MrTim's page

11 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


Necroing this to ask if anyone has a map of the Uqtaal Necropolis appropriately sized for Roll20 (140 pixels per square). I have been going nuts trying to get the darn thing to fit the Roll20 grid, to the point where I'm thinking either the map grid in the module is not made up of squares or I personally am some sort of non-Euclidian being.

Technically, by the rules as written, attacking doesn't break the Stealth if the attacker maintained cover for the whole attack. I think it's reasonable to say that the attacker temporarily lost cover for the opponent he/she/it attacked, though, requiring another Stealth check. Common sense and strict interpretation of the rules both should have allowed the attacker to maintain cover against the others.

Excellent. Thanks!

Apologies, I appear to have double posted!

Hi, I originally posted this in Website Feedback, but nobody has commented and I guess it really is a customer service issue, so here goes:

I wanted to shop for some Feng Shui PDFs, but when I click on "Feng Shui" or any other product line on the Atlas PDFs page it just refreshes the Atlas page. The product line pages are, as far as I can tell, the only one to get at the actual products to add them to my shopping cart, so I'm stumped as to how to buy an Atlas Games PDF.

Hi, I originally posted this in Website Feedback, but nobody has commented and I guess it really is a customer service issue, so here goes:

I wanted to shop for some Feng Shui PDFs, but when I click on "Feng Shui" or any other product line on the Atlas PDFs page it just refreshes the Atlas page. The product line pages are, as far as I can tell, the only one to get at the actual products to add them to my shopping cart, so I'm stumped as to how to buy an Atlas Games PDF.

I wanted to shop for some Feng Shui PDFs, but when I click on "Feng Shui" or any other product line on the Atlas PDFs page it just refreshes the Atlas page. The product line pages are, as far as I can tell, the only one to get at the actual products to add them to my shopping cart, so I'm stumped as to how to buy an Atlas Games PDF.

So to engage in a little bit of thread necromancy, has anyone ever come out with an official description of what constitutes "properties" for purposes of the Spellcraft check to identify the properties of a magic item? It's infuriatingly vague as written.

Looks like it's working now.

When downloading the updated Bestiary, the "Single File" download link doesn't work and the "One File per Chapter" download link lets me download the book as a single file. I don't know if I'm the only one having this problem.

ChrisO wrote:
Wanted to stop by and give a hearty thanks to Greg, or whomever it was who came up with the Soul Eater.

Actually, the Soul Eater is from an old X-series module back in the 80s (X4: Master of the Desert Nomads by Dave Cook) and was, as implied in the stat block, resurrected in Necromancer Games' Tome of Horrors.

Does remembering the origin of the Soul Eater (and being able to pull the module off my shelf) make me a grognard? Or just old?

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Sali Rom




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