The Enraged Warrior

Mos's page

Organized Play Member. 9 posts. No reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist. 1 Organized Play character.


Great work! The cleric in the AP i'm running has just got the spell, this saves me haveing to build one :)

Keep it up!

I love it! you have my vote :)

Thanks to all for the conversions! :)

wraithstrike wrote:

I would have the honest players sit beside them. I might also add that due to certain people not possibly not being honest you will have another player call out what the dice roll is. If you have their modifiers written down as I suggested below they(the cheaters) will call out the correct total number.

How did you gently call them out?

I would have everyone write down certain modifiers such as saves, attacks rolls, and skill checks on a piece of paper before the game starts to make sure nobody exceeds the maximum number.

PS:If they continued to cheat I would not care if they were embarrassed or not, but I do understand the social aspect of the game so that move is not for everyone to make.

Top Ideas Wraithstrike, I shall use them at my next game :)

Dwarven Insight wrote:

Im a fairly new GM but things have been going basically good. We are nearing the end of my campaign and everyone seems to be enjoying themselves. The biggest problem I am beset with right now is that a player in my group is continuously buffing his dice rolls and I've gently called him out on it more than once yet he persists on doing it. I also have another player who I think is buffing his but I can never catch him in the act.

My question to all of you. What are some ways I can gently but Firmly get them to quit without just calling them out and embarrasing them? I like them as people and want them to continue having fun but without ruining my fun as GM.Tonight is the game so the quicker the responses the better. Thanx

I have one guy in my group who cheats. so all charecter rolls are done on the table. and if a player wants to claim a crit, there has to be at least 1 witnes to the roll.

These are house rules in my game and apply to all players.

Dosgamer wrote:
Mr.Fishy wrote:

CHILDREN ARE SOULLESS ABOMANATIONS!!! Mr. Fishy has two, the little one force fed Mr. Fishy a cookie then poked Mr. Fishy in the eye, Mr. Fishy screamed in pain the monster reached into Mr. Fishy's maw and took the cookie back. The big one rammed his finger into Mr. Fishy's nose, the only thing that keep that finger outta Mr. Fishy's brain was A LITTLE FIST.

EVIL!!! They also take Mr. Fishy's food.

I have a 3-year old and I can verify that Mr. Fishy speaks truth. Younglings lie without being shown how, take what isn't theirs and claim it is theirs, and antagonize pets even after being repeatedly told not to. Most definitely born evil. Yep.

My children are "grown up" now, and all they have done is learn to mask their evil! You got to love 'em ;)

gigglestick wrote:

I'd buy this in a second myself.

But I'd still prefer to have the next AP installments first. I can get generic PC pics anywhere. Monsters are much harder to come by.

Yes Monsters :), being the GM in my group it's always nice to have the monsters that the party are fighting.

There is no conspiracy, only incompetence.