
NPC - Sandara Quinn's page

30 posts. Alias of DancingShadow.


Sandara nods to Skulls, "I'll do my best, but I fear with the captain here lookin' over my shoulder, I'll have little to do." She grins and glances back at Gan.

Sandara looks over the edge. "Good luck out there. I'll make sure the ship stays in one piece while your're gone." A thoughtful look crosses her face for a moment. "Relatively speakin', course!"

Sandara walks up, yawning and stretching her arms. "What's all this, then?" She looks over the edge, pulling aside her red curls as they fall in front of her face. "Ahhh... A few stranded on the beach." She looks around for a moment and shrugs. "They askin' to be taken aboard?"

Sandara pulls herself up with the wheel and glances about. Her eyes fall on Torque still lying on the deck, in a heap against the fo'c'sle. "Torque!" She quickly unties herself and rushes down to the cleric, grabbing her holy symbol of Besmara. A pair of pulses of healing energy wash over the deck. Anyone within 30 ft of the forecastle heals 15 points of damage, especially Torque.

She kneels down near the half-orc, "Are you alright?"


Channel Energy #1: 2d6 ⇒ (5, 5) = 10
Channel Energy #2: 2d6 ⇒ (3, 2) = 5

"Then by my tally of the vote of the crew, it seems like Gan Laccaran is to be the new captain of the Man's Promise!" She gestures out across everyone assembled. "Does anyone object?"

"Well, unless Ragnar has a plan to offer, I think that's that." Sandara Quinn smiles and takes another short draw from the pipe, holding the smoke momentarily and then exhaling it. "Frankly, my vote's for Gan. I just know him better and he's got a better laid out plan."

She turns to look at the rest of the pirates on deck. "What say the rest of you?"

Badger, Barefoot, and Ratline as look at each other. Badger and Barefoot both shout "Gan!" while Ratline shouts "Ayaki!"

Sandara looks to Kroop.

Sandara looks around at the crew remaining standing. Those in presence are yourselves, as well as Ambrose "Fishguts" Kroop, Conchobhar Shortstone, Badger Medlar, "Ratline" Rattsberger, Barefoot Samms Toppin, and finally, Sandara Quinn herself.

"This ain't much of a crew, especially for a ship such as this. So we're goin' to be needin' a captain that can inspire others. Get them to join us."

She pulls a clay pipe from a pouch at her side and stuffs a bit of tobacco from the same pouch into it. "I'm wantin' someone as well that's aimin' to keep the Pirate Queen happy. Right now, I'm sure she's not so pleased with our actions." She grimaces and lights the pipe with a tindertwig.

"Best way for that is to be plunderin' and gettin' some wealth aboard this boat. I'm not sure how any of you would be doin' it, though." She takes a quick draw from the pipe, rolling the smoke around in her mouth for a moment before blowing it out in a puff. "What's say th' three of you present a plan, somethin' definable, to be gettin' us riches and we all decide which is the best. That person becomes the captain until their plan proves to be wrong." She grins and sticks the pipe in her teeth. "Sound good to you, Ayaki, Gan, and Ragnar?"

Sandara snorts in a very unlady-like manner. "If she'll survive for the time bein', I got little care as to her state. A bit of pain and sufferin' might do her some good." She takes a short pull on her pipe and lets the smoke roll around in her mouth a bit before exhaling. "I'm a follower of the Pirate Queen, not a nursemaid. She ain't one of my friends and long as she's on the mend, I've done my job for the time bein'."

Sandara sighs and looks at Sunny with an exasperated glare, "It's for that rotten sot Syl, ain't it?" She grumbles and sits forward, tipping the pipe upwards and pulling the skull-and-crossbones on the leather thong around her neck from underneath her shirt. "Here, take the water." She gestures and mumbles a prayer in a monotone voice that sounds completely unenthused. Water appears just above the bucket and fills it with a splash. "Honestly, Sunny, you should be here with the rest of us, discussin' the affairs of the ship, not tendin' to that worthless scum." She leans back in her chair and brushes a red lock from her face.

Sandara snorts and a bemused look crosses her face as she looks down and begins to fish around in one of her pouches. "Oh, I'm not sayin' that I can't steer th' ship. My father was a fisherman, afterall, so I've been around boats for most of my life." She pulls a small tin from her pouch and opens it, looking up at Aoro. "So, don't be gettin' your knickers in a twist. I can steer her just fine, I just don't want you to be gettin' a wrong idea about my familiarity with these waters." She pulls a piece of tobacco cake from the tin and crumbles it into the end of the pipe.

"I'm hurt that you'd question my character, Aoro. Oh and I've seen twenty-two summers." She sighs and fishes out a tindertwig, lighting it quickly on the chair and letting it burn a bit before lighting her pipe. "Been on the shore too long and I'm eager to see the world, or at least the rest of this corner of it."

"I know some of the area from tales, but I've not plied the waters for long." She sighs, "Been at sea for about three weeks afore Scourge took interest in me and had me dragged aboard the Wormwood. So that means I've been out at sea for what, six weeks now." She shakes her head, her red locks dancing about her face and shoulders. "I seriously doubt that's enough time to get to know the seas."

She pulls a clay pipe you've often seen her with from one of her pouches and places it between her teeth. "Besides, how old do you think I am?" She grins at Aoro with a slightly sparkle of mischievousness in her eyes.

"Well, I've never been the bookish type. Really, I've never studied magic formally, so I'm not that great at reading auras. Sorry, captain, but I don't think I can." She shrugs. "I can still give it a shot if you want me to, though."

Sandara's not trained in Spellcraft. It doesn't prevent her from trying, but she won't get the DCs by taking 10.

"I'm good with those appointments, but I think Jack's pretty old for a cabin boy. He's a fine hand on the deck at this point."

"At the very least, it'd make the ship harder for Harrigan or friends of his to spot without a thorough inspection," she grins slightly. "By then they'd likely have noticed us, though."

"In addition to the problem of getting to the outside of the boat, climbin' the hull is difficult. The water makes it slippery at best."

She pauses to listen to Ayaki, "I've held off Scourge's advances by tellin' him where to stick it. Made him more pissed than anythin' else." She ponders for a moment, "I might be able to distract one for a short bit, provided his interest is in women, but I'm not seductress. I've got the looks, but not the wherewithal to do it."

"I can try and captivate them with a spell, but that'd require waitin' until I pray for different magics, which I don't think we have the time for. I could also use a spell of silence, but there's the same problem."

"I think they're grateful for being taken on by Plugg, so their loyalty is to him. Plus, they're meetin' with him and his cronies, so they're probably gettin' promised the world right now."

She grins for a moment, "So, we've gotta offer them a better deal, right? How about not dyin' for one?"

"Well, let's see..." She pauses for a moment before continuing. "There's your six, myself, Kroop, Rosie, Conchobhar, Giffer, Jack, Tilly, Badger, Shivikah, Aretta, Barefoot, Ratline, and Maheem with us." As she speaks, each of them nods in turn, their expressions growing serious.

"Against us are Plugg, Scourge, Fipps, Jape, Syl, Narwhal, and four of the rahadoumi." She seems to count in her head for a second, "So, it's nineteen of us against ten of them... Wait... Somethin's off..." She pauses again, much longer this time.

"Owlbear! I forgot Owlbear! So it's twenty against ten." She turns to everyone and grins, "Two to one odds. Not bad, not bad. Maybe Besmara is smilin' of this lil' mutiny we're thinkin' about."

"End your quarrels on shore." Sandara frowns, "This not be the course of action I'm suggestin', at least not yet. We've got quarrels with the bastard, yah, but we should be waitin' till we make shore to do this." She sighs, "If he starts it however, I'm sure Besmara'd understand."

She pauses for a moment, "I wonder if there's a sandy beach near here..."

Sandara looks at you all, "This is either goin' to be a very long trip, or a very short one." A grim look crosses her face.

I've got a bit more o' Besmara's blessings, but then I'm out." She again holds forth her holy symbol and a wave of healing issues forth, healing everyone.

Sandara's Channel Energy: 2d6 ⇒ (5, 3) = 8

"Ahh... That feels a lot better." She shivers a bit and smiles to herself.


HP: 15/23
AC: 17/16/11
Speed: 20 ft
In Hand: Masterwork Rapier
Channel Energy: 1/5
Surge: 3/6
Copycat: 2/6
Spells Remaining:
0th - bleed, create water, purify food and drink, stabilize
1st - obscuring mist
2nd - slipstream
Effects: Instant Armor (11 rounds out of 3 minutes used)
Scrolls: cure light wounds, cure moderate wounds

Currently, it's still early morning.

"If I do, she'll wake an' you'll have an angry cuss to deal with."

"Well, I'd better get back to my duties for the time being. Any longer and my absence might be noted." She grins and walks up out of the bilges.

Passing by Sunny, she looks over at the elf. "Sunny, hun. It's gonna be strange if someone finds you sleeping with a wounded and unconscious woman who was supposed to be killing your friend."

Sandara seems to think for a moment. "I'd say from a quick judgment of the captain's character, he'd not care greatly unless there was a violation of his standing order... Which I believe was not to kill. No one's dead, so there was no violation."

She pauses again, "Which says nothing about how Plugg and Scourge are likely to react to their cronies failure." She glares at Fipps.

"Of course, Aoro." She whispers a soft prayer to the goddess of pirates and lays a hand on Aoro.

Cure Light Wounds: 1d8 + 3 ⇒ (5) + 3 = 8

"What should we do about him?" She points to Fipps, who looks to be midway between crying and bolting at this point.

Day 10

Daytime - Crab Bait

"Sandara Quinn, priestess of Besmara, cap'n." She looks a bit nervous, but manages to hold her cool pretty well.

Day 10

Daytime - Crab Bait

"Can't say that's my favorite thing to hear." She listens to everyone's as you all make your way back to the boat. "Hopefully one day, we'll have our own boat. We'll be the officers then."

Day 10

Daytime - Crab Bait

"Whew! That was somethin'!" Sandara takes a look at her arm and checks to see that the wound isn't infected.

She turns to Sunny as the woman splashes her. "Alright, alright, I'll heal ya'." She focuses for a moment, the holy symbol of Besmara glowing beneath her shirt. A wave of healing energy spreads out from her.

Channel Energy: 2d6 ⇒ (4, 4) = 8

"Ahh, better. How are you feelin' Sunny?"

Day 10

Daytime - Crab Bait

Combat - Round 3

Standard Action: Attack
Attack Roll: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (10) + 5 = 15
Damage: 1d6 + 2 ⇒ (6) + 2 = 8

Sandara thrusts again with her rapier, the tip finding a crack in the creature's carapace.

Day 10

Daytime - Crab Bait

Combat - Round 2

Free Action: Speak
Full-Round Action: Charge

Sandara shouts, "Oh no, you don't! Those're our crabs!"

She rushes at the reefclaw attempting to spirit away the loose pot of crabs, a small wave forming behind her and pushing her along.

Sandara's Charge Attack: 1d20 + 5 + 2 ⇒ (14) + 5 + 2 = 21 vs AC 13 Hit
Damage: 1d6 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 2 = 4

The blade of the rapier finds a crack in the reefclaw's chitinous carapace and slides in smoothly, ichor flowing into the water.

Day 10

Daytime - Crab Bait

Free Action: Speak
Move Action: Draw Weapon
Standard Action: Cast a Spell

"And here I was thinkin' it'd be a relatively peaceful day..." She shakes her head and pulls her rapier. Sandara casts a spell, "Besmara, I ask for the grace of water!"

Spellcraft DC 17:
She cast slipstream.

Day 10

Daytime - Crab Bait

"Well, time to give this a shot." Sandara hunts for a crab and spotting one, dives down to grab it. She snags the crab easily and returns to the surface, stuffing it in the pot.

Take 10 on Perception: 10 + 3 = 13
Take 10 on Swim: 10 + 5 = 15