Mir's page

148 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.

Can the Battle Ward hex affect more than one target at a time. The generic Ward hex says 'over one creature' while the Battle Ward hex doesn't say anything similar.

Does the spirit animal give a skill bonus as a Wizards Familiar does?

I would like to take a 6th lv qinggong monk ability at 6th level but I don't see a way to do this which seems weird. Am I missing something?

Can you take a 10 on this? Searching through the boards the answer seemed to be yes but never could tell if that was RAW or not.

In the heal skill it says:

"A creature can only benefit from its deadly wounds being treated within 24 hours of being injured and never more than once per day"

--Does this mean a character can only be treated once per day or any specific set of wounds can only be treated once each day?

It seems strange for a character to be injured in combat the healer be able to treat it and then the character have a unrelated injury in another combat the heal have to say "I treated the first one so I can't treat this other injury". - "I bandaged up your leg four hours ago so I can't now bandage your arm you just injured".

By RAW an injury could be treated twice as well though I'm sure this isn't what is meant. -A character is injured in the afternoon the healer treats it. The next morning the healer treats it again. (It has not been 24 hours and it is a different day.

It would seem to make more sense for the skill to read: Deadly injuries from any given combat or incident can be only treated once with the heal skill. This must be within 24 hours.

-Is this what is intended?

Can you take a 10 on this? Reading through the boards from what I could see people said yes but I couldn't ever figure out if this was RAW or not.

The rule states:
"A creature can only benefit from its deadly wounds being treated"

----is it's deadly wounds a combats worth or a days worth? Is the plural referring to sets of deadly wounds or all those for a the day.

---I have stabs in my chest from the first combat and an injured arm from the second.

"never more than once per day."

Never more than once a day for the same wound or different wounds? I'm not sure if that part of the line is solely meant so a wound isn't treated multiple times or by multiple healers.

-Character takes two wounds in combat, they are treated. Next combat
character takes more wounds. First set of wounds were treated. Can now the second set be treated once as well? If so the character would "only benefit from" each set of it's wounds being treated "once a day"

It seems rather strange if someone could be wounded and treated and then if they are wounded again be unable to be treated. "Oh I cut my arm" - healer heals it. "Oops got hit by an arrow in the leg" - healer says sorry I treated your arm so the leg can rot.

Just saw this Kickstarter, Playsets it looks like a good possible tool for an electronic tabletop for IOs and Android. You need to use Skype or something with it (they said they are looking at doing audio but for right now need to use Skype etc). It has a nice though slightly anime look but makes it easy to build interactive settings in it. It only has 8 days left and it would be great to see it successful. The app itself they are looking to make free so you are only throwing in for extras. Right now they need about 7 or 8 grand.

Looking for recommendations for 3rd party systems for magic item creation. Specifically I'm looking for systems that:

allow for gradual work on items while adventuring.

address ways to upgrade/add abilities to items.

have systems for disenchanting items and using that magic for other things. (4th Ed has resdium and I'd like to see alternate systems that achieve similar things in different ways)

include commentary on impact of magic item creation on the economy.

Grab states:

Grab (Ex) If a creature with this special attack hits with the indicated attack (usually a claw or bite attack), it deals normal damage and attempts to start a grapple as a free action without provoking an attack of opportunity. Unless otherwise noted, grab can only be used against targets of a size equal to or smaller than the creature with this ability. If the creature can use grab on creatures of other sizes, it is noted in the creature's Special Attacks line. The creature has the option to conduct the grapple normally, or simply use the part of its body it used in the grab to hold the opponent. If it chooses to do the latter, it takes a –20 penalty on its CMB check to make and maintain the grapple, but does not gain the grappled condition itself. A successful hold does not deal any extra damage unless the creature also has the constrict special attack. If the creature does not constrict, each successful grapple check it makes during successive rounds automatically deals the damage indicated for the attack that established the hold. Otherwise, it deals constriction damage as well (the amount is given in the creature's descriptive text).

What I'm interested in is the -20 penalty to making and maintaining the hold (if it only uses the limb rather than putting its hole body into it).

If something has a grapple check of 18 it would take a -2. It would still try on the off chance it made it and could get the constrict damage. If this unlikely event occurred when the player rolls to break the grapple against the creature's CMD is that CMD at a -20. It would seem it should be but nothing here says that would be the case. (Starting CMD is a 27 so -20, would be a 7)

If a pool is in a room and it divides some 5 foot squares diagonally in half and a PC enters the square are they now in the pool (5 feet deep)?

What if they are dragged into that square by a large creature with reach doing a grapple with a tentacle?

-tempted to just change the pool shape.

Given that same large creature lurking in the pool (the pool is 10 by 10 with additional points on opposing ends which split the squares, 5 feet deep) .. Can it do a reach attack to someone 10 feet from the pool or only attack those next to the pool? Is it different if it is standing or lurking beneath the surface?

More specifically if a player fascinates two guards and another player takes a sword to one will the other get a save to break the fascination?

On the other side a creature from the depths fascinates a player then attacks another player will the fascinated character get a save?

I would count these as threats but the way the rules read I'm not sure if they actually are or not as NPC or PC are not actively being attacked (yet).

I seem to remember there was a trait or feat or something that let you do this. Looking at the magus and shocking grasp and thought there was way to do this without resorting to spell recall.

I really want to love pdfs but never seem to find they work for me hoping for some hints with dealing with them.

My first problem is reading them on a screen seems cumbersome at best. Everything is in two columns and reading requires scrolling up and down. Any cures for this or recommendations for specific large (page size displays) tablets or eink devices that would work for these?

Printing.. I just downloaded a number of the players guides. At the top and bottom of the page are header and footers. In the case of Carrion Crown it's black. This would eat a huge amount of ink. If it wasn't for the headers and footers I would think of maybe getting them and printing them out. Anyway to get rid of these?

I assume also that if you buy the paper versions somewhere other than straight from pazio you won't be able to get the pdfs for free from pazio. (Buying print is easier from other places just because of international shipping costs and I would like the pdfs for when I wanted to print out little bits or maybe play and online game and use the maps etc.)

Going over arcane bond I seem to have the way I think it works and then upon poking around I find statements pointing to other interpretations (some of these may be out of date).

1. Would 3rd lv wizard/4 level prestige class that has raised is arcane caster level to 7 be able to add abilities to their bonded ring?

"A wizard can add additional magic abilities to his bonded object as if he has the required item creation feats and if he meets the level prerequisites of the feat. For example, a wizard with a bonded dagger must be at least 5th level to add magic abilities to the dagger (see the Craft Magic Arms and Armor feat in Feats)."

The character would be a wizard and would meet the feat prerequisites which is all that is indicated is required. The next sentence gives an example of the 5th lv is an example of a wizard that has done this it does not say the character must be a wizard.

From this I assume there is no problem for the character that has taken the prestige class to add abilities.

2. Can a ring of protection be turned into a ring of protection/invisibility/whatever? I saw a statement from someone saying this was not possible but the rules text says "add" and the magic item rules indicate this is possible (though at increased cost).

"If the item is one that occupies a specific place on a character's body, the cost of adding any additional ability to that item increases by 50%. For example, if a character adds the power to confer invisibility to her ring of protection +2, the cost of adding this ability is the same as for creating a ring of invisibility multiplied by 1.5."

I'm trying to find out how these interact by raw, if people house rule this, and if there is any agreement about how they should work.

I looked through some of the old threads and mostly what I found was by raw if you take a prestige class you probably don't get any of the benefits of your wizard school(other than those you have already gotten). There was some statement though that this wasn't completely clear and reading it myself I found in very unclear. Given the threads were fairly old I thought I'd check and see if there has been any more discussion of the issue.

How I see things is:

All wizards take a school though it may be the Universalist School.

The Universalist School should be equal in power to those that specialize.

If you specialize you get an extra spell added to your spells for the day from your school.

As a Universalist if you take a prestige classes you keep all your schools, your starting ability (Hand of the Apprentice) you get. You only loose the 8th level ability (assuming you started before 8th lv)

As a specialist if you take a prestige class you loose the extra spell a day (other than for those levels you have actual wizard levels in). You still have lost 2 schools of magic. You do not get any increases in abilities that go up by level. You gain none of the new abilities.

The universalist here has given up one thing, the specialist has given up almost everything except mostly starting abilities that are not effective at higher levels (which is why they increase in abilities as they go up in level.)

While I agree it would be overpowered for the specialist to keep all their abilities it would seem that they should keep the extra spell they get from their school as this is part of their spells for the day.

It also seems like maybe their starting abilities should continue to grow as to remain relevant for play.

Anyone have any thoughts on this? Or anyone know if Pazio has chipped in somewhere on this subject that I have missed.