
Mus's page

Organized Play Member. 22 posts (187 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character. 5 aliases.

Organized Play Character

Wayfinders Good/Bad

agender Android Mystic 1 (0 posts)


Shalelu Andosana
Eva Bentham

Eva AC:17(FF:14/T:13)CMD:16 HP:28/28 Saves-FO:+4 RE:+6 WL:+1 1st Expert/2nd Alchemist F Elf Defenses: +2 vs. Enchantments, Immune to Sleep Limited Abilities: Bomb:6/6 Hero Points:3 (24 posts)
Imp Lemayian

agender strix monk (zen archer) 2 (9 posts)
Naomi Gilmour

CG female changeling cleric // inquisitor of Shelyn 1 | HP 9/9 | AC 20, touch 12, flat-footed 19, CMD 9 | Init +3, Perception +8, Sense Motive +9 (60 posts)
Duke Leonard Centimus
Prosperity Jann

nonbinary half-elf witch (alley witch) 7 (47 posts)
Spencer Bevel

male halfling swashbuckler (inspired blade) 5 / pathfinder chronicler 1 | ac 23, touch 18, flat-footed 16 | fort +5, ref +13, will +4 | hp 48/48 (25 posts)