Merch's page

Goblin Squad Member. Organized Play Member. 10 posts. 1 review. No lists. No wishlists. 5 Organized Play characters.



Michael Brock wrote:

If it was a tier 1 regular scenario open for full reply, I would agree with you. However, for a product focused designed specifically for introduction of the system and game to new players, and not for veterans to play ad nauseum, we decided it best to make it pregens across the board. In the future when we release other quests series, we may reconsider. However, I need my mind changed through actual play experience because there is too much of this crap that happens and drives away first time players for good.

I like the decision to limit play to pre-gen's. Based on my experience I always recommend first-time players start with a pre-gen. And for experienced players, I agree with Mike's original point about powergaming.

Given the number of pre-gens available (and with more coming by the looks of it) I think there is enough choice to satisfy everyone.


personwholives wrote:
As another question, are there any thoughts on some reprints of older flip mats that are being used in current modules? Deep Forest (used in two of these quests) seems to be impossible to find, except in PDF form. Same for Town Square. Is there any chance of a reprint, or should I just pay for the PDF and go to kinkos for a large format printing? I'd even buy a pack of commonly used classics, were such a product made available.

I can't find the link right now, but Paizo has previously posted a really good explanation of why this isn't possible. The economics of it don't add up.

Iammars wrote:

This post is where John Compton posted the list.

Although it's since been edited and you no longer need the Cathedral flip mat.

Thank you!

I'm hopefully running this for a local game day in the middle of next month.

If it doesn't cause too many spoilers, could someone post which, if any, map packs/flip mats are used? Need to buy them early to get them shipped all the way to Aus.


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Tsriel wrote:
I, for one, do not approve of the removal of both Tiefling and Aasimar. While I only have two aasimar to my arsenal of characters, I enjoyed having both as options. Options are what make the game fun. Definitely a step in the wrong direction, imo.

With the addition of three new races, you actually have more options in total.

I like the concept of rotating races in and out. It prevents bloat while still keeping things sort of fresh. I am looking forward to making a kitsune character.

Drogon wrote:
It usually hits at 8:00 Pacific time.

Keen to run this on the weekend, but due to the time difference between Australia and the US it might be a bit tight, depending WHEN on Friday it's released.

The above quote from Drogon, does anyone know if this is PM or AM?

Michael Brock wrote:
Ok all. After discussing it at the meeting today, the team has decided this scenario is just too important to the fundamentals of the Society for anyone to miss. So, it will be available for open play with no minimum table requirements. Enjoy!

Great news! Thanks a bunch Mike, and all the team. Very much looking forward to this scenario.

Hopefully our community will grow enough to run 15 tables in the near future!

Thanks for the reply Mike!

Given our small player base and limited venues I don't think we would be able to get 15 tables over 3 days.

The effort to get 5 tables at once was quite monumental (but also good for getting new players) and I can't picture how we could replicate that over two more days.

We also don't have a venue that could accomodate 5 tables a day, for 3 days.

Obviously the job of our VC, Chris, is to work on changing the above cirumstances but Perth is (relative to the US or the Australian cities on the east cost) small and in the middle of nowhere. So just our population base is big disadvantage.

If it is at all possible for Paizo to consider letting smaller Society chapters play it, while the story is relevant, it would be amazing.

PS. boons and prize support are the thing of dreams for Perthfinder :)

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I would like to echo some of the other posts about the availablity of the scenario.

I play in the Perth, Western Australia area, and while we have a nice little community going but there is no possiblity of anything close to a 15 table event. We managed 5 tables on one day for the Season 5 launch event and that was a real stretch for us. We are also very isolated from the other Australian PFS groups so it would be hard to join them.


I have a question about the treasure received from the crypt.

I'm running just the PFS sanctioned sections (the first two have been completed, which took about 9 hours with breaks for those who want to know) and am preparing to the run the 3rd and final section. When my players come to start the adventure, do they have free access to the treasure from the crypt?