SO I am a Inquisitor who took the animal domain and got a Treant sapling companion. I have decided to start working my way to a winter witch multiclass at my DM approval. The thing is he doesn't like the idea of a companion acting as a familiar, so I got to find what I want before I take my first witch lvl, or one will be appointed to me. I was thinking a platypus, since I am half water elf, or a Snowy owl since none of my party can fly? But i dunno I am open to suggestions?
Quick story of my treant familiar. So we were in the woods at a super old dark wood treem and I had the urge to take a sapling with me, why? I rlly DUNNO, so I was told to roll my survival check to see if I could...Rolled a NAT 20, surprised both of us. So I took a perfect Dark wood sapling with me. I took care of it daily and meditated with it each morning, but people kept trying to kill it. So in order to protect it best, I had our party's druid awaken it and It clung to me like I was it mother.