Mir's page

148 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.

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Sacred Fist Warpriest with Charm or Glory Blessings? Knowledge and a few others might work too. You get both the spellcasting and the physical power.

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I usually don't watch much TV but was at my in-laws reading a bit of Razor Coast and happened to flip through the channels and immediately ran into Tom and Jerry meeting Pele the Goddess of Flame.

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Your shipping next week right? :)

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Laithoron - I know what you mean about referencing, that's something I don't mind doing on the computer..

Looks like I need to do more looking at tablets.

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If I understand everything (and how it generally works I think) is you pay now and a survey will be taken afterward where you can specify which add-ons you want.

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As a new player to pathfinder I would love to see more errata. There are lots of minor issues. I ran into the note in 3.5 about your first set of clothing not counting toward weight allowance. In Pathfinder it doesn't say anything about it. Searching through the forums I found notes that maybe this was just an oversight and a reference somewhere from someone that said it wasn't worth errata. Another reference said the Pathfinder NPCs never listed clothing toward that weight allowance. This is clearly a minor handwave issue but.. it had me searching through the boards for an hour. It required me emailing my DM and waiting a day for him to get back to me about it. I wonder how many other players that came up for. An errata would have taken no more time to write (I think) than the statement that it didn't need errata. I've had a number of things I did this with (do elves meditate or sleep, etc). They may be tiny things but they eat time. If a good percentage of things I look for answers for are like this (and enough of them have been) then it undermines my thoughts about the quality of the system as a whole.

The more major things like the debate over monk stuff may be more important but the little things impact new players and I would assume impact how much they come back and how much they use the boards.

I certainly understand that Pazio staff only has a certain amount of time and keeping the money coming in so they can continue is important. I do think once every so often going through and doing errata is a good thing. There is also a great player base here I'm sure many would be willing to add to a list of written errata that someone at Pazio could read through once in a while rubber stamp and add to the official errata.