Miruru's page

Organized Play Member. 18 posts (613 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character. 6 aliases.

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So I'm preparing to make a character for a friend's WotR campaign, and I've settled on a Warpriest of Desna. I was originally going to simply use a Flying Blade of Desna, but decided against it for flavor reasons (many related to said character's backstory). I'm not sure if he's using Mythic or not, but I'd like to make a Warpriest using starknives (since Sacred Weapon makes them much better in terms of damage). I was thinking of using TWF with starknives, and perhaps using a DEX-based build with them?

Tl;dr: Please halp with dual-wielding starknife warpriest of Desna for builds, please and thank you. (P.S. Not using a human)

Edit: This doesn't mean I'm looking for a super-optimized build, mind you. I want to be capable in a fight, but...you know.

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Mmmm, the two moments of awesome I can think of off the top of my head...

Both of them were on a character I made called Mira: Female dhampir monk/tetori combo. The party gets into their first dungeon and there's a female Wilder running from a young dragon. Dragon sprays acid all over the party and combat begins. I end up grappling the dragon and we get into a grapple fight, then the Wilder crit it. So it tries to fly away and I get an AoO, and manage to grapple the thing again. Afterwards, I pretty much got to attack, so I forced the damn thing out of the sky and headfirst into the floor, and it died.

The second wasn't so much a moment, as it was an entire campaign of awesome. We drew from a modified Deck of Many Things, and one of the players got a lillend as a concubine. In an early dungeon, however, he got dominated by a trap and tried to kill the party. The lillend didn't like that, so she began to rebel and eventually became a party member herself after getting tf'ed into a succubus via a Deck. Eventually, Mira had this whole subplot thing and through the course of the adventure, her and the succubus (Sharia) ended up falling in love, having babehs off-screen (half-celestial aludemons, due to another deck effect), and then getting married. The succubus (Sharia was her name, by the way.) got stronger and effectively became soul-linked to Mira, so if Mira died, Sharia would also die, but not before effectively condemning the soul who did so. So tl;dr, what was originally a simple nameless companion became a major character, and finally a wife for a PC. (And yes, those twin babies ended up getting played as PCs afterwards, since the had accelerated growths. It allowed the parents to have a honeymoon before the end of the world began.)

It should also be noted this was my very first PF campaign ever, and I now love it.