
Red Rumboldt's page

4 posts. Organized Play character for Captain Phoenix.


Silver Crusade

"Vote Dwarf!"

So much talent and such a great idea for a contest!

Silver Crusade

Hubaris wrote:
Profession: Basket Weaver.

Profession: Underwater Basket Weaver.

Knowledge of healing and temple membership have proved rewarding so far, (but money is nothing compared to the joy of helping those in need). If the reckless bunch I usually end up with don't get us all killed, I'll spend the rest of my days in service to Torag. Hail Torag!

Silver Crusade

"Somebody mentioned those two special words..."

Silver Crusade

"Were may I perchase such a fine weapon? And can I get it with an emblem of Torag emblazoned on the head?"