
Nematon's page

41 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.

I know magus can cast only a certain number of spells per day and starts off with all 0 spells in his/her book but how do i tell how many of the other level spells to add per level?

So I have joined a new group where everyone is animalistic in the party. I choose to play a sorcerer kitsune and I am looking at this, maybe its just me, but it seems kinda flawed. The official (no 3rd party.DM wont allow it) race can only use simple weapons, which means it can't even use a katana, and can't even use its claws. I was hoping to use those to make up for my lack of spell in the lower level, plus a monster of Asian mythology, not being able to use a Asian blade is just wrong. Can anyone help me not be so weak at lower levels.I am not really used to this whole, "magic known" stuff. I chose to go with the shadow bloodline and chaotic neutral to rift of the nogitsune, since that doesn't exist either.

I have 2 large spider venom sacks, how would I go about lacing My arrows/weapons with the venom? Can I just pour it into my Quiver?

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Am i reading the rules wrong are is the Winter Witch version of the "Snow Shape" Spell, "Sculpt Ice and Snow", a lot weaker than the normal "Snow Shape spell?

SO I am a Inquisitor who took the animal domain and got a Treant sapling companion. I have decided to start working my way to a winter witch multiclass at my DM approval. The thing is he doesn't like the idea of a companion acting as a familiar, so I got to find what I want before I take my first witch lvl, or one will be appointed to me. I was thinking a platypus, since I am half water elf, or a Snowy owl since none of my party can fly? But i dunno I am open to suggestions?

Quick story of my treant familiar. So we were in the woods at a super old dark wood treem and I had the urge to take a sapling with me, why? I rlly DUNNO, so I was told to roll my survival check to see if I could...Rolled a NAT 20, surprised both of us. So I took a perfect Dark wood sapling with me. I took care of it daily and meditated with it each morning, but people kept trying to kill it. So in order to protect it best, I had our party's druid awaken it and It clung to me like I was it mother.

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Please forgive me if this is in the wrong place and if the answeris something I have overlooked,but do Inquisitors have multiclass archetypes?

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So I dunno why I decide it would be a great idea to dig up and take a Darkwood sapling with me, it's in a pot healthy and all, I don't wanna sell.... I just dunno what to do to make sure it stays ok on quests? Can I like do something to make it a companion or Idk....thoughts?

sorry if this answer is found like in the books, i check I probably just didn't look in the right spot. But can one learn to use a new weapon, like say just a long bow, without having to take a new feat? If so, how?

I have only ever played pathfinder a handful of time and tried magus and druid and ranger I think,while in Dnd I played a Warden. I'm not good with up close combat and weapons. (or at least yet i guess).

I would love to play a druid again but my last group got disbanded so I am kinda being picked up by another local group and they already have a long time druid....