Sir Holton

Mulban's page

Organized Play Member. 238 posts (308 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 2 aliases.

I know there are a few people on the boards from there. I have to get some stuff done to my Jeep on Friday. What should I do?

I signed up for the PFS game on Sunday, so I got that covered. (and I totally swear I am going to make a character for that real soon.)

OK, I've been back for two months now. But I just finally got a stable internet connection in my apartment, oh and I got an apartment. Turns out my unit appreciated me being their medic for 11 months while in Iraq, and I appreciate them doing this for me.

Life has been pretty good since I have been back. Met a girl from Ft Worth who is only interested in me physically, and expects no commitment. Which I admit, I am a bit torn about. But she has her life, and I respect that.

There are a lot of new people around here, or maybe old people with new names. These boards always did confuse me. But I promise I will try to be more active here, and not just in chat once or twice a week. BTW, do we still do movie night?

It pains me to do this, but I would like all my subscriptions canceled after Kingmaker. I need to start saving money for when I become a poor college kid. I'll keep an eye out for anything I might want in the future.

Thanks for everything guys.

I finally got this order, only to find it incomplete. It was 6 issues of Kobold Quarterly and Chez Geek. Only, Chez Geek was missing.
Could you put it in with order #1344696? From what I understand it is going to ship on Tuesday.

Thank you!

OK, I simply cannot find the change of address button anywhere. Even tho I use it somewhat frequently. If you send me either a private message or an e-mail I will give you my new address.

Although, I could just post it here for all I care. It's not like you could stalk me with it even if you did come to Iraq.

Thanks again!

Going on another deployment starting next Monday. Going to have to ask that my subscriptions be put on hold. When I get my new address, I will be sure to get it to you.

Thanks in advance!

Hey guys,
Why do you guys insist on sending stuff to my old address in Oklahoma? Can I get this order to go to Texas instead? I didn't have this problem last week.

Thanks in advance!

I have a new address, but I can't find out where to do that. It seems this happens every year to me, and I would be able to remember, but I don't.


Hello, I said I would follow up here, keep me informed as to the status of that order. I will have to put my subs on hold soon regardless tho.

Thanks again.

Hey guys, I got an e-mail about an hour ago stating the adress this order is getting shipped to is my old address. I'd hate if that package went all the way to Baghdad before someone realized it wasn't correct.

Please use my address at Fort Sill, Oklahoma.

Thank you for your time.

Hey man, sorry I haven't been that active as of late. But I did resolve that one issue that held up my subscription.

BTW, what is going on with that order I placed a few weeks ago? It shows as inactive. Hit me up and let me know, please.

OK, I've been lazy and haven't updated my contact info. I am taking the time to do this now. The only problem is I can't figure out how to do this, can you either give me a link or shoot me an e-mail so we can get this straightened out?

Thanks bunches, man!

I have a bit of problem. Not a bad problem, I will be leaving Iraq by the end of this month. Finally. I got an e-mail stating Pathfinder #2 will be shipping in about a week. Is there anyway you can hold on to it for me until I get you a new address?

That may not be until I get back to Ft. Sill. Which may not occur til the end of November. I am going on leave the begining of December, and won't be back until January. But I can deal with them waiting in the Hospital mail room at Sill, as opposed to them getting lost in mail limbo somewhere in the Middle East.

Is this at all feasible Cos?

I was hoping to peruse some Old World of Darkness boards just for nostalgia sake and the page just doesn't work. Link Here. It's been down for a few hours now and I was wondering if there were any particular reason for it other than, "It's just down."

When can we expect our first introduction to this new world Pathfinder will be taking place in?

I'm very excited about the prospect, and I think you guys might be needing more than monsters to flesh this world out. But that will probably have to wait for now.

I was trying to pick out a new feat from my now 4th lvl Dwarven Fighter when I noticed Improved Shield Bash. I understand what the feat does, but I can't find what good bashing someone with your shield is. I suppose it could be used as a blunt weapon against skeletons. But other than that, I can't see the purpose. Also, how much damage does it do? And can it be done with a Tower Shield?

Thanks for any and all help.

This is the medic in Baghdad and the 351 that had to be resent to me has finally arrived. Thank you. Putting it in the bag prolly helped it not get "misplaced" by the many hands between there and here.

Thanks again.