
Nahualt's page

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Well the RPG sector no longer has a good general RPG magazine. WOuld it be too crazy for paizo to go for a RPG magazine? Even if it was on PDF?

Anyon remember a good one from Dungeon mag?

I want to interject it in AOW AP, for when the PCs go into Mistmarsh toward blackwall keep.

Also, is there anything like a dungeon index with adventure locations/levels of all the adventure?

( I remember seeing this, but it would so help at least having the issue number to ease my search)

Okay so I am considering skipping the "The Champion’s Belt" adventure and running "Expedition to the ruins of Greyhawk" as an alternative, what do you guys think?

any suggestions on how to incorporate it into the main plot?

Is anyone planning on running AOW under 4e rules?

I am working on my own conversion and would love to see anyone snotes or share ideas on encounter conversions.


I have yet to receive Dungeon Issue #124, also I never received Dungeon Issue #119.

I emailed Customer service the first time but never received and answer.

can you help me? can you send me those issues again?


I renewed on Wed, Dec 22, 2004, 04:45 PM the dungeon Magazine. Later I received a notification that my subscription was ending. On Wed, Feb 23, 2005, 10:26 AM I renewed to both magazines (Dragon and Dungeon), since my account info said they were over or almost over. After recently checking my account again it appears that I renewed 2 times to dungeon and 1 time to dragon, but on my subscription page it appears as if I renewed 2 times to dragon and one to dungeon. I have emailed you multiple times and have yet to receive an answer. Can I get a refund for the double subscription and get a full(and real) account on how many issue I have left on both of my current subscritions?

you can contact me at robjavnie@yahoo.com



I'm quoting Puk here who had an excellent Idea:

"Seeing how lots of people here are running, or planning on running the adventure path, I figured it might be worthwhile to bundle some of our experiences here. I'm thinking stuff like errata, faq, neat side-treks, how best to run certain encounters etc.

It might also be a good idea to bring together
some 'background' stuff on Cauldron, such as a timeline, or a description of certain NPC's or locations not detailed in Dungeon.

I've been working on a timeline based on what's been published sofar. I'll post it here when I'm ready. I also have some of the locations worked out in more detail, which I can put up here if anyone is interested. So how bout it? anyone interested?


so what have you done in cauldron?