
Nawtyit's page

410 posts. Alias of Mark DeFelice.

I started making a two-handed fighter 20 champion 10 and I pray that my math is wrong or I'm missing something. Here are the abilities that are causing my head to spin. I'm only worried about the damage math.

42 strength, two-handed: +24 damage (+32 with overhand chop)
+5 scythe: 2d4+5, x4
Weapon specialization: +2 damage
Greater weapon specialization: +2 damage
Mythic weapon specialization: +5 damage
Weapon training 4: +4 damage

So far: 2d4+49

Power attack: +18 damage
Greater power attack: PA goes up to +24 damage
Mythic power attack: PA goes up to +36 damage

Add PA: 2d4+85

Vital strike: x2 weapon dice
Improved vital strike: -> x3 weapon dice
Greater vital strike: -> x4 weapon dice
Mythic vital strike: damage that is normally multiplied on a crit is x4
Devastating strike: +6 damage

Add VS: 8d4+364

Devastating blow: one attack is a crit threat
Weapon mastery: Automatically confirm all threats
Maximized critical: weapon damage result is always max
Critical master: critical hits are always confirmed and deal max damage

On a crit: 396

Someone please tell me that these don't all work together and that one hit from this guy is going to do 400 damage.

Our group has started to dwindle due to various reasons. I'm looking for some steady players that would be interested in long-term Pathfinder campaigns and tabletop gaming. We would meet once a week and the days are flexible, but most likely weekday evenings. We have two steady people and two or three part-time people. Two of us have been GMs but we are open to GMs or players. Three of us are very experienced players. Thanks in advance.

I don't recall all the the different ways to get evasion, but let's just deal with the basic classes of monk, rogue, and ranger.

Monks and rogues both gain evasion at level 2 and are worded the same: Evasion can be used only if a monk/rogue is wearing light armor or no armor.
Monks are not proficient in light armor, so I'm a little confused all ready.

Rangers gain evasion at level 9 and change the wording slightly: Evasion can be used only if the ranger is wearing light armor, medium armor, or no armor.

So rangers are better at evasion than rogues?
What if I'm a ranger 4/rogue 4? Can I only benefit from evasion in light or no armor? I feel like that is correct RAW, but then suddenly at ranger 9 I learn how to use evasion in medium armor?
Was this just a balance issue? Rangers get it later so it's better?
It's obviously not a proficiency issue since monks aren't proficient in light armor.

Any thoughts on this? I couldn't find an FAQ or errata on this.

ARG wrote:
Fire Ink: This rich yellow ink reacts with a creature's body heat to create a flickering, flamelike glow. It takes 10 minutes to apply fire ink, and 1 dose covers an approximately hand-sized area. Once applied, the ink glows as a candle for 24 hours. Four or more doses applied to the same part of the body glow as a torch for 24 hours. The alchemical reaction of the ink to the target's skin and body heat is painful and irritating, giving the target the sickened condition while the glow lasts. A DC 15 Heal check can temporarily soothe these sensations, negating the sickened condition for 1 hour. Creatures immune or resistant to fire are immune to this sickening effect. Ifrits are especially known for their fondness for fire ink, and ifrit fire-dancers often decorate their skin with flaming designs before performing. A concentrated version of the ink costs 10 times as much and can be used to make permanently glowing tattoos.

1 dose = candle for 24 hrs. 1 gp.

4 doses = torch for 24 hrs. 4 gp.
Concentrated version = ? permanently. 10 gp.

In order for a Tiefling to take a variant heritage, they have to take the fiendish heritage feat at first level.
In order for an Aasimar to take a variant heritage, they just pick one?
Is this correct? Did I miss something? It seems unbalanced.

A group of mythic characters wants to fight a god. That happens in legends, so it does make sense that it might happen in Pathfinder. This brings up the question: are gods mythic?
Do they have mythic tiers?
Does divinity itself count as mythic?
This comes into play when mythic characters use abilities that are more powerful against non-mythic creatures.
Any thoughts?

If a character had enough followers to create and army, would they get a discount on consumption for that army because they don't have to pay them?

Consumption wrote:
This is how many Build Points (BP) an army consumes each week (unlike most kingdom expenses, this cost is per week, not per month), representing the cost to feed, hydrate, arm, train, care for, and pay the units. An army's base Consumption is equal to its ACR divided by 2 (minimum 1). If you fall behind on paying the army's Consumption, reduce its Morale by 2; this penalty ends when you catch up on the army's pay.

Bold by me.

Can someone please explain to he how this trap is only a CR 9? Our GM threw this at us in a homebrew game and I thought the CR was a little low.
I guess it's from Pathfinder Adventure Path #24: "The Final Wish" (Legacy of Fire 6 of 6). As far as I can tell, the CR should be 14 based on +1 per 10 points of average damage (18d6+50%/10=18(5.5)(1.5)/10=148.5/10=14.85 rounded down to 14.

2 people marked this as FAQ candidate.

I don’t think this issue has been answered anywhere, so I’ll ask one more time before asking the big guy.
The wild stalker archetype in Ultimate Combat for the ranger gains two abilities called Rage Powers and Wild Talents.

SRD wrote:

Rage Powers: At 5th level, a wild stalker ranger gains a single rage power, as the barbarian class feature. He gains another rage power each five levels after 5th (to a maximum of four rage powers at 20th level). This ability replaces the ranger's second, third, fourth, and fifth favored enemy abilities.

Wild Talents (Ex): At 6th level, a wild stalker can either take a rage power, or gains a +2 insight bonus into any one of the following skills: Acrobatics, Climb, Perception, Stealth, Survival, or Swim. The wild stalker can gain one of these two benefits again every five levels after 6th (to a maximum of 4 times at 20th level). This ability replaces the ranger's second, third, fourth, and fifth favored enemy abilities.

The issue is that they both replace the exact same thing. Has anyone found a solution to this? Also, is he still limited to 4 rage powers at level 20, or a combination of the abilities leading to a max of 7 at level 20?

How much would +1 Elven Chain with a +4 competence bonus to diplomacy when dealing with elves cost?
Elven Chain=5150 gp
+1=1000 gp
+4 Skill bonus (competence), but only with one race=??

What are the thoughts on using Faith's Reach with a staff or wand?

Faith's Reach:
Whenever you cast a divine spell with a range of touch, you can instead cast the spell with a range of 30 feet. If the spell requires a melee touch attack, it instead requires a ranged touch attack.

Staves use the spell trigger activation method, so casting a spell from a staff is usually a standard action that doesn't provoke attacks of opportunity. (If the spell being cast has a longer casting time than 1 standard action, however, it takes that long to cast the spell from a staff.) To activate a staff, a character must hold it forth in at least one hand (or whatever passes for a hand, for nonhumanoid creatures).

I have a potential epic or mythic game comming up where our group will be hunting down artifacts and destroying them. We should need someone to identify the items (DC 35 minimum), someone to scry, teleport, and plane shift, and a way to get by the BBG guarding said artifacts. Any ideas for character backgrounds like religion, class, faction, ect.? I don't know exactly what level we will be starting at.

Do epic weapons bypass DR/-? I think that they would, but I can't find anywhere that talks about epic weapons and DR.