Weapons (Ex) In her natural form, a kitsune has a bite attack that deals 1d4 points of damage."

Bad Sintax wrote:
Why it is flawed? Usually your class determines what weapons you use, not your race. Do the same things as a kitsune that you would as a human, or half-elf, or gnome, or halfling as a sorcerer at lower levels.

Ah...well thats a little embarrassing... I forgot about that weapon thing.... I guess ignore my flub-up...

I have never been a sorcerer before so I really don't know what to do...

So I have joined a new group where everyone is animalistic in the party. I choose to play a sorcerer kitsune and I am looking at this, maybe its just me, but it seems kinda flawed. The official (no 3rd party.DM wont allow it) race can only use simple weapons, which means it can't even use a katana, and can't even use its claws. I was hoping to use those to make up for my lack of spell in the lower level, plus a monster of Asian mythology, not being able to use a Asian blade is just wrong. Can anyone help me not be so weak at lower levels.I am not really used to this whole, "magic known" stuff. I chose to go with the shadow bloodline and chaotic neutral to rift of the nogitsune, since that doesn't exist either.

So the venom is harmless without using alchemy?

I have 2 large spider venom sacks, how would I go about lacing My arrows/weapons with the venom? Can I just pour it into my Quiver?

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Am i reading the rules wrong are is the Winter Witch version of the "Snow Shape" Spell, "Sculpt Ice and Snow", a lot weaker than the normal "Snow Shape spell?

Rhaleroad wrote:

Sounds like a very flexible DM, sapling familiars are only for specialized druids anyway. Even with RP, animal domain to get a plant familiar is just trying to find a rule to make it happen. Either way you will need Boon Companion for it to even think about keeping up. Companions level with class the multiclass will slow it down.

Winter Witch has a limited list of Familiars too, must be cold weather. the owl is one of the better ones, and you might want Boon Companion Feat for that also...its BAB/HP and such are all based on character level, but its special abilities are on the Witch level. Just depends on what abilities you want.

Also RP wise, druid awakened creatures can't be companions/familiar, but works for your story.

Probably....I have nearly gotten myself killed 3 times trying to protect my sapling before it was awakened....

sunbeam wrote:

My Rule Fu is kind of weak at times, but your Treant companion only advances as you have inquisitor levels, and the same for the witch.

The animal domain has this for the animal companion:

"Animal Companion (Ex): At 4th level, you gain the service of an animal companion. Your effective druid level for this animal companion is equal to your cleric level – 3. (Druids who take this ability through their nature bond class feature use their druid level – 3 to determine the abilities of their animal companions)."

So you start out 3 levels behind unless you take Boon Companion (which is probably the smart thing to do).

Hypothetically if you were say a 10/10 Inquisitor/Winter Witch you would have the familiar of a level 10 Witch, and the animal companion of a 7th level druid (assuming no Boon Companion feat).

That is pretty rough for 20th level say.

You have something in mind, but in your shoes I'd stay pure inquisitor and take Boon Companion.

Actually though if you have the charisma (13) you can take Eldritch Heritage:Arcane. If I did that, I would also take Improved Familiar, some of those are really nice.

Might not be what you have in mind, but I think it would be pretty cool.

Ah good to know, but the thing is I RLLY don't like playing inquisitor. I have only played druid before and I miss the ability to control like I had before, so that's why i was gonna go with winter witch..

sunbeam wrote:

Hmmm maybe a bird? A Wren?

Then you could have Wren and Stumpy as your companions?

Jokes aside how does the Treant advance if you multiclass? Not sure if you are going to count on using them in combat, but if you are that is something to keep in mind.

Oh you so punny!

And I dunno honestly...never have multiclassed there something I am missing?

SO I am a Inquisitor who took the animal domain and got a Treant sapling companion. I have decided to start working my way to a winter witch multiclass at my DM approval. The thing is he doesn't like the idea of a companion acting as a familiar, so I got to find what I want before I take my first witch lvl, or one will be appointed to me. I was thinking a platypus, since I am half water elf, or a Snowy owl since none of my party can fly? But i dunno I am open to suggestions?

Quick story of my treant familiar. So we were in the woods at a super old dark wood treem and I had the urge to take a sapling with me, why? I rlly DUNNO, so I was told to roll my survival check to see if I could...Rolled a NAT 20, surprised both of us. So I took a perfect Dark wood sapling with me. I took care of it daily and meditated with it each morning, but people kept trying to kill it. So in order to protect it best, I had our party's druid awaken it and It clung to me like I was it mother.

oh! I really wish the Mutant Interrogator link was working on that list, thank you! The DeathMasque looks fun!!

HectorVivis wrote:
What are you calling "multiclass archetypes" to begin with ? ^^"
Static Hamster wrote:

Archetypes are alternate class features.

Multiclassing is taking a level in a second class.

You can apply archetypes to any class and still use it in the same way when multiclassing.

For example...

You can take a level of Paladin who is using the Oathbound Archetype...then 2 levels of Monk with the Weapon Adept....then continue on with 3 levels of Paladin to get Channel Wrath....getting all the alternate class features at the appropriate levels.

There is no Multiclassing archtype; they are two separate things.

Wait. Unless your asking if they have archtypes....then yes. yes they do.

Ya i'm a boob, sorry i didn't realize they were 3rd party. lass-archetypes

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Please forgive me if this is in the wrong place and if the answeris something I have overlooked,but do Inquisitors have multiclass archetypes?

BigNorseWolf wrote:

Too bad I am already a inquistor =(

Tangaroa wrote:

Get a druid to cast:

  • Diminish plant: make it into bonsai!
  • Plant growth: make it large, harvest it for weapons and armor!
  • Awaken: make a little friend!
  • Plant Growth + Awaken: make a big friend!

Ooooh! How does harvesting Darkwood work, could I have plant growth cast on the little guy, harvest him without killing him then dimish plant back to a portable size?

DTrueheart wrote:
Since the DM was willing to let you run off with a sapling, I think they should be willing to work with you. As long as you are mentioning its care every day, I see no reason why the DM would have it die. Have your character track down a Druid or someone with enough Knowledge nature to give you all the correct steps.

Well I rolled a nat 20 with +8 survival so he was kinda shocked lol. My party has a druid and my inquisitor elf is only +1 behind her in knowledge nature

If only I wasn't level 3... >_> sorry forgot to mention that.... ^_^;;;

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So I dunno why I decide it would be a great idea to dig up and take a Darkwood sapling with me, it's in a pot healthy and all, I don't wanna sell.... I just dunno what to do to make sure it stays ok on quests? Can I like do something to make it a companion or Idk....thoughts?

sorry if this answer is found like in the books, i check I probably just didn't look in the right spot. But can one learn to use a new weapon, like say just a long bow, without having to take a new feat? If so, how?

Hogeyhead wrote:

Well inquisitor is great at range, but isn't natury at all, though you could be an inquisitor of gozreh or something. It's really not that suppotry of a class either, it's mostly about augmenting itself. However it's a relatively easy class to play, and if you screw up, you can say that the class was his idea, I kid. They can be complicated to learn however. A lot, and I mean a -lot- of abilities are available to you at any one time.

Personally I would go with something less complex like a cleric of erastil. You get proficiency with the long bow, the feater subdomain (of the animal domain) is fantastic, and you get an animal companion. take boon companion at lvl 5 to make him full (if you care, and it sounds like you do).

If you are starting at a relatively high level you have a few options. You should start human as you will be feat starved as an archer. If you are starting around lvl 9 or so you should do the following with your feats:
1 channel smite
guided hand
3 point blank shot
5 boon companion
7 precise shot
9 rapid shot

If you have a decent strength you can do some decent damage, especially with certain spells active like divine favor. When you get the opportunity get deadly aim, and many shot and improved precise shot.

You aren't as mad as you might be because you don't shoot with dex. Because of guided hand you shoot with your wisdom instead, so you could leave it at say 12. str should be 12-14, then augmented with items. con should be 12-14 then also augmented with items. wis should start at 18 then be augmented as much as you can. unless you are face cha can stay at 10, and int doesn't really need to be higher than 12, and really skills aren't your thing so 10 is fine (but remember to max out perception even though it's not a class skill, you can get it very high)

So you are a decent archer (stay in the back no matter what unless emergency healing is needed) and a very competent healer buffer and all around caster.

This build does suffer at lower levels keep in mind, but...

Wow alrighty then, I'll check out cleric. when I was looking at inquisitor, I noticed I could take the animal domain and get a companion as well.

I guess I should have mentioned it earlier but didn't think of it, I am starting lvl 1....

My dm is suggesting Inquisitor?

Kolokotroni wrote:
Nematon wrote:
Kolokotroni wrote:
Nematon wrote:
RainyDayNinja wrote:
What is it you like about the druid? The spells? The animal companion? The wild-shaping? The nature theme?
The spells are great! Animal companion was nice, love me some animals, but I was always WAY more protective of my companion than of me so i dunno if i did that right. Never used Wild-shaping and LOVE the nature theme

What material are you allowed to use? Can you for instance use the playtest classes for the advanced player guide? Because the hunter is a divine nature caster which is focued on working with his animal companion and doesnt have wild shape. Might be a good fit?

By the way, you never hit your allies with archery, you just miss if they block your shot because they are in melee with the enemy. And the feat precise shot negates this penalty, which you should always get as soon as possible if you are an archer.

umm, i didn't those existed, i have just been reading the PC, I will ask! thanks for the tip!

do you have a link to the hunter? I find witch and bounty at first search, are those it?

Hunter can be found here. You can download the playtest doc for free.


Kolokotroni wrote:
Nematon wrote:
BetaSprite wrote:
Nematon wrote:
Cassidius wrote:
What is it you want to do? Just ranged combat, or would you prefer to have spells or a decent skill list? It might also help if you tell us the makeup of your new group.

umm oh... we have aDruid, a Sorcercer, a Cavalier, and a Gunslinger.

other than that I guess i dunno how to answer you Cassidius. I tried archery before and i didn't work to well....I kept shooting my own team... so I guess no to just ranged? I'm sorry
Shooting your own team? In Pathfinder, that should only happen if your team members are sharing spaces with the enemy, which takes some very specialized builds. If the GM was having you hit your allies when you are trying to shoot the enemy, he has misinterpreted a rule somewhere.
-shrugs- i dunno, if you so :), I just know there was several time I always killed my allies =/
I am pretty sure your former dm was either employing a house rule, or misusing a rule. Either way, you cant shoot your own allies, and the penalty they impart is negated with the precise shot feat. If you want to do archery, be human and take your 1st level feats as point blank shot and precise shot.

Good to know, only ever been half elf (was half-elf half lycan once) so humans i will look into! ^_^

Kolokotroni wrote:
Nematon wrote:
RainyDayNinja wrote:
What is it you like about the druid? The spells? The animal companion? The wild-shaping? The nature theme?
The spells are great! Animal companion was nice, love me some animals, but I was always WAY more protective of my companion than of me so i dunno if i did that right. Never used Wild-shaping and LOVE the nature theme

What material are you allowed to use? Can you for instance use the playtest classes for the advanced player guide? Because the hunter is a divine nature caster which is focued on working with his animal companion and doesnt have wild shape. Might be a good fit?

By the way, you never hit your allies with archery, you just miss if they block your shot because they are in melee with the enemy. And the feat precise shot negates this penalty, which you should always get as soon as possible if you are an archer.

umm, i didn't those existed, i have just been reading the PC, I will ask! thanks for the tip!

do you have a link to the hunter? I find witch and bounty at first search, are those it?

BetaSprite wrote:
Nematon wrote:
Cassidius wrote:
What is it you want to do? Just ranged combat, or would you prefer to have spells or a decent skill list? It might also help if you tell us the makeup of your new group.

umm oh... we have aDruid, a Sorcercer, a Cavalier, and a Gunslinger.

other than that I guess i dunno how to answer you Cassidius. I tried archery before and i didn't work to well....I kept shooting my own team... so I guess no to just ranged? I'm sorry
Shooting your own team? In Pathfinder, that should only happen if your team members are sharing spaces with the enemy, which takes some very specialized builds. If the GM was having you hit your allies when you are trying to shoot the enemy, he has misinterpreted a rule somewhere.

-shrugs- i dunno, if you so :), I just know there was several time I always killed my allies =/

mswbear wrote:

clerics can be good...a malic cleric can be pretty nasty.

If you are trying to stay away from melee orientated combat you can always go sorcerer or wizard. If your GM lets you take the monster feat "ability focus" a slumber witch can be true and total domination.

If you want to play a support character there are actually some really powerful bard builds out there that while I have witnessed in action have never designed or played...I know they exist though

I will look into those, I did end up healing my group A LOT in my last campaign,since my cleric (might be wrong) kept dieing a lot! So support might be up my alley, I just don't wanna be only support I I want to be able to have the ability to kill something if i am left alone? Gosh I sound so noobish, sorry guys!

RainyDayNinja wrote:
What is it you like about the druid? The spells? The animal companion? The wild-shaping? The nature theme?

The spells are great! Animal companion was nice, love me some animals, but I was always WAY more protective of my companion than of me so i dunno if i did that right. Never used Wild-shaping and LOVE the nature theme

Cassidius wrote:
What is it you want to do? Just ranged combat, or would you prefer to have spells or a decent skill list? It might also help if you tell us the makeup of your new group.

umm oh... we have aDruid, a Sorcercer, a Cavalier, and a Gunslinger.

other than that I guess i dunno how to answer you Cassidius. I tried archery before and i didn't work to well....I kept shooting my own team... so I guess no to just ranged? I'm sorry

I have only ever played pathfinder a handful of time and tried magus and druid and ranger I think,while in Dnd I played a Warden. I'm not good with up close combat and weapons. (or at least yet i guess).

I would love to play a druid again but my last group got disbanded so I am kinda being picked up by another local group and they already have a long time druid....