Metody's page

3 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


ohh ok
Thank you for your knowledge

My question is 2 part.
A sort of Barbarian can get Beast Totem gaining 2 claw attaks, and Abyssal Blood doing the same would they stack in any manner?
1 does "CLAW" somewhere specyfies on what part of the body it apears? (like hands in oposition to feet?)

2 IF you can "gain" 2 claw attacks and put those on your feets, would there be any penalty for that? (as far as i know monk with hes unarmed strikes count all hes body parts as a weapon, so he kinda would be proficient with claw on hes feets thing - a sort of kicks)

Me and my friends just started a lil gaming group, and as usuall we try to solve most of problems with common sense.
We have a hunter runing a Gravity Bow spell witch created little problem.
Little visualization: (we are lvl2 so Duration on Gravity Bow is 2min[?])
Combat starts, he casts Gravity Bow, combat lasts 6 rounds - 30sec.
After combat he have 90sec of that duration left, and still wants to "use it" and wants to be stilll counted as in combat for that purpose.
Other party members for example check doors or other bodies for loot witch takes 2-3min.
Should the ranger be able to move 15times (90sec) hes move value in the meantime?

Hope im clear enough