
Mr Clint's Sunless Citadel's page

105 posts. Alias of Mr Clint.


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Hey, I wanted to give everyone a heads up that we are leaving for vacation today for a week. I will have my computer and internet and expect that I will be able to post, but just incase I miss a day or two that is why.

Interactive Map

Syrian and Emma both have attacks that go wide from their targets. Firing around the entryway and into combat makes it difficult for most.

Initiative: Round 2


Meiril/Boros/Alden you’re up! What do you do?

Alden Cooperson 12/12 | Boros the Snake 8/8 | Emma of Wye 11/11 | Meiril Malwood 8/8 | Syrain Blowblossom 8/8

Interactive Map

Round 1
Alden moves up and attacks out at the goblin with an attack that he thoughts should have dropped the creature, but it is still standing. Following that is three attacks by his other party members that all miss.

The goblins attack out, one on Boros and two on Alden. All of them miss. The one goblin that Alden though should have fallen does.

Initiative: Round 1

Emma Syrian you’re up! What do you do?

Alden Cooperson 12/12 | Boros the Snake 8/8 | Emma of Wye 11/11 | Meiril Malwood 8/8 | Syrain Blowblossom 8/8

DM Screen:

Attack on Albin: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (9) + 2 = 11
DMG: 1d6 ⇒ 5

Attack on Albin: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (5) + 2 = 7
DMG: 1d6 ⇒ 3

Attack on Boros: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (11) + 2 = 13
DMG: 1d6 ⇒ 3

Interactive Map

Surprise Round
Alden, prepared with his javelin, launches it with full strength and it strikes the goblin. Skewering it through its middle. The creature falls. Meiril quickly loosens a bolt from his crossbow, striking true but doesn’t appear to do much damage.

Initiative: Round 1


Syrian, Boros, Emma. You are up for your surprise round. Also, you can state what you will do in round 1 like Alden did if you’d like.
Opening the door you have a surprise around. After everyone goes, then we will jump into Round 1. Reminder, surprise round is move or standard action. What do you do?

Alden Cooperson 12/12 | Boros the Snake 8/8 | Emma of Wye 11/11 | Meiril Malwood 8/8 | Syrain Blowblossom 8/8

Interactive Map

Once your questioning is over, you are led through a doorway that heads north off of the corridor with the pillars. One of the Kobold guards unlocks the door, then disarms a trap in this first hallway.

You are told that once you are in the L-shaped hallway Where you currently are on slide 7 that they will relock and set the trap once again. They also tell you that goblins are on the other side of the secret door and tell you how to open it.

Initiative: Round 1


Opening the door you have a surprise around. After everyone goes, then we will jump into Round 1. Reminder, surprise round is move or standard action. What do you do?

Alden Cooperson 12/12 | Boros the Snake 8/8 | Emma of Wye 11/11 | Meiril Malwood 8/8 | Syrain Blowblossom 8/8

DM Screen:

Boros: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (11) + 2 = 13
Alden: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (13) + 0 = 13
Meiril: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (15) + 0 = 15
Emma: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 = 4
Syrian: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (14) + 3 = 17
X: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (6) + 1 = 7

Interactive Map

Yusdrayl listens to the questions and answers accordingly.

“The dragon-thieving goblin tribe serve the Outcast. He lives below, growing the fruit that the goblins and the humans above desire. Desire so much that a few of them came down to seek out that fruit, but never returned.”

“The Outcast has other pets too, twig blights. They’re more numerous in the Twilight Gove below where he grows the fruit.”


You believe that she is telling the truth. She seems open with the information she is giving, you think that is largely impart due to the fact that the goblins are a pain to her tribe and if you are able to get rid of them it would be better for her kobolds.

She continues, “There are two ways you can go. We have a shortcut that will get you closer to where the goblins are. The other way was taken by the humans who came before. You might find more information about them there.”

What do you do?

Alden Cooperson 12/12 | Boros the Snake 8/8 | Emma of Wye 11/11 | Meiril Malwood 8/8 | Syrain Blowblossom 8/8

No questions for the leader? If not I can have her direct you where to go.

Interactive Map

A smile crosses Yusdrayl’s face when you mention that you want to stop the goblins also. “Good, we can come to an agreement. If you return the dragon to us, I shall grant you a reward from one of our treasures.” as she motions to the back of her throne that has several items upon it, along with the key. “Anything that you find among the goblins tribe is also yours for the taking. All we want in return is our dragon.” Looking to the Meiril; “and we will make sure that it does not harm your people.”

“What else would you like to know before continuing on?”

Meiril thinks on the differences of dragons, and does not come to any solid conclusion besides common lore.

What do you do?

Alden Cooperson 12/12 | Boros the Snake 8/8 | Emma of Wye 11/11 | Meiril Malwood 8/8 | Syrain Blowblossom 8/8

Interactive Map

When asked again about the color of the dragon Meepo seems confused “astahii re qanesc hefoc ternesji.” thinking for a second, he chomps his teeth; “hefoc dout othi.”


“They are shiny like polished stones.” thinking for a second, he chomps his teeth; “Like your teeth.”

Check Interactive Map slide 6
Meepo leads you down the hall, and you take the first corridor that opens to a larger room. Deterioration and decay thrive here as everywhere; however, a double row of relief-carved marble columns march the length of the hall. The worn carvings depict entwining dragons. Three small horned kobolds patrol this area. When they first see the group they draw their weapon, until they see Meepo. Meepo speaks to them in draconic.

Meepo informs them that he is leading you to see Yusdrayl, the tribe’s leader.

The three of them fall in line behind the group of you down the hallway to a smaller 20-ft x 20-ft room. A short throne stands near the west wall, constructed of fallen bits of masonry stacked against an old altar. A small, horned figure in red-dyed robes sits in the throne, and a force of six kobolds guard her. The altar’s top contains a variety of small items, while the portion of the altar that serves as the throne’s back features a carving of a rearing dragon. A metallic key is held firmly in the rearing dragon’s open mouth.

Not all of you can fit in the room, but the opening is made in a way that a larger number of guest can all be seen. Meepo kneels before the robed kobold. “ tiichi Yusdrayl! wux lead vur soves udoka. yth slathalin seanf wer anqu svih vur astahii vessa hesi darastrix. nomenoi xiekivi re thurirli vur offer ekess letoclo gjahall anqui ihk bensvelk vur majak hesi darastrix.” Meepo stays kneeling.


“Praise Yusdrayl! You lead and guide us. We fight against the goblin tribe and they steal our dragon. These people are friends and offer to help defeat goblins for good and return our dragon.” Meepo stays kneeling.

The robed female kobold looks from Meepo to the five of you standing there, studying you. Taking in your armor, weapons, dire rat. She begins to speak, in common. “I am Yusdrayl, leader of the frostclaw tribe.” she says expecting honor to be shone; “Is it not custom to kneel before the leader of another tribe among your kind? Human, elf, halfling?” She looks to Meepo; “Our Keeper of Dragons is a bit excitable. He tells me you come to rid us of the goblins, and to return our dragon. Is this true?”

What do you do?

Alden Cooperson 12/12 | Boros the Snake 8/8 | Emma of Wye 11/11 | Meiril Malwood 8/8 | Syrain Blowblossom 8/8

Interactive Map

Meepo agrees to help and continue to be your friend. He turns towards the door and speaks in draconic to those on the other side. Those who know draconic will know that Meepo is telling those on the other side that it is him “Meepo, Keeper of Dragons” and he has helpful friends. Syrian/Meiril will translate.

You see the door open and there is a 20x20 square room that has a table knocked over on the side with three crossbow wielding kobolds on the other side. Meepo stands in the way waving his arms. He explains to the other kobolds that these tall folk have promised to return the tribes dragon and rid them of the goblin plague.

Upon hearing this the three get pushy with Meepo and speak demandingly at him to see “Yusdrayl on her dragon throne.”

Meepo nods aggressively and turns to the group. “Confn! ve clax wux ekess Yusdrayl hesi svih maekrix. jaciv visp wux svaklar wux zklaen gethrisj.” as Meepo tries to pull you towards the westward hallway.


“Come! Me take you to Yusdrayl our tribe leader. She tell you where you must go.”

Alden Cooperson 12/12 | Boros the Snake 8/8 | Emma of Wye 11/11 | Meiril Malwood 8/8 | Syrain Blowblossom 8/8

Interactive Map

As the Alden and Syrian move into defensive potions to flank the door, Meepo rushes double move, provokes from Meiril/Boros/Alden/Syrian if you wish to take it past everyone to push his back against the door. “wux tir ti lekar. Meepo zklaen clax wux sjek wux gethrisj jalklar persvek svih okarthel.”


As the Alden and Syrian move into defensive potions to flank the door, Meepo rushes double move, provokes from Meiril/Boros/Alden/Syrian if you wish to take it past everyone to push his back against the door. “You do not enter. Meepo must lead you if you go anywhere in clan home.”

Initiative: Round 1


You are all up again, Emma you can take 2 actions to make up for last round. What do you do?

Alden Cooperson 12/12 | Boros the Snake 8/8 | Emma of Wye 11/11 | Meiril Malwood 8/8 | Syrain Blowblossom 8/8

sorry I hid initiative within the draconic spoiler box. Here is what it is.

Initiative: Round 1
Meepo Holding unless engaged with


You are all up, Meepo will hold its turn unless it is engaged with. What do you do?

Alden Cooperson 12/12 | Boros the Snake 8/8 | Emma of Wye 11/11 | Meiril Malwood 8/8 | Syrain Blowblossom 8/8

Interactive Map

Meepo’s cocks his head sideways; “Meepo itrewica tiichi de kemir. darastrix ternocki qanesc hefoc ternesji” Then it looks towards Boros as he tools with the trap. “Thric! wux ti gethrisj persvek mobi!”

In that moment Boros, who is working on a trap, hears a click and split seconds later the swoosh of an arrow as it just flies past him. You get the sense that you failed disarming the trap and you triggered it instead.

Boros hears the sounds behind the door growing louder. Initiative


Meepo’s cocks his head sideways; “Meepo got badges from training. Dragon scales shiny like stones” Then it looks towards Boros as he tools with the trap. “No! You not go in there!”

Initiative: Round 1
Meepo Holding unless engaged with


You are all up, Meepo will hold its turn unless it is engaged with. What do you do?

Alden Cooperson 12/12 | Boros the Snake 8/8 | Emma of Wye 11/11 | Meiril Malwood 8/8 | Syrain Blowblossom 8/8

[spoiler=DM Screen]
Attack: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (7) + 2 = 9
DMG: 1d6 ⇒ 2

Boros: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (8) + 2 = 10
Alden: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (10) + 0 = 10
Meiril: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (5) + 0 = 5
Emma: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (17) + 1 = 18
Syrian: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (4) + 3 = 7
Meepo: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (11) + 1 = 12
X: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (7) + 1 = 8

Meiril looks over the scratches. You cannot tell if he was beaten or if they happened naturally in Meepo’s life, but you know the kobold called them “honor badges” because he is “Keeper of Dragons.”

Alden uses Detect Evil and only finds a faint aura of evil in this creature. You get the sense that the faint aura is there because of the natural evil nature of kobolds and their tribes.

Seeing the Goodberries, Meepo’s eyes widen. He quickly snatches them from Emma and eats them quickly. You get the sense that either food is scarce or that berries are rare.

When asked about big men take your dragons Meepo shakes his head; “thric, coi jahus wer anqui!” Meepo starts to get worked up; “wer anqui stole Calcryx, wer svih darastrix.” Then Meepo looks as if he has an idea; “wux letoclo itrewic darastrix spical? Meepo clax wux ekess tafiaf wer maekrix, Yusdrayl. wux ti ouith Meepo, si fehlim wux tokeq gogetoi. wux inglata ekess itrewic darastrix, maekrix xurwk d'nag ekess wux, anyui dout visidarkic.”


When asked about big men take your dragons Meepo shakes his head; “No, it was the goblins!” Meepo starts to get worked up; “The goblins stole Calcryx, the clan’s dragon.” Then Meepo looks as if he has an idea; “You help get dragon back? Meepo take you to meet the leader, Yusdrayl. You not hurt Meepo, I grant you safe passage. You promise to rescue dragon, leader make nice to you, answer your questions.”

What do you do?

Alden Cooperson 12/12 | Boros the Snake 8/8 | Emma of Wye 11/11 | Meiril Malwood 8/8 | Syrain Blowblossom 8/8

Interactive Map

Since we are out of rounds Boros can be doing this while the conversation is happening. I’ll allow take 20 on Spot checks. But since taking 20 also means you roll a 1, any locks/traps will need to be rolled since failure by 5 or more means it breaks or springs the trap.

Boros moves to the northern portion of this room, as he does he can see that the hallway leading west goes on for some distance, but eventually fades into darkness due to no lighting. Checking the two doors, Boros discovers that the eastern door is not locked or trapped. He also does not hear anything on the other side. Door is still shut

Boros moves to the western door and he discovers that the door is not locked, but it does have a mechanical trap. Listening to the door, you hear activity on the other side. Door still shut, trap not sprung.

Conversation with Meepo
“ lyrik turalisj sthyri confn ekess svent vur vessa. astahii re gethrisja, meepo ti ocuir astahi persvek drong tairais.” Gesturing to the scratches on his body; “nomenoi tiichi badges. Meepo ui naktar di darastrix.” He says as he looks dejected towards the now empty cage.


“Other big men come to kill and steal. They are gone, Meepo not see them in long time.” Gesturing to the scratches on his body; “These honor badges. Meepo is Keeper of Dragons.” He says as he looks dejected towards the now empty cage.

What do you do?

Alden Cooperson 12/12 | Boros the Snake 8/8 | Emma of Wye 11/11 | Meiril Malwood 8/8 | Syrain Blowblossom 8/8

Interactive Map

The kobold calms down a little bit, but clearly still cautious and on edge. “ Meepo ti levnim wux. wux ti levnim Meepo? wux ti hefoc lyriki. astahii xoal ekess ouith meepo vur thurirli. wux confn ekess letoclo Udoka?”

The creature is clearly physically frightened and covered with scars.


“Meepo not harm you. You not harm Meepo? You not like others. They try to hurt Meepo and friends. You come to help clan?”

Boros' previous perception check.
You also see the items on the tiny altar; containers of green dye, a paintbrush, and four small jade figurines of dragons. 15 GP each. I'll put the figurines on the loot sheet. You see the large cage to the south that has a gaping hole in it. In the middle of the room is a fire pit that has signs of a recent bonfire. From where you are you see that there is a hallway that leads to the west, and in the northern portion of this room you see there are two doors that are shut. One on each wall.

What do you do?

Alden Cooperson 12/12 | Boros the Snake 8/8 | Emma of Wye 11/11 | Meiril Malwood 8/8 | Syrain Blowblossom 8/8

Interactive Map

Alden & Syrian hold their swords and shields at the ready as the creature tried to plead for its lift. Meiril tries to be diplomatic, but the kobold seems to still be terrified and is looking around.

Initiative: Round 1
Kobold Holding, readied action


Emma & Boros What do you do?

Alden Cooperson 12/12 | Boros the Snake 8/8 | Emma of Wye 11/11 | Meiril Malwood 8/8 | Syrain Blowblossom 8/8

Interactive Map

At the mention of being bound hand and foot the kobold pushes itself up right, back against the wall. Fear clearly in its eyes.

“ thric jilg Meepo! Meepo tira ti ouith. Meepo tepohaic thric laraek.” it says as the creature points to its spear that is on the ground.


“No bind Meepo! Meepo did not hurt. Meepo has no weapon.” it says as the creature points to its spear that is on the ground.

At this point since there has been a “hostile action” spoken towards it we will go into rounds.
Meiril, I need a diplomacy check from you. There will be a penalty since the creature is fearing for its life. This check will come into play before rounds occur.

Initiative: Round 1
Kobold Holding, readied action

What do you do?

Alden Cooperson 12/12 | Boros the Snake 8/8 | Emma of Wye 11/11 | Meiril Malwood 8/8 | Syrain Blowblossom 8/8

DM Screen:

Boros: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (9) + 2 = 11
Alden: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (18) + 0 = 18
Meiril: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (4) + 0 = 4
Emma: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (14) + 1 = 15
Syrian: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (5) + 3 = 8
Monster: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (19) + 1 = 20

Boros the Snake wrote:
Sorry, I've definitely been out if it due to various things (work, illnesss), will hope to step it up!

All is well, life does happen. Jump on in and lets have fun!

Interactive Map

Being woken up by strangers clearly has the kobold startled and fear enters its eyes as it grabs for its spear. But when Meiril speaks draconic, it cocks its head sideways and timidly begins to speak

“si mi Meepo…” it looks around at the group of you. “tir ti svent ve. si geou ti zhaan.” it says as it slowly lays down the spear and raises its hands.


“I am Meepo…” it looks around at the group of you. “Do not kill me. I will not run.” it says as it slowly lays down the spear and raises its hands.

What do you do?

Alden Cooperson 12/12 | Boros the Snake 8/8 | Emma of Wye 11/11 | Meiril Malwood 8/8 | Syrain Blowblossom 8/8

Meiril Malwood wrote:
can I roll for Know Local?

Yes, you are all in the same general area as each other. So if you have the needed skills yes go ahead and roll to see if you can read the spoilers.

Interactive Map

Syrain & Boros, please move your token according to where you head.

Alden move forward towards the whimpering sound of the bedroll. Getting about 10-foot away from the sound, he discovers a sleeping creature. Alden’s approach does not seem to startle the sleeping creature.

K-Local DC 11:

This creature is a Kobold. They typically are not solitary creatures. Usually travel in a gang (4-9) or a band (10-100) kobolds. They can see perfectly in the dark and claim themselves to be kin of dragons.

Meiril heads towards the bright green symbols and glyphs. They say tenpiswo mobi qe darastrixi

Meiril & Syrian:

The two of you know draconic and know that “tenpiswo mobi qe darastrixi” translates to “Here There Be Dragons.”

Emma moves towards the cloth-draped bench, and she finds a few trinkets. You discover 3 containers of green dye, a paintbrush, and four small jade figurines of dragons. 15 GP each You look into the firepit besides you, and you see chard bones within the ash. You even see what you think could be the top of a skull just breaking through the ash.

Stepping in, Syrian sees a 10x10 cage that seems to have been holding a beast, based on the size of the droppings within.

Anyone with 1 Rank in K-Nature:

You are unsure what kind of creature these came from, but you know it is from no natural animal.

Boros takes a step into the room and begins taking in the surroundings.

What do you do?

Alden Cooperson 12/12 | Boros the Snake 8/8 | Emma of Wye 11/11 | Meiril Malwood 8/8 | Syrain Blowblossom 8/8

Opening the Door, Albin reveals a 20 x 20 ruined chamber. The room is completely empty minus trash and rocky debries.

Albin tries his luck with the western door
Interactive Map

Albin opens this door and it reveals a much larger chamber. Crudely executed symbols and glyphs, scribed in bright green dye, decorate this large and irregularly shaped crumbling chamber. A large pit in the chamber’s center shows evidence of a recent bonefire. A metallic cage in the center of the southern wall contains a gaping hole and stands empty. A small wooden bench draped with green cloth stands before the cage, upon it sits several small objects. A bedroll lies near the wooden bench on the western side, from which the sound of whimpering is plainly audible.

You see a hallway extends past that, but it is too dark to see.

What do you do?

Alden Cooperson 12/12 | Boros the Snake 8/8 | Emma of Wye 11/11 | Meiril Malwood 8/8 | Syrain Blowblossom 8/8

Just wanting to check in and make sure everyone was still with us. With a dungeon crawl, sometimes someone just needs to take charge and choose a direction. Two unlocked doors and one locked door. All three appear to be without a trap.

Once the door is opened it reveals a 10-foot wide by 40-foot long hallway.

Alden, Emma, and Syrian begin heading down the door, Meiril & Boros not far behind.

At the far in, you find 3 doors that are shut.

- The northern door is a basic wooden door that appears to be unlocked.
- The southern door is a stone relief-carved door that portrays a dragonlike fish swimming in an aquatic scene. Those with the skill of Disable Device believes it could be unlocked without the key, but it won't be easy.
- The western door is a basic wooden door that appears to be unlocked.

Looking over the doors (spot checks) you do not see any traps.

What do you do?

Alden Cooperson 12/12 | Boros the Snake 8/8 | Emma of Wye 11/11 | Meiril Malwood 8/8 | Syrain D'Blowblossom 8/8

DM Screen:

Spot checks do not reveal any traps.

Yeah... it is the rougher thing about 3.5 wizards/druids/clerics, very limited spells. But they get uber powerful as they level up.... Just have to survive.

Emma of Wye wrote:
Emma has been renewing her light spell as necessary, just so you know

Do wizards/druid/cleric/etc have unlimited uses of the memorized 0-level spells like in Pathfinder? I am not seeing anything on the d20srd stating they do. If you have information that supports either way please let me know because reading the d20srd it makes me think that it is a single casting of that 0-level spell.

With no key found, the only option is the head down the hallway behind the other door found here in spoiler or head back to town. What do you do? If you head down the hall, read the linked spoiler.

Using all the previous, and Emma's current search roll, you do not find any signs of keys. You also might think that if there was a key, would three archers that were in a secret archer perch have a key that goes to such an ornate door.

Interactive Map

Opening the Door

Syrian case light upon Alden’s blade. Opening the door, Alden leads the way into this new room. The masonry walls of this 20-foot wide hall are in poor repair. The southern end is especially bad, as it has completely collapsed, filling that section with rubble. Difficult Terrain. The western wall is in much better shape than the other walls, and it holds a stone door with a rearing dragon in flight carved in relief upon it. The door contains a single keyhole, which is situated in the rearing dragon’s mouth. The door is locked and Boros does not think he has the skill needed to unlock the door.

Heading through the northwestern door:

Once the door is opened with a light source being used. reveals a 10-foot wide by 40-foot long hallway. At the far in, you find 3 doors that are shut.

The northern door is a basic wooden door that appears to be unlocked.
The southern door is a stone relief-carved door that portrays a dragonlike fish swimming in an aquatic scene.
The western door is a basic wooden door that appears to be unlocked.

What do you do?

Alden Cooperson 12/12 | Boros the Snake 8/8 | Emma of Wye 11/11 | Meiril Malwood 8/8 | Syrain Blowblossom 8/8

Interactive Map

No, I won’t be changing it, had forgotten about the skills difference. All is well.
You don’t need to use the skill search to search the skeletons. Just hit the spoiler box Here

You find nothing else within this tower area and the once secret area behind the sliding door. There are two paths to go Green arrows on map besides heading back the way that leads to town.

The two doors had been previously inspected and it was discovered that they were not locked and no traps were detected.

What do you do?

Alden Cooperson 12/12 | Boros the Snake 8/8 | Emma of Wye 11/11 | Meiril Malwood 8/8 | Syrain Blowblossom 8/8

Interactive Map

I totally forgot that max skill ranks is 3+level, that radically changes the homebrew Heal skill from how I have it in Pathfinder…. Hummm

Between Syrian’s divine healing, and Emma using her Healer’s Kits and salves Alden is feeling significantly better. Back to max HP

Meiril does not find any hidden doors in the secret chamber. From what it appears, the only unexplored areas are the two western doors. One more northern, one more southern.

What do you do? Be sure to look the skeletons

Alden Cooperson 12/12 | Boros the Snake 8/8 | Emma of Wye 11/11 | Meiril Malwood 8/8 | Syrain Blowblossom 8/8

Oh man... I have a deep place in my heart. The very first game I played was a home-brew game using the Kalamar setting.

haha, it's all good. I agree. BUT I have found this D20 3.5 SRD very useful. I haven't played 3.5 since the Pathfinder Beta in mid-late 2000s. But it does bring back a ton of memories, so I love that.

Interactive Map

Syrain once again channels the divine power of Corellon Larethian through the crescent moon holy symbol causing the skeleton to become dead once again.

As the bones settle and the rattling stops from echoing off the walls all that is left is the catching of breaths from the throws of battle and the flickering of the torchlight.

Alden breaths heavy as he looks paler than he once was from the loss of blood. Blood that now stains his armor and pools a little bit at his feet.

Checking the skeletons:

Looking through the remains of the skeletons you see that their bows and armor have degraded over the years and are not salvageable. Though each one has a single bolt on their remains that look as if they were just made yesterday. 3 bolts total

Collecting the coins in them, you find a total of
Silver: 6d10 ⇒ (1, 5, 1, 5, 7, 10) = 29
Gold: 3d10 ⇒ (1, 7, 8) = 16

Examining the secret room:

This chamber is a small century post with arrow slits in the south and east exterior walls. Both of which have crumbled and filled with debris. Stagnant water pools in the south portion of the room as it slants in that direction. If you were to step in it, it doesn’t cover the top of your boots.

What do you do? Also, don’t forget the Heal skill house rule when using the Healer’s Kit.

Alden Cooperson 2/12 | Boros the Snake 8/8 | Emma of Wye 11/11 | Meiril Malwood 8/8 | Syrain Blowblossom 8/8

Interactive Map

Syrain would need a Turning Check to be able to do Turning Damage
Syrain Turning Check: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (12) + 2 = 14
All good!

Gripping his holy symbol, a radiant light rips from Syrian’s hand and cuts through the ribcage of the closest skeleton that was attacking him. The skeleton crumbles is a pile of dust.

Everyone else’s attacks fall short of landing. The final skeleton continues to lash out at Alden. The first claw rips through an opening in Alden’s armor and seconds later blood begins to pour from his side. -4 HP

Initiative: Round 3

You’re all up!

Alden Cooperson 2/12 | Boros the Snake 8/8 | Emma of Wye 11/11 | Meiril Malwood 8/8 | Syrain Blowblossom 8/8

DM Screen:

skeleton 1 claw 1: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (19) + 1 = 20
DMG: 1d4 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 = 4

skeleton 1 claw 2: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 1 = 2
DMG: 1d4 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 = 5

Unfortunately his turning ability does... but it was successful and all is good! Now the rest of you, land some attacks! lol

Interactive Map

It could be that this group had never adventured together before, or maybe these creatures are a bit tougher than originally thought, but the five of you have a difficult time with these skeletons.

Alden’s attack is the only one that lands, but it appears that it has no impact on these creatures.

Knowledge Religion DC 11:

These skeletons are undead evil creatures. They have damage reduction 5/bludgeoning, meaning any slashing or piercing damage done to them they take 5 less damage from it. They are also Immune to Cold and critical damage.

For every 5 you beat the DC by (16/21/26/31) you may ask 1 more question.

The two skeletons continue attacking out at Syrian and Alden, it looks as if the first attack on Alden is going to be a significant attack, but just glances off of his shield.

Initiative: Round 3

You’re all up!

DM Screen:

skeleton 1 claw 1: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (16) + 1 = 17
DMG: 1d4 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 = 5

skeleton 1 claw 2: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (8) + 1 = 9
DMG: 1d4 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 1 = 2

skeleton 2 claw 1: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 1 = 2
DMG: 1d4 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 1 = 2

skeleton 2 claw 2: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 = 3
DMG: 1d4 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 = 3

Interactive Map

Make sure you are all moving your tokens on the interactive map link above. I don’t want to assume where you moved and it is wrong. Also, if you do not have access to move your token, shoot me a PM with your email.

As everyone moves into position, the skeletons move out of the room. The first one lurches forward and continues its attack on Alden. Striking out with its claws, the skeleton slashes Alden in an opening of his splint mail. -3 HP

The second one moves through as it has its eyes set on Syrian, as it does so Alden sees an opportunity to strike out but his attack misses. It reaches out with a claw on Syrian but misses.

Longsword: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (6) + 5 = 11
DMG: 1d8 + 3 ⇒ (3) + 3 = 6

Initiative: Round 2

You’re all up!

Alden Cooperson 6/12 | Boros the Snake 8/8 | Emma of Wye 11/11 | Meiril Malwood 8/8 | Syrain Blowblossom 8/8

DM Screen:

skeleton 1 claw 1: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (18) + 1 = 19
DMG: 1d4 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 = 3

skeleton 1 claw 2: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 1 = 2
DMG: 1d4 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 = 3

skeleton 2 claw 1: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (10) + 1 = 11
DMG: 1d4 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 = 3

Interactive Map

Does Boros take/eat the Goodberry? If so, Boros feels full and the pinprick wound closes up.

As Alden begins to make his way into the room to investigate, pinpoints of red fire kindle in their eye sockets as they rise. Alden was approaching ready for something and gets an AoO

Longsword: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (14) + 5 = 19
DMG: 1d8 + 3 ⇒ (8) + 3 = 11

Alden strikes out with his longsword landing a blow that he knows would topple most foes. Even though this skeleton crumbles to a pile of bones, Alden feels like his weapon wasn't as effective as it should have been.

The creatures jump to attack Alden with a flurry of boney claws, only 1 lands a damaging blow. -2 HP

Initiative: Round 1

You're All Up!

Alden Cooperson 9/12 | Boros the Snake 8/8 | Emma of Wye 11/11 | Meiril Malwood 8/8 | Syrain Blowblossom 8/8

DM Screen:

Boros: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (13) + 2 = 15
Alden: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (9) + 0 = 9
Meiril: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (13) + 0 = 13
Emma: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (5) + 1 = 6
Syrian: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (10) + 3 = 13
Skeleton: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (10) + 5 = 15

Skeleton 1 Claw 1: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (10) + 1 = 11
DMG: 1d4 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 = 5
Skeleton 1 Claw 2: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (19) + 1 = 20
DMG: 1d4 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 1 = 2

Skeleton 2 Claw 1: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 = 4
DMG: 1d4 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 = 5
Skeleton 2 Claw 2: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (11) + 1 = 12
DMG: 1d4 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 = 4

Interactive Map

Looking, Syrian sees the little blossom of blood that reveals itself on Boros’ neck. Instinctively Boros would have reached up for his neck once he felt the prick. The tiny needle is in the palm of his hand.

What do you do? You have two closed doors before you, and now the secret door has been unlocked and has automatically opened and slid within the wall revealing what you saw in this previous post.

Alden Cooperson 11/12 | Boros the Snake 7/8 | Emma of Wye 11/11 | Meiril Malwood 8/8 | Syrain Blowblossom 8/8

Also, if you could PM me your email address I will give you access to the Google Slides to move your token.

Interactive Map

Boros moves forward to begin working on the locked door, when suddenly he hears a slight Ping and feels a prick on his neck. You were not fast enough to move from the needle that shot from a hole near the door.

It takes a couple tries, but finally Boros hears a mechanical click and the winding of gears. The wall slides away from you and then moves into the wall like a pocket door.

This pocket chamber is damp and cold, water stands collecting along the southeast portion of this room. The skeletons of three long-dead archers slump against rubble filled arrow slits along the east and the south wall.

What do you do?

Alden Cooperson 11/12 | Boros the Snake 7/8 | Emma of Wye 11/11 | Meiril Malwood 8/8 | Syrain Blowblossom 8/8

DM Screen:

Boros Reflex: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (2) + 5 = 7

Hey welcome! I am glad you responded to my PM. We aren't too far long as you can see, just getting into the Citadel.

Both of those doors opening spoilers are if you are looking in from the doorway, not moving in.

Interactive Map

Opening the South West Door:

Standing in the doorway
The masonry walls of this 20-foot wide hall are in poor repair. The far end is especially bad, as it has completely collapsed, filling the southern section with rubble. The western wall is in much better shape than the other walls, and it holds a stone door. From the doorway you cannot make out what it is, but something is carved into the stone door.

Opening the North West Door:

This door opens to reveal a 10-foot wide hall way that runs west for roughly 40-feet. You see a closed door on the opposite western wall, also there is a door at the opposite end to the north and the south 30-feet away.

The secret door is locked and will require a Disable Device check.

What do you do?

Alden Cooperson 11/12 | Boros the Snake 8/8 | Emma of Wye 11/11 | Meiril Malwood 8/8 | Syrain Blowblossom 8/8

I am going to bot him for a little bit. If we don't receive word in a couple days I will put out an ISO for someone willing to take over his character.

Interactive Map

When Meiril mentions Ashardalon Boros remembers something that he had learned before arriving at Oakhurst.

Boros & Meiril:

Boros: You learned this previously in your K-Local check at the start of the adventure.
Meiril: Your Bardic Knowledge would grant you the info via K-Local
The Old Road also skirts the Ashen Plain, a lifeless land. You know that the desolation is attributed to the ancient rampage of a dragon named Ashardalon.

Alden, with the help of others, is easily able to lift Boros from the pit. With the retrieved weapons, but does the halfling let the others know of the hide belt pouch and its contents…

Once everyone is collected in the husk of a tower, you all see three options. Two doors that are unlocked, and one door that was hidden that is also locked.

What do you do?

Alden Cooperson 11/12 | Boros the Snake 8/8 | Emma of Wye 11/11 | Meiril Malwood 8/8 | Syrain Blowblossom 8/8

I took into account Emma's dire rat. I didn't give a bonus to the roll, but it helped sway what way I went depending on her roll. Which... I suppose would equate to an unknown bonus to her roll.

I really do like Wild Empathy, it is a free part of the class and something that should be taken advantage of especially for those times when you come across an animal that doesn't need to start with a battle.

Side note: I have reached out to Syrain and haven't heard anything. Looking at his other aliases it seems that he has gone MIA there also. I will give it a little time, but having that 5th player (cleric) would be a significant loss. I hope all is well with him and that he will appear and keep going, that is the ultimate goal.

Interactive Map

As Boros draws the attention to the deep-set runes in the wall, most everyone has no idea what it says… except Meiril and Syrian when he enters the room.

Meiril & Syrain:

These runes are draconic in nature and translate in common as Ashardalon

Using rope to climb down will lower the DC to 0 because you have something to brace against the wall.

Bottom of the pit trap:

The smell of rot and decay is strong here. The stinging smell causes your eyes to water and your natural gag reflex to kick in. You also head the skittering of small claws within the ruined walls of this pit trap. You get the sense that its best to get in and get out of this pit.

You find that the small sized short sword and the small sized spear are in perfect working order, if not a little wet from who knows what. A quick look through the pockets of the goblin reveals a hide belt pouch containing 23 pieces of silver and 4 pieces of gold. The belt pouch is easy enough to tie off, but climbing up with the sword and spear will prove more difficult.
You can also tie yourself off and have the party haul you up.

What do you do?

Alden Cooperson 11/12 | Boros the Snake 8/8 | Emma of Wye 11/11 | Meiril Malwood 8/8 | Syrain Blowblossom 8/8