Naomi Chadwick's page

1,580 posts. Alias of Robert Henry.


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Hey GM Parrot, I'm moving the game off my que, would you send me a PM when we get started again?


Gosh, I don't know if I should be glad you've got freelance work lining up, or sad. Not having time to do the things you like is unfortunate. But eating is a good thing.... I hope things get manageable.

As for the game. It feels like you have a good idea, but not everything fleshed out enough to let us 'sand box.' Maybe take a break, and either come back with the idea when it's ready or something simpler.

Not exactly sure what Cooperpot is talking about, Naomi follows the odd half orc up the stairs.

GM Parrot wrote:

If we go with that, you had a partial night's sleep and then a very stressful early-early morning.

Let's go 'splorin?

If we go with that, Noami and fam we're still playing in her grandfathers pub...

Happy to 'splore tired, just pointing out the beginning so we don't retcon.

So Naomi would defer to her mom and or dad possibly even her older sister as person she thinks would be good to sit on a council.

If it's daytime, we've been up twenty-four hours what would we need to do after fighting undead most of the night?

Hey GM Parrot, I certainly don't mind helping put a few folks in charge and doing adventure work for them. I just don't want to be saddled with 'running' the town. Whether we 'delve' right now, or after a few things get put in place in the morning is fine.

GM Parrot wrote:
Thanks for your honesty! I was thinking a tour of town and some administering was in order, but I will advance the mini-crawl I have planned for the library to be the next thing!

Obviously, knowing what shape the town is in and some government administration are what needs to happen for the town. Are those things we're responsible for?

It would be foolish to stay up all night going on a crawl if we're the people who should be organizing the town in the morning. It is till the middle of the night right?

I agree that securing resources is a thing. We're four people, it's the middle of the night and a large town. Wouldn't waiting until morning and organizing seem like the prudent thing. Now if there is something we need to loot before the other looters get to it, that's different. But I have no idea what that would be.

And honestly, I have no desire to play 'town administrator' that's why I desperately wanted to dungeon dive in the necromancers pyramid.

Dominic of the Strands wrote:
I don't mean to absolutely detract from our current mission (which is?), but just suggesting maybe we put 'find the librarian' on our 'to do' list, increase our number of helpful NPCs in town (which is currently 1, the eager Marley Mason). If Oswald wants to find magic items, I think our best bet is the offices of Ulyssia and the other deans.

In theory it's the middle of the night after a world changing even.

GM are there any other 'emergencies' going on?

Players, is there really anything we need to do, now that we know the undead are stopped for the immediate future?

Not finding anything magical enough to point out, Naomi asks, "Well boys, since it's the middle of the night, should we check the librarians home? Or continue wandering around town aimlessly?"

Chuckling at Oswald's question, Naomi uses her newfound gift and attempts to detect magic.

Just a heads up. I'm headed out of town this afternoon. My laptop is broken enough I can't take it with me, so I won't be back online/in games until sometime Sunday afternoon

Rolling her eyes at Dominics comment about 'securing the area' Naomi had wanted to finally see inside that old pyramid. But it seemed that 'fate' had other things in mind for her and her new friends. As she sheaths her rapier, she moves beside the half orc asking, "So Oswald, the Main building? You mean the university or one of the wizards homes?"

Ok Parrot since the pyramid isn't happening instantly, where do you have in mind that we can get in?

Smiling at the amateur Naomi shrugs, "We were here, why not take a look inside." She waives at the fellow full of ideas as they head the other direction.

Sighing, Naomi gestures back the well they came, "Lead on boys, lead on."

Furrowing her brow at the comment of 'the plan' Naomi nods towards the door, "Try that crowbar a couple more times Oswald. I'm sure those weren't you best effort."

Hearing the loud "CRACK" Naomi looks towards the janitor, her eyes wide. "Oswald, is your arm ok?"

Looking from the large slab of rock towards her new companions, Naomi wonders aloud, "Let's see if it's magically locked." Lowering the tip of her rapier, she uses her innate magic to try and determine if there is magic used and what sort.

Using detect magic, will study for a few rounds to see what she can see. Do you need any rolls from her?"

Stopping at the door of the most dangerous darkest pyramid beside Oswald, Naomi looks at her rapier and wonders aloud. "Maybe I should have kept the rolling pin." Shrugging, she holds up her glowing rapier. "At least we'll be able to see the liquor cabinet."

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Realizing Oswald Copperpot was rushing to the dark pyramid to obviously raid the liquor cabinet Naomi quicky takes off after him. Calling over her shoulders, "Come on boys!" As She follows the janitor, she casts light on the tip of her rapier, just in case.

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But it is nice to know your GM won't go hungry....

No, I mean was there something you wanted to do other than checking out the necromancers tower?

Knowing her rapier will do little good against the skeletons and having left the rolling pin in her mother's kitchen, Naomi watches as Oswald rushes towards the skeletons, keeping a keen eye out for any other enemies.

perception: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (12) + 4 = 16

Trying not to pout, Naomi furrows her brow, "But we're already here may as well go in." She looks at the half orc janitor, hoping his hatred for all things wizardly will motivate him to want to mess up the necromancers stuff.

I'm figuring we're here, we may as well go in. Utuk, we're you leaning towards doing something else?

Looking towards Oswald and Utuk hoping they had better ideas than her, Naomi looks back towards the ratfolk holding the card. Gesturing towards the pyramid, "Well, the pyramid is a historical place and if the necromancer is alive he would be a creature from the past." She bites her lip, thinking the necromancer may now be undead, but she didn't want to speak it.

Dominic of the Strands wrote:
Dominic scratches his chin, "It seems we have a choice, leave the necromancer be and instead survey the land, or bother the wizard in his tower."

Didn't we watch the wizard die like the rest?

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Sorry, was waiting to see if anyone else wanted to get us started

Moving through the Necromancers district, Naomi is surprised by how much it has changed, without really changing. The last time she'd been here was on a dare. She had spent the night at Erica's house, along with several other girls. A sleepover birthday party that had started with a clown and cake, and ended with double dares. Erica had double dared her to go into the Necro district at midnight. Of course, not being willing to admit fear, she'd ran in and ran out, straight to the pyramid touching the marble and back. But even then, as it is now, the district was filled with squalor and squatters. Sure, some of the buildings had been smaller, or not there and other shacks had sat in their place. But the only building that seemed the same was the Black and white marble pyramid. Well, that wasn't completely true, thank the gods there had been no undead guardians that night.

Pausing a few yards in front of the skeletons, Naomi gestures towards them, "Well, their new."

Turning to the others she smiles and asks, "What do you think boys, they going to just let us pass?"

Surprised by the normally grumpy half orcs demeaner, Naomi "We should have leftovers in the ice box, but mom will want you to eat in the kitchen. she doesn't allow food in the parlor."

Going around to the back of the house, Naomi leads the 'boys' into the 'mud room' off of the kitchen, where her parents and sister were sitting talking about the night's events. Gesturing towards the wall, "Shoes on the floor, coats on the rack."

As she kicked her low boots off, she moved through the kitchen. "Boy's the Fam, Family, the boys."

As she heads towards the foyer and the stairs she calls back, "Mom Dominic needs a sling, can he use one of yours?" Pausing, "and Oswald is hungry do we have any crabcakes left?" Soon you can hear her thumping up the squeaky steps.

GM parrot would you NPC Naomi's mom, Gabriella, up to you if we really have a sling for Dominic or not

GM Parrot wrote:
Naomi: if you want to do some scene-sketching of the house, feel free!

Um, gosh, I was hoping you'd want to...

College professors home big enough to raise a couple kids? Not sure about what sort of houses are in town.

Her parents house being close to campus, Naomi leads he group the general direction of the university. Asking Dominic, "What sort of supplies would we need? My mom's an archeologist by trade, you'd be surprised what she has in storage."

She pauses looking at Dominic's size, "I know she has a sling lying around somewhere, human size. I guess we could cut the ends off, so you don't whack yourself."

Realizing she was still dressed for preforming with her father, Naomi asks. "Does anyone mind if we slip by my house so I can at least put on some armor and grab a couple of weapons?" She looks towards the big green smiling janitor. "It's right on the way to the tower."

Not waiting for anyone to answer she starts to head that way, "You boys can wait in the parlor while I change, I'm sure mom has something in the ice box to drink." As she moves, she wonders where they will get their ice from now that they are 'at sea.'

Nearing Utuk, Oswald, and Dominic, Naomi asks, "Should we check the necromancers tower, make sure there is no threat remaining?"

GM Parrot wrote:
The last skeleton tears into the town guard:

So one left?

Seeing the undead fall Naomi calls out, "Well done Morgenites! One remaining undead, overwhelm it!" Frowning as Theena goes down, and Hengist gets hit pretty hard! Quickly kneeling beside Theena, Naomi realizes she can't stop the bleeding.

Free action: Oratory: Inspire courage 3/10 rds. Move action, up to 30 ft trying to get to Theena without AOO's, Standard heal
heal: 1d20 ⇒ 12
For You All
Inspire Courage (Su): a +1 morale bonus on saving throws against charm and fear effects and a +1 competence bonus on attack and weapon damage rolls.

"Well Done Hemingway! Stand together people of Morgen, we shall not be defeated by our dying past!" As Naomi spoke she heard Jorgina screaming in mild panic at Arder's unconscious form.

Moving that direction, she called out, "Keep fighting Jorgina, I'll take care of Arden." Quickly nearing beside the unconscious form.

Realizing the worst problem was a vicious claw mark on Arden's chest, she tore Ardens sleeve off and stuffed it in the wound to slow the bleeding.

Free action: Oratory: Inspire courage 2/10 rds. Move action, up to 30 ft trying to Arden without AOO's Standard heal
heal: 1d20 ⇒ 17
For You All
Inspire Courage (Su): a +1 morale bonus on saving throws against charm and fear effects and a +1 competence bonus on attack and weapon damage rolls.

Parrot, do you want me to try and fight a 'city' map for the battle or shall we use 'minds eye'?

Concerned about the farmers only slightly more than she was the guards, Naomi intentionally moved in between the two groups. Remembering what her father had said about belief, 'If you don't think you can, you won't' She decides to encourage the folks fighting. "Stand together people of Morgen! Dark days may be upon us," She lifts the rolling pin high. "But if we stand together, we will succeed"

Move action, up to 30 ft trying to get between the two groups, Standard: Bardic performance: Oratory: Inspire courage 1/10 rds.
For You All
Inspire Courage (Su): a +1 morale bonus on saving throws against charm and fear effects and a +1 competence bonus on attack and weapon damage rolls.

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Seeing the rolling pin on the ground, Naomi's mind wanders a bit wondering which bakery's cook had been up early making pastries and had rushed out into the street, dropping their rolling pin. Picking up the kitchen utensil, without thinking, she looked at the handle to see if it had a name carved in it.

Pausing, she remembers there is a horde of undead needing dealt with, and continues following the ratfolk, half orc and shifter towards the scrum.

Hearing the janitor cry out something about 'Hogging all of them' she realizes the fellow is excited to fight the skeletons. She smiles to herself remembering his dislike for the wizards and realizes this is his opportunity to get even with the necromancer for all the comments at Oswald's expense.

As they move, she realizes Oswald expects Dominic to be in the thick of things. Rolling her eyes, she tells the janitor, "First of all Oswald, there's supposed to be an 'a' in there. It's providing me a flank. And second of all, that will be Utuk's and possibly my responsibility. If our new leader ends up in the thick of this, we have a bigger problems." As she talks she slaps the rolling pin in her hand, letting the world know she knows how to improperly use kitchen utensils.

Nice development on Mildred, out of curiosity what is the prevailing alignment of the city?

Relieved to see the crowd dispersing and Mildred helping move them along, Naomi notices Oswald heading towards the all out brawl on hardship street. Smiling to herself, 'Well if Oswald is familiar with one thing it is a brawl.' More worried about the walking dead than the brawling townfolk, she moves beside Oswald, pointing at the crowbar, asking, "You don't have another one of those do you?"

As she asks, she looks around for anything she way use to dissuade the dead.

A little worried about fighting undead unarmed and unarmored. Did any of the 'wizards' have a staff she could pick up as a quarterstaff? A watchman drop his 'beat-stick'? Do the undead carry weapons? Anything like that?
perception (looking for a legitimate weapon: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (4) + 4 = 8

Dominic of the Strands wrote:
Ok, I thought by stage you meant at the Tavern.

yeah.... no, my first post had her outside taking a break and stuff started to happen, she moved towards the towns octagon with the rest of the people.

Not that I assume people read my posts :)

Quite honestly, if I'm in a hurry and someone has a long post I just read where their speaking, so I do it too.

No, she was outside when the commotion started and headed towards the octagon, she approached the stage and climbed up it to speak to the crowd.

Naomi Chadwick wrote:

...she moves to the stage. Calling "Dominic what do we do?"

... Climbing on the stage she calls out, projecting her voice like her father had taught her. "Everyone get inside somewhere! If your homes are close, go there and open it to whoever you can. Everyone else, to the businesses, undead are coming intent on killing the living."

Dominic of the Strands wrote:
Naomi, I think Oswald and I are making our way towards you.

Why did I think you were called up to the main podium of the octagon?

Seeing the ratfolk following the half orc, Naomi turns to the skinwalker and shrugs. Jumping off of the stage she follows along behind the other two.

GM Parrot wrote:
Ok folks! I think we'll have Naomi rolling Diplomacy to calm the crowd and Oswald rolling Intimidate to force the panicky ones to follow orders even if they are panicking on the inside. Utuk can aid either effort. If you have some other cool way to solve this, anyone, take a shot and roll a relevant skill. I'll be checking your results vs. groups of common folk by road, hoping that some pass and some fail so you will have to clean up some streets the ol' fashioned way *bony knuckles cracking*

So do you want another roll, or are we applying the earlier one to diplomacy?

hey GM Parrot are any of the undead visible? It sounds like they are coming from the edges of town towards the necromancers tower, it that about right?

Hearing the dying worlds of the necromancer echo through the city, Naomi takes a second to use another 'cantrip' to try and detect the magic. Her eyes widening, she begins to cuss, "Blast!" Her father turns and looks towards her. shaking her head, "start getting the people back in the tavern, somethings coming."

As her father turns and starts to encourage folks to go back inside, she moves to the stage. Calling "Dominic what do we do?"

Seeing Oswald pull out a crowbar, she rolls her eyes. About to say something rude she realizes the only thing close to weapon she's carrying is basically a glorified steak knife. Climbing on the stage she calls out, projecting her voice like her father had taught her. "Everyone get inside somewhere! If your homes are close, go there and open it to whoever you can. Everyone else, to the businesses, undead are coming intent on killing the living."

Making a request to the crowd, not diplomacy but is oratory, hoping that will work.
Performance (oratory): 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (16) + 7 = 23

A quick question about Morgen's culture/society, would folks be walking around armed and armored? I know certain cultures during the renaissance wore rapiers. But would normal Morgenites be wearing blades or armor?

Dominic of the Strands wrote:
In my experience, 1 post a week is a more realistic expectation. Happy to have you here!


So, obviously I'm stoked that Utuk is still with us and we can work around however often they can post.

In my experience a pace can be set by the GM and majority of players that can be from posting once a week to posting three or four times a day. It really depends on what folks want to do.

Obviously if we want a faster pace having systems in place to do that helps, and if we want to discuss those things we can. But, happy with whatever pace Parrot wants to set :)

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In my opinion, three well crafted characters who will keep the game moving is almost perfect. If it is just the four of us, a discord channel would make chatting easier :)

Suprised by how easily she's able to levitate the stone, Naomi is distracted for a moment. Elbowing her father, gesturing towards the stone as the dying Ulyssia continues on about the "W." Hearing the transmuter begin their speech, Naomi lets the stone fall as the ancient wizard turns to stone.

Rolling her eyes as Oswald asks how much the task will pay, the half orc always seemed a glass half empty fellow to her.

She wasn't really worried about the University, knowing her mother and most of the other 'non' wizard professors could keep the 'W' intact. She looked around the 'octagon' realizing that it may actually be harder to keep the town itself intact.

She looks back to the podium where the Ulyssia and Kassander were nearly breathing their last. Not sure what else to ask, she calls out, "What words of wisdom do you have for us in this new world?"

A little cheesy, but wanted to post something.

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GM Parrot, do you use discord? Do we want a channel for this game?

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