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![]() Sandru "And besides maybe some young blood. Like the men you have brought is what is needed here. I know if you came to ask me to help you hunt goblins I will have to turn you down, Shal. I have to many responsibilities now to go tromping through the swamp." Sandru looks a little forlorn like he wishes he didn't have other things to do. ![]()
![]() Sandru The dashing caravan owner comes into the room carrying a bottle of Black Jack. He sets it on the table with a few shot glasses and asks, "What have you ladies been talking ab..." he starts to ask as the front door opens. Shalelu and two strange men walk into the Rusty Dragon and Sandru's smile turns into a frown. "I know that look, Shalelu. It means their is trouble. Isn't there." he says popping the cork and starting to fill a glass with the thick dark liquid. ![]()
![]() Father Grimburrow The old wrinkled padre looks at Aral with a slight frown. "Harrowstone killed the professor - my friend - and I think it best to leave that haunted place and it's restless spirits alone." He finishes his small meal and stands, "If you go to Harrowstone young man know that you should, like Petros did, make sure your affairs are in order. The church here has no Templars or paladins, we are a small congregation that caters to the needs of the common folk. I advice not going to Harrowstone and if you do you make sure you are well equipped." A man looking like a farmer stands close but out of hearing range. He watches wringing his hands nervously. "I have to go. You and your friends should think long and hard before you temp the Mistress of Fates. Or you may see her in another of her aspects... the Lady of Graves. Good day." ![]()
![]() Local Farmer A man glances at the group standing outside the church. His wool pants and homespun shirt tell he must be a local farmer, and he carries a cloth wrapped bundle under one arm. He gives those remaining outside a glance before muttering. Perception DC 10:
"Probably godless heathens if they can't even enter a temple."
Last chance to build a little trust. ____________________________________
Aral sees Father Grimburrow at the altar at the far side of the room. He watches as people enter, standing calm before the altar of Pharasma. Aral smells sweet aromas in the air. Almost like stepping into a baker's shop. ![]()
![]() "Yes I must prepare," he says looking at the people gathering. "Conduct your search with my blessing and let me know what you find if anything." He then turns to walk away saying hello to some of the parishioners as he passes them. There you have permission (for the Diplomacy roll before). Now just need to know all players are set to go back to The Restlands and I will fast forward the game to there. |