Sir Holton

Mulban's page

Organized Play Member. 238 posts (308 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 2 aliases.


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I have stopped by to let all of you know, I've already taken steps necessary to ensure that before the inevitable heat death of the universe, one of the very last things that will ever actually happen, an automated message bearing my name will be posted to this thread. That is why all of you are wasting your time.

Ranger Alissa wrote:

How can you plan with a wooden head like that.

The angle I hold it helps, as does having a bottom jaw.

Even now my plan continues on.

Mr Jacobs,
How much of a lock is the August time frame?

You can speak underwater, you may not be understood. I don't think being understood is the point of verbal components anyway.

My plan is totally working.

By the time I ran that adventure, Second edition was what was in. I totally ignored that part of the players not having Gifts. White Wolf certainly did.

Obviously my plan is working, still!

Whoa, it's been too long since I've posted here. Good thing I am now closer to victory, huh?

I'm reduced to using the msg boards...

I know there are a few people on the boards from there. I have to get some stuff done to my Jeep on Friday. What should I do?

I signed up for the PFS game on Sunday, so I got that covered. (and I totally swear I am going to make a character for that real soon.)

*Checks date* Holy crap guys, I've been neglecting my promise to steal victory from you. I hope you all can forgive me while I win.

*Sneaks in and steals the win*

Valcrist wrote:

Interesting discussion. Lets see...

As far as odd, interesting ideas that I've had for games, and never been able to do? Probably the top of my list is running a Vampire: the Masquerade game with the players playing Sabbat. I like the concept of the sect, and the ideology behind it. Up until now I haven't felt I've had a mature enough group to run one. Well, at least one that didn't end up being a cluster@#$% of violence and bloodletting. Now that both I and my players are older I'm thinking about it again... assuming I can drag myself away from Pathfinder for long enough.

I have run such a game, for about 6 months. The great thing about OWOD was that even bad guys like the Sabbat have a wonderful selection of bad guys. And trying to do horrible things is not always easy. At first the players really ran with the bloodlust, and it kinda creeped them out. Which was pretty interesting. Then I made sure that their actions had consequences, after killing their 3rd cabbie none of them would stop within 4 blocks of their place.

The game background was pretty simple. The group were a newly formed coven in the bad part of St Louis, I picked a city none of us knew anything about. They then got into a fight a gang of Anarchs and the Followers of Set that were supplying them with drugs. It was the mid 90's, and I got a lot of inspiration from Tarantino movies.

It was fun, but the group was made up of old friends. That is pretty important with these types of games.

Play whatever you at your wedding, just show me where the open bar is.

Using my new strategy of coming by once a week to post in this thread.
See you suckers next week!

Going to have a beer with this victory.

*Comes in from nowhere and steals the victory*

Voted, with pride, for my fellow Virginian. Good luck Sam!

Am I obligated to post in every FaWtL thread, since I posted in the last one?

Guys, she is obviously a puppet of the Illuminati. inati-manifesto/

TriOmegaZero wrote:
My wife the psychology major mentioned that diagnosing mental illnesses over the internet is a highly debated topic in the profession, so currently no one posting here is qualified to diagnose Shuriken.

Nobody is trying to diagnose him. He makes offensive posts, he needs to be shown the door. That's how I'm seeing this.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Yeah, there's been people like this on other boards I've been on. They get banned, and they should be.

Yes, Yes, No.

Mairkurion {tm} wrote:

Oh man. That's a good rowdy one I haven't heard in a while (fiddled so its the way I remember it). And just in time for St. Pats!

Good to meet another fan of Charlie Mopps, not just his song but his invention as well.

I'm taking the simplistic approach to this victory.

I liked the version with the voice-over the best. Ending not-withstanding.

A long time ago, way back in history,
when all there was to drink was nothin but cups of tea.
Along came a man by the name of Charlie Mops,
and he invented a wonderful drink and he made it out of hops.

He must have been an admiral a sultan or a king,
and to his praises we shall always sing.
Look what he has done for us he's filled us up with cheer!
Lord bless Charlie Mops, the man who invented beer beer beer
tiddly beer beer beer.

The Curtis bar, the James' Pub, the Hole in the Wall as well
one thing you can be sure of, its Charlie's beer they sell
so all ye lads a lasses at eleven O'clock ye stop
for five short seconds, remember Charlie Mops 1 2 3 4 5

He must have been an admiral a sultan or a king,
and to his praises we shall always sing.
Look what he has done for us he's filled us up with cheer!
Lord bless Charlie Mops, the man who invented beer beer beer
tiddly beer beer beer.

A barrel of malt, a bushel of hops, you stir it around with a stick,
the kind of lubrication to make your engine tick.
40 pints of wallop a day will keep away the quacks.
Its only eight pence hapenny and one and six in tax, 1 2 3 4 5

He must have been an admiral a sultan or a king,
and to his praises we shall always sing.
Look what he has done for us he's filled us up with cheer!
Lord bless Charlie Mops, the man who invented beer beer beer
tiddly beer beer beer.

The Lord bless Charlie Mops!

Whatever. A bunch of 1's a 0's don't count as a post.

(Fully realizes that, technically, all posts are really a bunch of 1's and 0's.)

Seriously, nobody has won this yet?

Irv wrote:

And I fly so high when I'm stoned.

I win

When you finish the process of coming down, you will realize that I have won!

Sorry X, I already told you I'm going to win.

You guys aren't even good enough to be Highlander 2. I'm going to win this. Maybe not with this post, or next one I make. But soon, everybody already knows this, you all might as well concede now.

I don't know Cos, another thread would just pop up in it's place. Then your just stomping out little fires all day. Much better that this be the last post.

I'm pretty sure I just won this!

What did you win?

I don't even know what FAWTLhouse is. Now I'm part of it? Are there meetings? More importantly, do I have to pay dues? I'm not giving any of you people any money. Except Paizo itself, that's different.

You've won nothing.

You're not paying me all this money just to sit around, are you?

The next poster put their finger somewhere interesting last night.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Every cure spell comes with a week of workmans comp.

Hunting and Fishing are always class skills.

The bard wears black.

ewan cummins wrote:

Thanks for your service!

68W for the win! :)

I wish you luck in all endeavours.

Are you active or were you?

I just wanted to point out that there are over 37,000 posts in this thread. There was no point to that sentence, just an observation.

I never really had faith (in God), even as a child. I've considered it to be more of a personal failing than anything having to do with organized religion or anything like that. I enjoy reading the arguments, when done well, of both sides. I would never mock anybody for their spiritual beliefs, just like I don't mock people for the color of their skin or for their love of pony cards.

I'm actually thinking of trying again with the church. I don't know how faith works. But I think I can help my community more with the church than I can without it.

Oh, I guess that's worth playing for then.

We played the hell out of Tie Fighter. Y-wings should be known as rebel coffins. A-wings could be problems, B-wings were to be avoided head on. X-wings were interesting. But you actually spent most of the game fighting other imperials.

I want to see a Privateer type game updated. I thought Freelancer was decent, but not enough to do outside your ship. I couldn't finish Privateer, I had killed so many pirates they wouldn't team up with me even for a few minutes.

What do we win again?

I started the series with Dead Beat, didn't realize or care at the time, that it was part of a series. I was hooked after tho, and went back and read the series more or less in order.

I thought Fool Moon was fine, I didn't care for Proven Guilty, the one after Dead Beat. That was the one I got half way through, lost, gave up on. Then I found it for my Kindle and thought it was OK.

OK, I've been back for two months now. But I just finally got a stable internet connection in my apartment, oh and I got an apartment. Turns out my unit appreciated me being their medic for 11 months while in Iraq, and I appreciate them doing this for me.

Life has been pretty good since I have been back. Met a girl from Ft Worth who is only interested in me physically, and expects no commitment. Which I admit, I am a bit torn about. But she has her life, and I respect that.

There are a lot of new people around here, or maybe old people with new names. These boards always did confuse me. But I promise I will try to be more active here, and not just in chat once or twice a week. BTW, do we still do movie night?

48. After every fight with a BBEG, tell the group "It was all a dream..." Tell them they wake up without any levels or loot they have accumulated throughout the campaign.

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