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Minotaur Games's page

201 posts. Alias of Jason Bulmahn (Director of Game Design).


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Create a Survivor in this post apocalyptic take on the real world, using the core engine of Pathfinder, but powering it with a classless advancement system and giving greater narrative control to the players through Flashbacks. Or take on the role of Narrator and tell thrilling tales of survival and finding hope in the world ravaged by a zombie plague!

With 2 weeks to go, and already over 450% funded, the Hopefinder Print Edition kickstarter is well on its way to knock down a number of stretch goals. Its not too late to get a copy for yourself!

Follow THIS LINK to learn more about Hopefinder and to support this campaign as it enters its final weeks!

Jason Bulmahn
Minotaur Games (and.. you know, Paizo too)

Wolfren's tower has been sealed for 300 years, the entry blocked by the petrified bones of the dragon that destroyed the building and much of the rest of the town. No one has been able to go inside, to find out what happened to the aged wizard...

Until today!

The first part of my new Pathfinder 2E adventure, Wolfren's Fate is now up on my website, including the 16 page PDF and an untagged map for VTTs!

This first, playtest draft is free to supporters of my Patreon. The adventure will come to online PDF sites once it has finished playtesting.

Class features have started to go up on the Minotaur Games website, which means as of right now, the following content is up for supporters of the Patreon.

1 New Ancestry, the Gloamling
2 New Heritages, the Cenesar Elf and the Echo Touched Human
23 Ancestry Feats
9 New Backgrounds
2 New Skill Feats
3 New Class Options (Shadow Muse Bard, Cold Instinct Barbarian, Judge Champion)
18 New Class Feats
6 New Spells

And more to come!

The first Patron only stream last week was a huge hit, but if you missed it, there is a link to the private VoD on the Patreon. Tonight is another Patron only stream, this one talking about the upcoming Session 0s for the playtest campaign!

Still plenty of time to get in before this game gets rolling!

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Since Eventide, something is wrong with the world.
Magic is fading, and the world is fading with it.

Not all at once, but slowly, day by day this vital spark drains from the world. Most live their whole lives without ever noticing, too busy with their own troubles to realize that the next night may be the last. But there are some who see the gathering darkness and decide that if they can buy the world just one more day, that it would be a fight worth dying for.

You are that hero.

Eventide is a campaign setting designed to take advantage of everything that Pathfinder Second Edition has to offer! Built by one of the designers of the game, Eventide feels right at home within the rules of the game. Here is just a few, spoiler free, examples of how Eventide gets the most out of Pathfinder:

  • The four traditions of magic inform the cosmology of the world itself. Each tradition is powered by one of the four planes that surround the world, and they are tied into its creation.
  • Rarity is used to reinforce the story of the world. Some core elements have different rarities to reflect the story of the world.
  • Destiny has been added as a part of character creation. This gives players agency over their character’s fate and special ways to get the most out of their hero points.

And that is just the start! Eventide features new rules and options for players and GMs to use when playing in this world, making for a rich and engaging play experience! A new ancestry, the Gloamling, is available NOW for Patrons and the Penumbrist class will become available to Patrons in the coming weeks!

You can learn more about Eventide by visiting the Minotaur Games Website!

You can support the campaign setting, getting a first look a the world and taking part in the playtest and introductory adventure over on Patreon.

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Hey there folks,

Since launching the Band of Bravos stream, I have gotten a lot of requests to release the maps that I created for the game. Early on (in the first couple of sessions), every map was hand drawn, and while we are looking for a way to get those all out to you, the later maps are now available!

All of the maps from the later part of the show were built using a Tile Set I have been designing for the past few months and as of today, those sets are now up on the roll20 store!

So, go grab them and build your own classic dungeons!

Jason Bulmahn
That evil cackling head in the bottom corner of the Band of Bravos stream

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Getting closer and closer to the release of the first Edge of Eventide adventure, I've posted up a preview of some of the rules you can expect to get with each character.

Not only will each PC include a backstory, personality, and motivation, each will also have unique rules elements designed specifically for this campaign and for that character. In this first preview, I am showing off the elven subrace that is used by Leylinia, the elven cleric in the group. Called the Cenasar, these elves have a deep tie to the seasonal changes of the world around them, gaining abilities and resistances depending on the season.

You can download a FREE PDF that gives you all the racial traits of the Cenasar right HERE.


Hey there all,

Just want to let everybody know that I have put a Pirate Loot Bundle on sale for the Holidays! The Admiral's Bundle contains the Base Game and the 6-Player Expansion deck for just $19.99.

It is only on sale here at Paizo, so get it while it lasts!

Happy Holidays from the Maze!

Jason Bulmahn
Minotaur Games

Over the weekend, I added a new Patron level called the "Gift of Eventide" which allows you to have all of the PDFs for the campaign (adventure, PCs, and all background PDFs) sent to another person as a gift when each adventure is released!

Happy Holidays Everybody

Today the first piece of full color art for one of the PCs was revealed! Take a look at Karwyn, the tough dwarven mercenary!

I could not be happier with Lance Red's work on these characters. They are truly amazing and he worked really hard to capture the feel and spirit of each PC.

A lot of great developments on the project in the last week. Check out the first draft of the map of Aubenglade, the location of the first adventure in the arc!

Supporters also got a look at some of the finished character art!

Thank you Valcrist! That was a good summary of my campaign and I have shared it on social media. I like the 3D model, but it is a bit off from the actual symbol (which you can see unobstructed on the banner of my facebook page).

Thanks for helping to share my project!

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Good idea! I will be sure to include some basic combat tactics for each PC.

So, I've been asking this on a few sites, but just realizes I forgot to post this here...

So, I am trying to source as much data as I can for the Edge of Eventide campaign and its characters, and I don't want to get caught in the trap of only listening to sources that are already sold on a concept. To that end, I thought I would as a few questions of the crowd here to make sure I've got my bases covered.

So, the campaign that I am developing comes with the characters provided, each one with a backstory, personality, secrets, and goals. I am currently trying to work out what I should include in each character dossier that will be given to the players. So far, I have the following:

Stat Block
Relationships (with the other PCs)
Secrets and Goals
New Rules

So.. here is the question. Is that too much? Not enough? Is there anything I am obviously missing? I realize that playing a pregenerated character is not everyone's cup of tea, but assuming that you were playing, is that enough?

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Yeah, I am thinking about making another video that distills down some of the points I made in that interview, as they really help to get across what I am trying to do with this campaign.

In any case, welcome aboard and thanks for your support!

Story brief has been posted for backers at the GM level and above, giving them a look at the backstory and a blurb for the first adventure.

Meanwhile, backers at the Eventide Lord level (EL) have gotten a look at my process for creating the narrative and a deeper synopsis of the first couple adventures.

If you are a supporter, make sure to check the posts tab frequently!

Lead Designer

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Late last night we hit our first goal for the Edge of Eventide fundraising campaign on Patreon! This first goal ensures that the campaign will go forward and the writing is already underway!

Look for character briefs and a story brief for GMs in the coming days!

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It is my plan that the adventure will assume 6 PCs, and be balanced with that assumption.

It will also, of course, include notes on how to adjust it for fewer PCs.

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The characters might be of a slightly different level, but they will be balanced with each other.

And I hope folks enjoyed the podcast. It was a blast to do. If you missed it, it's on YouTube at

Will be going on live with the folks at the Know Direction podcast here at 5:30pm PST (in just 20 minutes). Feel free to drop in and here me talk all about the campaign!


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Welcome aboard!

As of this post we are at almost 60% to the first goal!

Thanks for being a part of it!


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Glad to have you aboard! We are closing in on the halfway mark to the first goal and I just posted a status update for all of the supporters with a good look at Valtirus, the wizard of the group!

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The Edge of Eventide Patreon is now LIVE!

Minotaur Games is excited to announce the launch of Edge of Eventide, a Dramatic Campaign built for the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game!

Funded via Patreon, this epic gaming event tells the tale of six heroes, gathering together to put an end to a great evil and avenge a fallen friend. You and your friends will guide them. Your choices will decide their fate. You will journey with them as they face the Edge of Eventide!

As a supporter of this Patreon project, you will receive the adventures and the characters before anyone else! Backers also get an inside look at the process of creating a Dramatic Campaign and are invited to give feedback and thoughts on the adventure itself!

Click HERE to learn more about the Edge of Eventide, or go straight to the Patreon page to give your support!

The Edge of Eventide is created by Minotaur Games and its publisher, Jason Bulmahn, the creator of the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game.

Might I recommend checking the FAQ page over at

Also of note, Pirate Loot is now on sale both here and at fine game stores everywhere!

The 6-Player Expansion deck, as well as the Pirate Loot Base Game, are expected to be released to the public on November 18th.

Jason Bulmahn
Minotaur Games

Pirate Loot, and the 6-Player Expansion deck, are expected to be released to the public on November 18th.

Jason Bulmahn
Minotaur Games

I am continually amazed by the solid sales and reception of this PDF, now just over 2 years after its release. Glad to see folks are still getting good use out of these rules.

Final hours for the Pirate Loot Kickstarter!

We've surpassed $50K, but you can help get us to $60K and unlock an expansion deck for all backers at the Gunner Level and above!

As of this post, there is just over 5 hours left! The Pirate Loot Kickstarter ends at 9pm PST!

Jason Bulmahn
Minotaur Games

Thanks for the mention Liz! You are truly the queen of the webs!

As a note, the Pirate Loot kickstarter comes to a close in just 32 hours!!!
It ends on September 19th, at 9pm PST, which is also International Talk Like a Pirate Day!

We just crushed our $40k stretch goal and hit over 1,000 backers! Still plenty of time to join the crew!

Jason Bulmahn
Minotaur Games

Lead Designer

We are now down to the final 48 hours!!!

We just hit over 1,000 backers and we are getting very close to unlocking the 6-Player Expansion deck (we need $40k and we are at $38,341). You can help make it happen! Join the crew!

Jason Bulmahn
Minotaur Games

Just 58 hours left!!!

Lead Designer

We are in the final days of the Pirate Loot card game Kickstarter! This Friday (September 19th), the ships will set sail on this fast-paced card game of treasure and treachery!

Designed by Jason Bulmahn (creator of the Pathfinder RPG) with art by Scott Kurtz (PVPonline and Table Titans) and Dylan Meconis (Bite Me! and Family Man), Pirate Loot has been a huge hit on Kickstarter! Reaching its initial funding goal in just the first few days, Pirate Loot has sailed past a pair of stretch goals, raising over $30,000!

There is still time to join the crew! For just $20 you can get a copy of the game! Sign up to be a Gunner at $35 and you will get the game and all the bonuses unlocked during the Kickstarter (including a 6-player expansion deck if the game reaches $40k). Sign up to be a minotaur gunner for $45 and you get all the gunner bonuses, plus 10 Pathfinder-compatible PDFs from Minotaur Games!

Want to learn more, you can see a play-thru of Pirate Loot at this link! You can also download the complete rules of the game and see a great deal of concept art and final card designs by visiting the Minotaur Games website!

The Pirate Loot Kickstarter ends on September 19th at 9pm (PST), which just also happens to be International Talk Like a Pirate Day! Join the crew! Drink some grog! Betray your friends and steal their Loot!

Jason Bulmahn
Minotaur Games

Just 5 days left in the Pirate Loot Kickstarter!!!

Now you can hear all about the game by listening to the Under Discussion podcast

Or you can watch me and some friends of mine play thru a round of the game in this video!

Jason Bulmahn
Minotaur Games

Just under 5 days left in the Pirate Loot Kickstarter! Time is running out to get all those Minotaur Games PDFs for 60% off by backing the project!

If you are interested in seeing how Pirate Loot plays, we've posted up a Play-Thru Video!

Jason Bulmahn
Minotaur Games

Lead Designer

Hey there all!

If you check your Paizo store email, you will see a small bump for Pirate Loot!

We just broke the $30k Stretch Goal, unlocking bonus cards for all backers at the Gunner Level and above and we revealed our newest expansion faction. Joining Undead Pirates in the 6-Player Deck will be Sneaky Pirates!

You can see all the news RIGHT HERE!

And of course, there is still plenty of room for more Minotaur Gunners! Support Pirate Loot and get Pathfinder-compatible PDFs as well!

Jason Bulmahn
Minotaur Games

Lead Designer

Hey there all!

If you check your Paizo store email, you will see a small bump for Pirate Loot!

We just broke the $30k Stretch Goal, unlocking bonus cards for all backers at the Gunner Level and above and we revealed our newest expansion faction. Joining Undead Pirates in the 6-Player Deck will be Sneaky Pirates!

You can see all the news RIGHT HERE!

And of course, there is still plenty of room for more Minotaur Gunners! Support Pirate Loot and get Pathfinder-compatible PDFs as well!

Jason Bulmahn
Minotaur Games

And now we have a backer graphic to help you make sense of all the pledge levels. Think of it like your treasure map.

Jason Bulmahn
Minotaur Games

Lead Designer

Hey there folks,

Just thought I would post a quick update. As of this post we are just over 9 days from the close of this kickstarter. After cruising past our first stretch goal, we are closing in on our second. At 30K we will add 6 bonus Loot cards to every backer at the Gunner level and above!

We also added a new backer level today, allowing you to get all the Gunner rewards, but also score 10 Pathfinder-compatible PDFs from Minotaur Games for just $10 above the Gunner pledge level (the PDFs are priced at $25 total).

Join our crew before we Set Sail next Friday!

Pirate Loot on Kickstarter

Jason Bulmahn
Minotaur Games

If you are already a backer, you can bump up your pledge and select the Minotaur Gunner reward level by visiting the Pirate Loot kickstarter page!

(I've gotten that question a few times now, figured it was worth pointing out)

Jason Bulmahn
Minotaur Games

For a complete list of the PDFs included in the deal, check out the Minotaur Games store at THIS LINK!

Jason Bulmahn
Minotaur Games

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Hey there all,

As the Pirate Loot card game Kickstarter draws to a close, I have added a new backer level that includes every Pathfinder-compatible PDF created by Minotaur Games!

For just $45, you get every reward of the Gunner level (which normally costs $35), and every Minotaur Games Pathfinder-compatible PDF! Including:

Monster Focus: Skeletons, Zombies, Ghouls, Mummies, and Liches
Favored Terrain: Crossroads Inn, Lucky Dragon
Rule Zero: Critical Hits, Underlings, and Gem Magic

That's a $25 value for just an extra $10!

The Pirate Loot Kickstarter runs until Friday, September 19th at 9PM PST.

Click Here to check out Pirate Loot

Jason Bulmahn
Minotaur Games

Now down to less than $1500. Getting close!

Lead Designer

Just over $2k till we unlock the next stretch goal, which means free cards for all backers of the Gunner level and above!

Click here to check our progress!

Jason Bulmahn
Minotaur Games

Just 6 hours left...

Reminder that this promotion only goes until midnight tonight!

Jason Bulmahn
Minotaur Games

Thank you for backing my game!



That 40K stretch goal is a big one for me and every little bit gets us closer to that expansion! At 30K, not only do we unlock 6 bonus cards for backers, but we also reveal the section faction in that deck!

Jason Bulmahn
Minotaur Games

Hey there all,

Minotaur Games got it start doing PDFs compatible with Pathfinder, but we want our game company to offer a wider array of products. Just two weeks ago, I launched a Kickstarter to fund a game called Pirate Loot! Its a fast-paced card game of treasure and treachery for 2 to 4 players. As of this moment, it is already well past funding, but I need your help to reach some of those Loot-filled stretch goals!

So. I am running a challenge this weekend! If you can help Pirate Loot crush its $30K stretch goal (only about $3,300 to go) by midnight (PST) on Sunday September 7th, I will make ALL of my previous Minotaur Games PDFs available FOR FREE until the end of the Pirate Loot Kickstarter! That's $25 in PDFs for free, for EVERYBODY!

Check out the Pirate Loot Kickstarter HERE!

Plenty of room to join our crew! Welcome Aboard!

Jason Bulmahn
Minotaur Games

Lead Designer

So much Pirate Loot Kickstarter news this week! Crushing stretch goals, closing in on another, revealing undead pirates, and a promotion with the Slap .45 kickstarter.
Check it out!

Yesterday was a great day for Pirate Loot! We crushed our 20K stretch goal, which means the game will have Full Art! We are also now closing in on the 30K goal, which adds 6 bonus cards to every Gunner and above! Finally, yesterday, we revealed the first expansion faction for the 6-player deck that unlocks at 40K. Check out UNDEAD Pirates! Help us animate them!

Jason Bulmahn
Minotaur Games

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