Michadoh's page

3 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


I'll pray for your safety and your family especially your wife who is struggling and doing her best to fight Covid 19.

All we can do for you right now is to pray and care.

Always sanitize your home and everything your wife or even your family touches.

As for your stay at home if you are going to work better improvise a workplace and pc for work where you can be comfortable. for reference: https://www.adorama.com/alc/6-tips-to-help-you-work-from-home-more-effectiv ely

We can all survive this pandemic.

Wei Ji the Learner wrote:

People getting within six(6) or even three (3) feet of me without having control of the situation.

I've been paranoid since a customer cut me a few years back, then complained to management that I was harassing **him**.

And then management threw me under the bus.

This pandemic isn't helping.

LoL even worse than covid 19

Grumbaki wrote:

What things in game bother you?

For example, I can't stand outnumbering an enemy who is ambushing. This has happened twice so far.

(1) Rogue and three henchmen ambush us. The problem is...there are 6 of us. Why set yourself up to be slaughtered like that?

(2) A Mage, two henchmen and a watchman attack us. Again...there are 6 of us. They knew we were coming. They knew how many of us would be there. Why bring such insufficient numbers?

Comparing this to defending a warehouse against another party of 6...that feels like a fight worth remembering. Otherwise it feels like cheating.

That's my pet peeve. What's yours?

1st is players that are not considerate to other players and another thing is how games are paying to win wew.