Mifune-Zero-Thirteen 124's page

No posts. Organized Play character for Mifune-Zero-Thirteen.

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The weapon is still the gathered element and can be used

for impulses, is expended for overflow impulses, and so on.
It can also be used for Elemental Blasts or standard Strikes
(provided they’re melee blasts or Strikes if you choose a melee
weapon or ranged blasts or Strikes if you choose a ranged

The whole part about Elemental Blasts seems needlessly restrictive, especially after saying the weapon can be used for Impulses.

I also question why you'd want to use the weapon for a melee blast when you can do a strike. In most cases the strike will deal more damage than the blast, furthermore the blast provokes while the strike doesn't. The only thing exception I can think of is maybe if you choose Air for the versality of damage and reach.

1. Does Swarm Strike get things like Thrown and Reach based on character level or Nanocyte level?

2. Where it says, "if you have both hands empty, you can add 2 x Level," did that mean 2 x Nanocyte levels? (The main root of my confusion.)

3. Assuming that question 2 means class levels (which I doubt) how does that interact with the Operative's Death Strike?

4. Does Aesthetic Warrior's special Weapon Specialization affect Swarm Strike?

I ask these question cause I had an idea of making an Operative dipping into Nanocyte 2 for Swarm Strike and Soldier 1 for Aesthetic Warrior.

So I was looking at Aesthetic Warrior and notice that you can deal lethal damage with. However, if you're a Vesk or some other similar species you instead get the Stun quality (as well as a few other), so for you to deal nonlethal damage you have to spend a move action to set your teeth to stun. This seems like a weird design choice. Why didn't they just say "you can deal lethal or nonlethal damage" instead? Wouldn't need to add the Stun quality at all.

So player in the group is picking up an Animal Companion, and I'm playing a Champion. I'm wondering does the animal have an alignment for the purpose of such Champion spells like Litany of Wrath. Does it go off the owner's alignment or is the animal considered neutral for all alignment effects?

So I'm wanting to play a Champion of Tsukiyo cause I have to be difficult like that (mostly difficult on myself). I've found some 1e stuff on him but missing certain stuff and it's not really a 1 for 1 translation.

Literally the only thing I'm sure of his his alignments (LG, NG, LN, though I could see CG being acceptable), having the heal font, most likely has Darkness and Moon in his domains (possibly Dream as well, not sure about the fourth), and longspear for his favored weapon. No idea what he'd have for Cleric spells (not that, that's important for my needs), or his Divine Skill (I'm think Occultism cause spirits). His Edict seems to be about an interpreter for spirits, those with madness, and to help people accept those not like them. I'm guessing his Anathema is xenophobia and forcing change on those who do not wish to change nor judge those who wish to change.

Anyone have suggestions?

Seriously, there are a number of cool effects by they only work if you're using them with quick alchemy. You're punished for preparing your academical items in advance. You can't use Deliberating Bomb in bombs you've prepared, you can't give potions use Merciful Elixir on your potions you've prepared.

Also, Smoke Bomb is still terrible and would be better as an actual bomb instead of an additive.

With RAW there doesn't seem to be any way to use the Climbing Bolt. Strike only works on creatures. There is no maneuver that lets you target an object including a wall. So how are we even suppose to use the Climbing Bolts if there is no way to attack a wall with them?

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Is there a rule clarification for the Diasporan Rifles, specifically the Tactical, Ultra, and Imperial rifles? All three use batteries that don't exist, with the Tactical requiring a 10 charge battery and the Ultra and Imperial requiring a 30 charge battery.

It seems weird they're Organize Play legal but they have weird batteries.

This is more of a question of who has to have the "technological device" for Arcing Surge to work with Spellshot. Am I still the one required to have the device or does it have to be the target of the Spellshot who needs the device?

Why is Blind Fight a level 6 class feat when you can't pick it up until after level 7?

Why can't we take a Guarded Step as part of Trick Attack?

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So I was looking through some build ideas and I noticed that Versatile Movement isn't enhanced by Quick Movement but Climbing Master (feat) and Swimming master (feat) don't have such a restrictions. Weirder yet is that Fleet (feat) does enhanced Versatile Movement.

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So I've been trying to figure out how to make a xenosociologist or a xenoarcheologist. So I look at Xenoseeker and they seem more interested in finding new life to study opposed to finding old cultures or dead cultures to study. I look at Scholar which should be a dead ringer and well...apparently History Scholars aren't a thing. They either specialize in Life Science or Physical Science but not Social Science (which also doesn't exist but has a skill that's fairly close, Culture).

Anyone have a good Tiefling write up for Starfinder? The only thing I know is they probably should have 4 HP and that their energy resistance needs to be replaced with something.