There is a thread on this board where people are talking about parties of 6 or more getting their butts kicked by the second encounter in "The Whispering Cairn". This worried me because if I get to run this I will be lucky to get a party of 4. So, I decided to take a closer look at the ELs.
According to the DMG, about half the encounters in an adventure should have an EL equal to the intended level of the PCs, about 30% or so should be lower, and roughly 20% should be higher. Out of 19 encounters in the "The Whispering Cairn" there are a grand total of 2 which are EL 1. There are none which are lower. The average EL for the entire adventure comes to about 2.8.
My conclusion: "The Whispering Cairn" is not an adventure for a 1st level party, as advertised. It is for 2nd or maybe even 3rd level. I plan to do some scaling down before running it.