Darl Quethos

Propane's page

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I have a 2nd printing book and the pages are coming away from the spine. It's a very well-used book, though. Being one of the first books at my group, it's been shared like a complete [redacted]!

The interior is doing otherwise okay. The pages are clear, the cover corners are still crisp enough to PIERCE MY DM'S MALICIOUS SKULL, the ink hasn't run or faded.

It's only problem is the whole clump of pages is slowly but surely coming away from the spine.

I don't like spending money, but when the pages finally fall out I'll know it died having lived a rich and full life of being flipped from Equipment to Magic Weapons to Spells to the delicious Index, and then into infinity.

Edit: It should be noted that I generally take very very good care of my stuff, and enforce my respect of my possessions onto any other person opening my book's cover. You fold any page corner or get it greasy, I am man enough to create the biggest, most pathetic hissy-fit you'll ever see a proud man devolve to!

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Rand al'Thor