White Dragon

Milkius Draconis Terribilus's page

6 posts. Alias of mdt.


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Craig Frankum wrote:
Sounds good to me. I was just poking... Poke... Poke...

Rolls over in his sleep, snaps his teeth together, chews for a few minutes, and swallows.

Rumbled in sleepy tones. "It is unwise to poke sleeping dragons..."

Title wrote:

Animal Companions : RAW

Yes, Animal Companions are often best eaten raw. I personally prefer partially frozen RAW, but to each his own. My cousin prefers them roasted, but then he's always been a hot head.

I personally find that a nice semi-frozen wolf or bear goes well with a barrel of red wine. Do keep a barrel or two of white around in case the animal companion turns out to be an ostrich or alligator.

Sounds of a Raccoon being eaten

Mmm, Raccoon's are also crunchy and tasty.

TOZ wrote:
I prefer Ao-1 Steak Sauce.

Thou art another philistine. A-1 Steak Sauce should be reserved for sides of beef, and commoners are skinny pathetic things, like french fries.

Warriors should be served with A-1 Steak Sauce.

Shuriken Nekogami wrote:
Milkius Draconis Terribilus wrote:
TOZ wrote:
We agree with this. There should be more commoners. For they art crunchy and taste good with catsup.
commoners taste much better with Gaucemole.

Thou art a philistine. It is well known in gourmand circles that one does not eat commoners with guacamole. One reserves guacamole for adepts, who have a more piquant flavor due to their inherent magical aptitude.

TOZ wrote:

We agree with this. There should be more commoners. For they art crunchy and taste good with catsup.