Morgan Le Vwa's page

11 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 2 aliases.


Low maintenance, barely been used (though slightly abused)

I'm not going to go on about why I don't like this new 4th edition: suffice to say that I don't.

Trouble is, you see, I've been using solely WOTC products for a long time, simply because I've never really known where else to look. I know Paizo through Dungeon and Dragon magazines, but I've never bought any other product here.

What I really want is a company that will provide me with the same joy as Wizards' 3.5 products. It looks like Paizo has some awesome products, but I don't know where to start.

I'm also looking for websites that provide inspiration - the same way the old wizards website did for me.

So here's your chance, people. Please show me where to go: show me your websites, your products.

I'm only one gamer with a very low budget - the sort of person WOTC seems not to care about. Show me that you do!

Marc Radle 81 wrote:
I still have the same count down page ...

...That's odd. Or maybe I just didn't notice the announcement which says "Thursday 6:30pm August 16 2007, Sagamore Ballroom, Indianapolis Convention Centre" before.

It's quite possible, with the day I've been having..

snowyak wrote:
Morgan Le Vwa wrote:
Morgan Le Vwa wrote:

...I have a question, actually. If the books are going to be released in May 2008...

...What exactly are we counting down for?

Well, Wizards have just answered my question. Refresh the page, guys!

Edit: the DnD homepage, that is.


Not much happening there though

Looks like a press conference to me...

Morgan Le Vwa wrote:

...I have a question, actually. If the books are going to be released in May 2008...

...What exactly are we counting down for?

Well, Wizards have just answered my question. Refresh the page, guys!

Edit: the DnD homepage, that is.

...I have a question, actually. If the books are going to be released in May 2008...

...What exactly are we counting down for?

Kruelaid wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
... Streamlined combat is wonderful, but how is it going to get more streamlined(immediate and swift action confusiosity aside) than what it is now?

Rock, scissors, paper.

That's a step back. Thats how I used to solve shootouts between my toy soldiers and my fiendish enemies, the hordes of the kid next door.

Wow. Why didn't I think of that? We just used to get into big arguments about who won.

Kirth Gersen wrote:
My "good authority" for d4's and 4 stats was a preverted leprechaun who hangs around with a weredog (in other words, I was kidding). Wait... this just in... standard dice are now considered "boring." 4th edition will introduce the d7 and d34.

Right. I absolutely knew that. I think I'll go do my work now...


ghettowedge wrote:
To me it sounds like random dungeons with a format similar to the Minis game.

Random dungeons? Wow. That sounds positively the WORST thing they could do. If I wanted something like that, I would NOT play Dnd.

Kirth Gersen wrote:
I have it on good authority that in honor of "4venture" and of it being 4th edition, the game will now be a d4 system, not a d20 system. Apparently young players got fed up with the large spread of potential random results. Also--believe it or not--there will be only 4 abilities, not 6, which gives "dump stats" a whole new meaning.

I really hope your good authority is wrong about that.... I really do.

Heathansson wrote:
Please, tell me they're dumping charisma.

Well, they never had much, did they?

This has got me scared.. Really scared! The worst bit is that the countdown ends at 00:30, my time, and I may just have to wake up then! Gah!

I was wondering - what is the plan for international subscriptions to Pathfinder? I live in South Africa and am considering getting these, although the price is quite steep for me as it is, and a more expensive international rate would rather cripple my wallet.