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Ok, thanks. This is my understanding of the power too. I'm still pondering whether to take Battle Chaplain or Shield of Gorum.

I have also wondered does the other Shield of Gorum -power, which allows Oloch to discard (or recharge) armors or weapons instead of burying them, work with a pepperbox. Can he get d4 + 5d6 without burying a single card with this power? The reasoning here is that this power is automatic and the 'one power per step' -rule wouldn't apply.

I have a question about Oloch's 'Shield of Gorum' - power: when another character at your location is dealt damage, you may reveal an armor to reduce that damage by 1.

Can I use the this power to reduce damage to multiple heroes if the damage is coming from the same source - i.e. if a hero loses her check against a hill giant and there are many heroes at the same location? When a hero takes damage, is it considered as a separate step from other heroes taking damage or does all damage fall in to the 'attemp the check' -step?

I know that each player may activate any power no more than once during each step.

Thank you for your answer. My friend is always saying that I just dont get it, and I almost started to doubt my own opinion - that I missed some critical point in this question. It feels good that someone is finally agreeing with me. :)

I had a somewhat stupid debate with my friend about the order of the cards in the blessings deck.

What happened was that I moved the blessings deck to a better position on the table but failed to get the whole deck and the bottom card was left to the original position. So I just flipped the the bottom card, as it was my turn, and pretended that the bottom card was the top card of the blessings deck.

My friend did not like this and claimed this has some effect to the game - that it is somehow not the same to take any card of the blessings deck and one must always draw the top one. He claims that the order of the deck is formed and it may not be disturbed anyhow, as the order of the cards matters. He also said that I broke the rules.

In my opinion the probability of getting a certain card from a randomly formed deck is always same, regardless which card you draw from it. The order does not matter. I know that in rulebook it says "the top card", but I do not think the game desingers would give much signifigance for drawing a card from the middle for example. Besides, "the top card" could also mean "the best card" ;)

Does anyone else agree with me, or should the rules be interpreted concisely?

I realise that this question is rather idiotic, but this debate with my friend just goes on and on and I would like to have a some sort of answer for it. :)