Narxzul's page

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Thanks for all the replies.
To add more context, I'm the DM for this campaign, and while we are playing mostly Pathfinder 1e rules, we are playing in the Warcraft universe using the old rpg books and some 3.5 things.

There's an item called healing belt that let's you heal (dur) others or yourself and one player asked if he could have 2 or 3 on top of each other so he doesn't need to equip a new one to use it and just has to remove the empty one. I said I didn't like this because it felt to me, like a really cheesy way to try to beat the action economy system, but it seems to be the RAW that he can do that.

Toshy wrote:

I remember to have read somewhere, that it doesn't depend on which you put on first, but which has the higher Caster Level.

So for example if you would wear a magic ring with CL 8, one with CL 5 and would put on an additional one with CL 10, the ring with CL 5 would stop working.
Bit it might be, that that was just something I read here or a houserule as I couldn't find an official rule like that right now.

I liked this idea though, be it a houserule or not.

Hey everyone, someone brought this up on my last session and I honestly hadn't thought about it before nor seen anything about it so I didn't know what to say.

The most obvious example would be the rings, most races have 10 fingers, but only 2 magic ring slots. So the question is, what happens if they equip a third ?
While that is the obvious example, there are a lot of characters in media that wear multiple necklaces or belts or bracers, etc

The only thing I could find giving an exact answer to this is in the DMG for DnD 2e that states if you have 2 rings and equip a 3rd one, all of them become nonfunctional until you remove one. To me, this seems like the most reasonable thing that would happen, but I was wondering if there's another ruling for Pathfinder or at least DnD 3.5.

Thanks in advance :)

My bad, stupid question, I misread it.

I read it as it giving you wings not the wings BLOODLINE power. You are right, that is the confirmation for it working only during bloodrage haha

Thanks for replying and happy new year :D

Short question here and sorry if it was asked before but I couldn't find an answer.

I know the dragon bloodline from the Bloodrager progresses with and lets you qualify for Dragon Disciple but my question is, does the bloodrager get the features (the wings being the most important one to be honest) only while bloodraging or can he sprout wings whenever like a sorcerer would be able to ?

I lean towards working only during bloodrage, even though that would make it significantly worse than the sorcerer I think, but I couldn't find confirmation.


I looked for this but I couldn't find anyone asking this question and is one I find quite interesting.

What are ways (maybe there are other apart from the 3 in the subject that I'm not thinking about now) you know to change your creature type permanently ?

I don't mean things like the Monk's "Perfect Self" that say you are "treated as an outsider" I'm talking about things that fully change your type, the 2 that come to mind are the Monk archetype Nornkith "Norn Transformation" that changes your type to Fey or the Antipaladin Knight of the Sepulcher "Undying Champion" that change your type to undead.

Cheers :)

Thanks for the clarification everybody but your answers gave me a couple more questinons haha

If a shield bash and shield spikes are separate attacks, can you shield bash and attack with the spikes in the same turn, using the shield like a double weapon / two weapon fighting?

Would shield master reduce this penalties or do the spikes not qualify for the "while you are wielding another weapon" part since it's technically part of the same thing ?

Also, can you use effortless lace on a spiked shield to wield a bigger shield ? Since it technically transforms the shield into a piercing melee weapon even tho this would affect regular shield bash too.

And finally, something that voodistmonk made me think. If they don't interact together at all and you talked about overcoming DR, do regular shield bashes, even with a spiked shield, still do bashing damage ?

A friend of mine wants to play a shield bashing character with shield spikes and the shield master feat which seems all nice and good but I started looking and I don't understand how these mechanics work together exactly.

Shield master let's you apply your defensive bonuses to your offense, seems strong but shields don't make the best weapons I guess, so far so good.

Shield spikes say that "An enhancement bonus on a spiked shield does not improve the effectiveness of a shield bash made with it, but a spiked shield can be made into a magic weapon in its own right." Shield master seems to break this and it also says that the spiked shield can be made into a magic weapon of it's own.

So my question is, how do these enhancement bonuses work together ? can I have a +3 shield with +1 (wasted since it would be the same bonus as the defensive part) shocking, corrosive spikes giving me, essentially a +5 "weapon" ,since all this would apply in a single shield bash, for the price of a +3 armor and +3 weapon ?

I'm thinking I must be wrong because this seems kind of insane if it works like this.

Thanks in advance.

Diego Rossi wrote:

It not an armadillo anymore. It is an outsider and an improved familiar.

You have a list of creatures it can be, " arbiter, a cassisian, a harbinger, or a silvanshee, but potentially any lawful neutral, lawful good, or neutral good outsider familiar depending on the patron" and you get whatever that familiar gives.

I hadn't checked the archetype before, you obviously get guidance. I was speaking of what improved familiars give normally.

Thanks for the clarification :D

Azothath wrote:

so the class you are talking about is a Paladin archetype Pal - Chosen One

Paladin level-> Wizard level on the Familiar chart, so it will advance as that in a cumulative manner. If its INT is higher than the chart, it keeps its original higher score.
Once it "evolves" the original form is " The familiar gains the change shape universal monster ability if it doesn’t already have it, which it can use at will to transform into its original form or back to its true form." mainly a cosmetic thing as it is a transformation(polymorph), see beast shape 1.
Emmissary description. The familiar only loses Deliver Touch Spells, which could hurt but as a Pal isn't a caster it has far...

Oh yeah, I'm fully aware it's pretty suboptimal to trade a divine bond weapon or mount for a familiar being a paladin, I just like it better from a roleplay pov and I wanted to go for a more "support" style paladin and using the flying cat to heal while I'm doing something else seemed like a fun option.

I could also go regular paladin (or another archetype) and use a mount, I would like it to be a flying mount (pretty sure you can't do that ?) or one that can help in combat not just for mounting but charging someone with a lance or something + spirited charge sounds fun too.

Diego Rossi wrote:

It will gain int, natural armor and special abilities as your level increases, like all other familiars.

It will gain skill points if its intelligence becomes higher than a normal Silvanshee, and it will share the skill ranks you have. Its HD doesn't change and it will not gain levels, so it will not gain skill points from that.

Changing shapes never change your type, and is unrelated to the familiar bonuses. A Silvanshee only gives you the Alertness.

Divine Emissary (Ex)

At 1st level, a chosen one gains an emissary familiar, treating her paladin level as her wizard level for the purpose of this ability.

Correct me if I'm wrong but I think I don't get Alertness, instead I get the things from this archetype etypes/emissary-familiar-archetype/

True Form (Ex)
At 7th level, a chosen one’s familiar reveals its true form, transforming into an outsider improved familiar that matches the chosen one’s patron’s alignment (typically an arbiter, a cassisian, a harbinger, or a silvanshee, but potentially any lawful neutral, lawful good, or neutral good outsider familiar depending on the patron). The familiar gains the change shape universal monster ability if it doesn’t already have it, which it can use at will to transform into its original form or back to its true form.

Sorry I didn't get that last part At lvl 7 it stops being an animal entirely so I don't get, say +1 natural armor, if it was an armadillo before that, even if it changes back to a regular animal ?

I'm thinking about playing a chosen one paladin and I started to think about my (from lvl 7 onwards) smart familiar skills and abilities.

I would be using a Silvanshee, which of course, on it's bestiary entry has it's own skills but would it gain more skills as I gain levels or when it's intelligence goes up? or does it's intelligence go up at all? I'm actually not sure if the "natural armor, int, special" chart works the same for improved familiars.

Also, do I lose the "special ability" that regular familiars give when it transforms ? do I lose it only when it assume their outsider form and it stays / comes back if it's in animal form ? does it stay on both forms since it gains the "change shape" monster ability so it's technically not a different creature even when it changes from animal to outsider...?

Sorry for the question storm haha but I searched and couldn't find the answers I was looking for.

Thanks in advance :)

Thanks a lot <3

Kind of a short one here but i can't seem to find an exact answer, the magic creation rules says that the ONLY mandatory thing is the required feat, everything else you are missing is just a +5 to the DC but then there's this:

"While item creation costs are handled in detail below, note that normally the two primary factors are the caster level of the creator and the level of the spell or spells put into the item. A creator can create an item at a lower caster level than her own, but never lower than the minimum level needed to cast the needed spell. Using metamagic feats, a caster can place spells in items at a higher level than normal."

I'm a level 6 arcanist, i can cast up to 3rd level spells and i want to create a "lyre of building" which requires me to cast the spell "fabricate" which is spell level 5 and i would need to be level 10 myself to be able to cast it.

How would that work ?
am i just unable to craft the item ?
do i had a +10 to the DC for missing the spell + the caster level ?
and a question that is not so specific, what would the final caster level of that item be ?