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![]() Lots of good info coming in. I had completely overlooked the multiple summons on the SLA which could indeed be rather handy. Can a standard summoner take the multiple summons or is that just for the master summoner? A friend brought the wild caller to my attention as well, though I'm not sure if it's really what I want to do. Thoughts? Also this may help a bit. We have in our party: a Knife fighter rogue, a bladebound magus w/ a cane, a cleric, a socr, a fighter, and me. ![]()
![]() Thank you all for your input, keep it coming please! More input is always better! @HaraldKlak Thank you for your clarification, I was getting tripped up on if you could take multiple primary attacks per round or only one primary and multiple secondaries but I believe you have solved this issue. @Theinexplicablefuzz I haven't actually looked into master summoner that much, thank you for bringing it to my attention. @Elamdri I like! I have been agonizing over the choice of base form as well. Is there any one that outshines the others? My Eidolon is set up as a pouncer right now but we can make any changes before we hit level 2. Also, is it worth a trait to get a wand at first level? I was thinking Lesser Eidolon Rejuvenation. ![]()
![]() I've started playing a summoner in my groups Rise of the Runelords campaign and have basically been told by the GM that we are going to get our butt's handed to us in the later books. I would like to avoid this eventuality if at all possible and so come to you, the uber players for some advice. Mainly I would like to know everyone's advice on how to make a completely overpowered summoner(not that I actually want to but the knowledge would come in handy if we started getting in over our heads on this one). Also some clarification on how the natural attack lineup works. As in the difference between Primary and Secondary natural attacks, if I can take more than one natural attack that is listed as primary per round, that kind o' stuff. Any help on this would be greatly appreciated. ![]()
![]() So today was my first PFS event, my inquisitor was rocking the show until it came time for the climb check. It was my job to climb to the top of the cliff and then haul the rest of the party up. I got to the the last check and failed, triggering a landslide that killed my inquisitor. so my question is this, what do I do with this chronicle sheet? how do I apply it to my new character? ![]()
![]() Thanks for the suggestions, as for additional info. As I said it has awhile I remember the last thing I played was a Fighter-Inquisitor Gestalt, however that game crashed upon takeoff. For now I will most likely stick to damage, however our core group is lacking in healer from what I've heard. As for alignment, probably CN or CG, I don't want to be spewing evil all over my new playmates. :P ![]()
![]() I've been out of the game for awhile now and want to get back in, my problem is this. The game is tomorrow, I have no character, my knowledge of the rules is very rusty, and I have no idea what I want to play. Any thoughts on a class that is simple, rules wise, but is still not plain vanilla fighter? Also this character is for PFS so it won't be going very high level anytime soon and needs a decent amount of power at lvl 1. Any help is appreciated ![]()
![]() Firstly, Woot first forum post! Up until this point the group that I play with has been fun but we have lacked any real RP. We recently started the carrion crown AP and I thought it would be an excellent time to start. However, I'm unsure of how to really begin. Does anyone have any advice on how to construct a good back story and actually RP it? Also, any advice on how to get the in-character stuff to flow properly and feel natural? I'm planning on playing a Inquisitor/fighter gestalt character with either Cayden Cailean or Adabar as a deity. |