Max Liber's page

*Venture-Agent, Ohio—Toledo 3 posts (6 including aliases). 3 reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 18 Organized Play characters. 1 alias.


I need to merge two accounts for to the fact I forgot the one and and I'd rather have the emails sent to my non-work email address. This one and the other need to be merged into the longer number.

I have SO many T-shirts. Once you guys have these in long sleeved shirts, please let me know. Also don't want to read PFS2 #3-02 a day before I run it online. Paizo, please release this one week earlier for the rest of us who don't have access to the scenario.

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Let the fan fiction begin!

On another note, perhaps I'll tell an interesting story of the adventures of my characters in scenarios, quests, and bounties. How our characters influence the world around them is the best part of exploring the world as a whole.