Yqatuba wrote: Considering Asmodeus is the official state religion, I would think at least devil-born tieflings would be revered, rather than hated. What's the deal? Cheliax thinks they are ABOVE devils. They worship Asmodeus thinking they are getting the better deal out of the contract. Devils are beneath Chelaxians, and so devil-born are beneath humans.
So, it seems Paizo has decided to do a blanket-ban on slavery, but it is my understanding that Lost Omens/Golarion is a rather dark setting and slavery is a big part of the darkness of the setting. It seems to me that such a blanket ban/change would change a lot, so what exactly is affected and how shall we see the setting moving forward?
Some friends and I are interested in publishing a campaign and 3rd party rules for Pathfinder 1E and we're wondering just what we can and cannot reference in our own stuff. Particularly, we're looking at monsters from the bestiary. For example, can we use the Thriae? Are they OGL or is the fact that they are very different from the mythological Thriae make them Paizo copyright? If anyone has a list of things we cannot use from books in OGL material, that would be quite helpful.
I haven't gotten too into the 2nd edition stuff, but there seems to be enough of a change that 2nd edition Golarion and beyond is a bit more "all ages" than 1E. That got me thinking about the 3.5 adventures and sourcebooks, which all had this sort of terror and horror and overall "edginess" that wasn't available in 1E. 3.5 felt like a setting where Folca could conceivably exist. What are some darker aspects you liked about the old-school days?
James Jacobs wrote: It has not yet been reprinted. I doubt we'll need to reprint it in hardcover format, but we'll quite likely end up reprinting it in the softcover "pocket edition" format at some point, in which case we'll be making the changes we want and need to make. Ah, neat, thanks for the tip. Now I know the hardcover book of evil is "Hard Core Evil"
Heyo, everyone. I just found out that Paizo has said that if they reprint "Book of the Damned" that they would be removing some content. I haven't yet purchased a copy, but when I actually do go to add it to my collection, I need to know if I need to search for first editions, or if it's safe to just buy any particular copy. (Yes, I know why Paizo wants to edit it upon reprinting, and no, I'm not interested in a book with less content. I'm a fan of obscure stuff that is technically in the lore but isn't touched upon anymore. I won't say any more, because I don't want to make this a thread about that content.)
Will this game be built to not punish players for picking something. I know retraining is a core rule now, but will Paizo make it so there are inherently inferior choices for feats/class abilities that characters will be forced to retrain when they find out? I certainly hope not. Every option should be fun and effective. I want to avoid water balloons.
Neo2151 wrote:
Selective realism was one reason why being a martial character sucks in PF. Developers claiming the action economy of feats and the like based on what they could personally do instead of what would make for cool and fun characters really throttled possibilities. So please, put gameplay over realism.
Oh hey, someone doing the timeline stuff. Maybe you can use my old timeline stuff I did? https://www.dropbox.com/s/5gwq90umyhpp8vy/Golarion%20Timeline.aeon2?dl=0 A lot of these are estimated. I used a range to determine "generations" and I made "eons" equal 1,000,000,000 years, but I don't think that's quite accurate. I also include a few novels, adventures, and comics, assuming release date or release month as the starting time, unless it is otherwise noted.
Earlier, I had asked if there was any information on what date Aroden actually died. I assumed when he died, crap went down everywhere, the worldwound opened, the eye of Abendego formed, a similar storm formed on a distant planet, the angels had a concordance with one another.... yet, no publication and no character has made reference on what date on the calendar it was. That got me thinking: was the death of Aroden and all the surrounding unpleasantness something that happened over a period of time? If the hurricane formed at a different day that the wound opened up and a different day Aroden was set to return to Cheliax, that would make the date itself seem less noticable for people. I ask about this because there are player character races since the very beginning of pathfinder who could be old enough to have been alive when all this went down, yet we don't have information on what day on the calendar it happened on.
When I played it, I just had the players climb up there. There's no specifics for the towers, iirc, but other parts suggest that climbing is possible from within, at least from how I understand it. As for Animorphal's questions 1. The Lizardfolk
Helel13 wrote:
This isn't a 1:1 conversion, and all the files are in .por format (you need herolab + the community pack to see them), but this is a conversion I did a few years ago that never really was used. I forget exactly what changes I made, but I do recall a few. I like to make encounters more flavorful with all the options that are available in pathfinder rather than stick to d20srd stuff. https://www.dropbox.com/sh/1t4545kdxmydcig/AAB31p3IkuWOeYd8vKTSZb8wa?dl=0 Some changes include:
-Changing the level of things to match the CR on the page. -Changing some wizard characters into alchemists or magi
Christopher Paul Carey wrote:
I have that error as well. Any update on this? I downloaded it last night, I believe.
Okay, so after one Bestiary, Pathfinder seems to have completely dropped the Race Builder system. That doesn't mean that the idea of overpowered races messing with party CR has to be over. It would be nice if Paizo or someone were to organize all the races by the race levels (standard, advanced, and monstrous). There are so many possible races, I'd love to be able to just take any that don't have race points and give them an average RP value based on what category they are in. (For instance, I'm fairly certain that Green Martians from Worldscape are Monstrous races, considering one green martian alone will knock the party up 2 levels at lower levels) Has anyone already done this, and if not, would anyone like to hazard a guess or an educated assumption on what non-pointed races are?
There are many, many reasons to not like the Pathfinder Society. My players dislike them because they can cause so many potential problems. Then again, my brother REALLY loves Hellknights, and he thinks the Neutral policy of the pathfinders allows Chaotic and Evil people to get away with some sneaky stuff just by being in the "super special club." There's no real oversight in the Pathfinders, and the fact that they are run by a shadowy cabal should raise eyebrows in many players. Let's not forget how they take prisoners, cut out their tongues, and have them scribe Pathfinder chronicles, but that's one of those "dropped" 3.5 concepts. Another one I came across were the doomguides, a group of female dwarves who follow catastrophe and steal the souls of people for their dark mistress
Gorbacz wrote: I think it's safe to say that with CotK being a very early product, a result of a very early iteration of the RPG Superstar, Christina unfortunately quitting the industry shortly after it got published we can assume that this one goes into "ideas that never got anywhere" category. Ah, what happened with that. "Clash" was a very unique product. So, I guess its up to me to fill the details in for my campaign. I'm thinking perhaps they work for one of the whore queens? Which one would be best for them?
PFWiki Scribe wrote:
Seems like dwarven lore is pretty spread out among older Pathfinder things, but we don't really know all that much about them, it seems.
In the "Clash of the Kingslayers" Adventure, the first encounter is against a group of female dwarves mounted on hellish steeds known as "Doomguides." They show up throughout the adventure, but there doesn't seem to be much to them, except they show up to mess with the party and attack the city that is under siege by divine agents, but otherwise, we know little about them, except the following. 1. They are all dwarves
Any devils or other hellish leaders that these doomguides would follow? Does there exist any other information on them?
John Napier 698 wrote:
I'd like this thread to be about elements from Golarion that were around back when Pathfinder Chronicles was a supplement and adventure series for 3.5, instead of being the official setting for Pathfinder, you know? Did Paizo ever have Soulless elves? Seems to be a very different flavor than their alien origins.
Robert Brookes wrote: Shory are really well detailed in one of the Mummy's Mask backmatters. They're Garundi, primarily. Unfortunately, I don't have access to those books. Thanks for the information. Anything I should know that Crucible of Chaos doesn't bring up that I should know about? Particularly, where any Shory Mythic?
life and death really isn't about lawful or chaos, really. It's like "oh hey, I take care of these souls, don't mess with my stuff." You can see this in the Salim Ghadafar novels where the titular inquisitor has to question or go after creatures of all alignments to make sure they're not messing on Pharasma's turf. Law and balance often go hand in hand, so they tend to work together with inevitables to make sure things go smoothly, but Pharasma and her agents don't seem to care when they discover Aeons are siphoning chaos out of one reality and injecting it into their own. Not only that, but Pharasma's agents aren't above lying to lawful people to make sure that the soul flow moves smoothly, since Salim omits the fact he's looking for the soul of someone who tried to live forever through Sun Orchid to a Marut when looking for whoever stole it.
We can't forget the Sloor being a thing, but no longer being a thing, because copyright reasons. "Guide to Darkmoon Vale" is full of some interesting things
Early Golarion material makes a lot of references to thi gs that are either never picked up again or contradicted in later works. For example, some books mention psionics and psionic characters, and i use that to justify using psionic characters. one retconned element is Dragonfall, the dragon graveyard where all Dragona go to die what are some of the weird and crazy things from those old books that you like?
Liven wrote:
there are quite a lot of elements that were never picked up from the 3.5 days. i would say stuff like that is fair game for GMs to do whatever they want with
So, with the Shory being a civilization that flew all over the world (there's a city in Tian-Xa, after all), I have to wonder what their people actualy look like. The only images we have of Shory, that I'm aware of, are three undead sorcerers from "Crucible of Chaos." Stitching together what the people of a city/country look like from three corpses isn't exactly the best though. So, is there anthing that shows what the Shory people actually looked like? My guess is that they are mostly Mwangi/Garundi, with elements of other ethnicities sprinkled in there as they picked up people (after all, one element in "Crucible" says that there are names of people from other parts of the world listed in one part)
According to the "Monster Lore" Section of "Knowledge" checks: In general, the DC of such a check equals 10 + the monster’s CR. For common monsters, such as goblins, the DC of this check equals 5 + the monster’s CR. For particularly rare monsters, such as the tarrasque, the DC of this check equals 15 + the monster’s CR or more. A successful check allows you to remember a bit of useful information about that monster. For every 5 points by which your check result exceeds the DC, you recall another piece of useful information. I became intrigued at what is considered a "particularly rare" monster in the setting, because of something that happened in one of the "Pathfinder Tales" novels. In one scene, two characters, who I assume are at least 6th level, if not more, since their training seems to imply they gained level in a prestige class, come across a CR 2 outsider. They look over the thing and have no idea what it is. Now, their jobs are all about outsiders, so they should have pretty high Knowledge (planes) ranks. I find it hard to believe they both couldn't make a DC 12 check to identify the creature when they go around throwing Demon names like its nobody's business. This has led me to believe that the entire subtype of outsiders is "Particularly rare," if they couldn't identify what it is. So, that makes me wonder: What sort of creatures we as players would take for granted should GMs be putting in the "particularly rare" category to emulate the feeling of not knowing what a weak monster is. We can already assume the Tarrasque is on this list, despite being Rovagug's Herald. What other creatures would be hard to know things about, despite level 1 parties being able to take them on in a fair fight?
Am I the only one here who is disappointed in the huge number of reprinted monsters in this book? When I got into Pathfinder, i bought up a lot of the books, even picking up used copies on ebay. Now that the new bestiary is out, I'm a little annoyed that so much of it is material I already have. EDIT: And what really annoys me is that its just reprints of stuff from Pathfinder books. Where are the pathfinder updates for crazy monsters from old 3.5 adventures Paizo wrote, like the Hoary Muntjak?
Reading through these entries, I can't help but think most of these items are artifact level creations, yet they aren't artifacts, and pretty much all but the mundane items can be crafted by anyone with the right feats and skills. Also, anyone else find it funny that 500,000 GP (the amount the champion of the gilded host is work on the market) is apparently enough to destabilize the economy of most of the world, apparently? That seems laughably low for the lore that talks about how much gold it took to create the thing, apparently you can just make one yourself if you happen to be mythic and have 25,000 gp lying around.
James Jacobs wrote: Potatoes grow throughout the Inner Sea region. They are vey very common. Which came first, the Earth Potato, or the Golarion Potato? Did one get traded through interplanar travel from one world to the other? Did they evolve on two different worlds to be the same food? Did some shadowy being conspire to populate two planets with very similar things, just to mess with people who know about them?
So, a couple things have made me question how the world of the Pathfinder campaign setting works. 1.) During one of my campaigns, I had to create a 17th level caster to justify how a character could buy a scroll of such high power as he did. I made this character a CN guy who just was into spellcasting for the money and had multiple business ventures throughout the multiverse. Being a 17th level wizard, he used his abilities to be a one man army and basically a god, pal-ing around with extradimensional beings, kidnapping people for business ventures, creating infinite factories of time-distortion demiplanes to ramp up production of cheap, but wanted, magical items to support his wealth... 2.) Reading "Lost Treasures," the book talks about specific magic items that are not artifacts, and have creation rules tied to them, meaning any wizard who can think of a need for a "planes compass" or a "strip of wood that turns you into a beast man" would be able to recreate such treasure, and at a reduced price, because they're crafters. So, my question is: where are all of the HIgh level shenanigans in Golarion? Where are the people who game the fundamentally broken economy to pump out thousands of gold pieces a day? Why isn't the pathfinder society, an organization created for the purpose of kicking down the door and looting treasure, filled with munchkiny "power gamers" I once had a player use his ability to make and sell poisons to start an empire that involved him making clones of himself, setting up Wall-mart style super centers in every metropolis, building a ship larger than any preset ship in fleet rules, and eventually craft a magic item of infinite wish granting, and all of this follows RAW. I can really only think of a couple examples of characters who are like this in the canon. Razmir uses his high level sorcerer abilities to convince people he's a god. There's that one castle that came into being when a bunch of people decided to draw from the Deck of many things and hope for the keep card. And, I guess, Baba Yaga. But really, that seems to be such a pitifiul amount of characters. It just seems with all the adventure there is to have on Golarion, that there would be more people who will "game the system" than just 2 characters
But ehats the in universe significance of nightcrawlers knowing the trade language of avistan? Does it have to do with the fact that rovagug is on golarion? I mean its not like rovagug is chilling out in taldor. Most wxtraplanar beings have a reason to have common in their stat blocks, since they are probably planning on visiting avistan, so they would learn it before going out to it, but this book clearly states that nightcrawlers are born knowing the language
I always figured that monsters whose stat blocks inckude "common" soeak Taldane when playing in the inmer sea region. The problem with that comes from Undead revisited. It states that Nightshades are created knowing abyssal infernal and Common and that the languages they know may be based on the first nightshade ever created.
I think you could gain some insight by reading up on how Hags reproduce. From what I remember about changelings, I think, THINK they produce children of the race they think they are, and changelings only come to be born from fully mature hags. EDIT: Of course, perhaps changelings aren't able to breed, because technically they haven't gone through their "hag puberty" yet?
So, I have a player who is a pistelero who wipes the floor with pretty much everything I make. He has an itchy trigger finger and freely uses the gun crafting rules for a gunslinger to make himself a bunch of throwaway weapons. His plan for every fight is to quick draw his two double barrelled pistols, fire them off at the enemies, drop them, and pull the next. He usually kills anything in the first round. He's a 4th level gunslinger with quick draw and two-weapon fighting. I've been going over my various players abilities recently as encounters seem to be going over too easily, and his build perplexes me, because some sources say that one can only fire a double-barrelled pistol as a standard action, while other sources say nothing of that, and just seem to assume one could fire them both off as a single attack.
I just picked up a copy of "Classic Monsters Revisited," and I'm curious why the trolls in that look like lanky dudes with pointed ears and long hooked noses, yet the trolls that Paizo eventually went with have that distinct look that has a weird beast face. When I look at the trolls in this book, I see a Humanoid (Giant), but the ones in the actual game look much more like a monstrous humanoid, to me. Where did the idea for the first design come from? And what was the design process to change it?