Bleachling Lunatic

Mizix's page

141 posts. Organized Play character for Zoomba.

Current Campaigns

SFS 3-10 - Live Adventure Extreme! Take 2 (KS) (inactive)

Tier 5-8
Subtier 7-8 with 4 player adjustment
Tags: Repeatable, Starship

[Gameday X] Zoomba's SFS #3-00 The Last Bite (Tier 3-4) (inactive)


Boons avaliable:
* Each time the PCs attempt a skill check to repair or reprogram a technological item during the adventure, one of you can gain a +3 bonus to the check. In addition, once during the adventure, each PC can roll an Engineering check twice and take the better result.

* You each get a mk 1 serum of healing for this adventure, as well as each getting your choice of a serum or grenade of level 4 or lower.

* At any point during this adventure - be it now, between missions, or right at the end - you can purchase any item or gear at a 10% discount.
* Once during the adventure, one of you can consume a fancy food pack to gain a +1 bonus to skill checks and saves for a number of minutes equal to their character level, while also healing as if you had taken a mk 2 serum of healing

* Once during the adventure, each of you can gain a +2 bonus to a Charisma-based skill check attempted when interacting with an individual who is not a Starfinder.
* At any point during the adventure, one of you can attempt to can attempt to influence a crowd with a Difficult Bluff, Diplomacy, or Intimidate check.

* Once during the adventure, the party can flip a boost switch to add a +4 to a single Piloting check during starship combat or a vehicle chase and also move one additional hex or zone.

[SFS] 1-26 Truth of the Seeker (inactive)

[SFS] 1-32 Acts of Association (inactive)

Opening Crawl
Map and Handout Pack

[SFS] GM Nefreet's #1-28: It Rests Beneath (inactive)