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How does this work? Like when it says min 1 does this mean you start at 1 at first level and then begin adding the fractions at second, or do you start with the fraction and just round up thus not getting the next full bonus for a long time.

Example, I'm playing a Rogue. Trapfinding says it is +1/2 per level to perception, min +1. So does that mean level 1 is +1, Level 2 +1.5 and level 3 it is +2 or Is it 1/2 at level 1 (rounded up to be usable), 1 at level 2, 1.5 at level 3 and not +2 until level 4?

A similar question with spells and what the starting point is. My wife has an Oracle. Divine Favor says it is +1 every three caster levels Does it become +2 at level 3 or level 6?

Kobold Press's Deep Magic (pathfinder compatible edition) also has a spell "Ray of the Eclipse" says it deals 1d6 damage every two caster levels. I can see three possible interpretations for when it becomes 2d6. At level 2 and then every even level thereafter? At level 3 because 1+2=3? At level 4 because it's basically the half progression again so 1/2 at level 1 rounded up, 1 at level 2, 1.5 at level 3 and then hits 2 at level 4 for the 2d6. I have legitimately no idea which is supposed to be correct so we're not picking this spell even though it looks otherwise useful.

So how do these progressions work? Help?

So I'm creating an Elderitch Scoundrel and I'm wondering whether I should go with Arcane Strike or Weapon Finesse as my one feat. I have a +3 Dex Mod and as of now my strength bonus is +2 (although if I take Arcane Strike I may switch my strength and wisdom stats, which would put lower the strength bonus to +1--just because I have profession gambler and my DM tends to have us spend a lot of time interacting in town). I rolled really good gold (170) so my weapons are the hand crossbow, rapier and dagger if that factors into the advice.

Actually while I'm posting has anyone played profession gambler before? I know all professions are wisdom based but can you use dex skills in specific ways with it (sleight of hand to cheat at poker, or win at dice or darts for example)

Lastly, in the same book that has the Elderitch Scoundrel there's a trait that lets you read magic as a spell like ability. Is that worth it (I've never played a prepared arcane caster before, so I'm not sure how necessary read magic is; but I don't think I'd want to waste one of my few zero level spell slots on it every time).

Thanks for any advice.