Here's our 2 player campaign with my wife (I'm Valeros)
Character Name: Valeros
Role Card: Weapon Master
Skill Feats: Str +2, Int+1, Chr+1
Power Feats: +1 hand size, Adds d4+2 to other char's combat, May shuffle weapon into deck when playing.
Card Feats: Weapon +1, Item +1, Blessing +1
Weapons: Warhammer+1, War Razor +1, Dogslicer+1, Light Crossbow+1, Scythe+1, Short Sword+1
Armors: Snakeskin Tunic, Magic Half-Plate, Elven Breastplate
Items: Masterwork Tools, Staff of Minor Healing, Staff of Minor Healing
Allies: Vale Temros, Poog of Zarongel,
Blessings: Gorum, Gorum, Abadar, Lamashtu
Character Name: Lini
Role Card: Wild Warden
Skill Feats: Str+2, Wis+2
Power Feats: Weapon Proficiency, d4+2 animal reveal, +2 to divine.
Card Feats: Weapon +1, Item +1, Ally +1
Weapons: Impaler of Thorns
Spells: Cure, Cure, Inflict, Holy Light, Augury, Find Traps
Items: Sihedron Medallion, Chime of Unlocking, Holy Candle
Allies: Snake, Toad, Saber-Toothed Tiger, Crow
Blessings: Lamashtu, Gorum, Irori, Sarenrae
no deaths, but a couple of close calls.
Love this game!