Matthew Boehland's page
81 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.
Losing my job, need to cut back on buying fun stuff. :(
Hello, please cancel my Pathfinder adventure card game subscription.
Hello, I'd like to cancel all of my subcriptions except for the one I have to the Adventure Card Game.
Any update on April releases and spawning date? Just trying to work out my budget ^_^
My order was split into 2 shipments. The shipment with many items was fine, but for the one sent UPS, I received a 2nd "Pathfinder Adventure Card Game—Wrath of the Righteous Adventure Deck 4: The Midnight Isles" instead of "Pathfinder Pawns: Monster Codex Box"
Yep, just asking about using the society scenarios for non-society play (as more variety / extra scenarios for the game).
I was just wondering if the society scenarios still work well if you just want to play the the base-game's method of improving your deck (essentially keep-what-you-find).
Apparently they must still be on the 2nd, as mine is still pending.
The shipments can be combined, and you can cancel the sold out item.
I had a credit card get replaced, causing two orders made with the old card to get declined.
I updated my payment method last week, but both are still stuck displaying "Payment Method: This order requires a valid payment method." even though the new payment method should be good.
The orders are:
Is there a list of participating stores anywhere? I know of the place to find events for the RPG version, but not the cardgame one.
Email with pics sent to:
Let me know if I was supposed to send it elsewhere
Subject line is:
Order 3186190 pics of cards requested by Sharaya
I received my pathfinder ACG class decks today.
In the Sorcerer pack, I received 2 identical halves of the decks. I recewived 2 of the on with Amaryllis's character card showing, and none of the pack that presumably would have the 'How to use class decks' information card showing.
Could I get the missing deck?
In the ranger deck, there's a progressively worse problem with it being offset, to the point that 4 cards have a white bar on both sides of the card that make them identifiable from the back side.
Would it be possible to get a replacement for these 4 cards from the ranger class deck? (all were adjacent to each other in the same shrinkwrapped set of cards):
Venomous Bolt
Wooden Shield
Leather Armor
Magic Leather Armor
On Order 3208278, its been over a month and Ultimate Battle still has not shipped. The other two items (Tome of Horrors Ultimate and 4) were shipped and received earlier.
In my sidecart, there's a non-mint adventure path module that's been there for over a month that Sharaya placed in there saying it was available, that still hasn't shipped with any of my orders since then.
Maybe I haven't had any subscription orders since then, but it's still not shown as being included in my long-pending August subscription order either.
Thedmstrikes: I like that idea a lot.
Things that are just generally useful for most APs I won't list. I made this list so I knew what supplements to read as preparation for or to help flesh out a particular AP, though some that are particularly useful for a particular one I might list (such as Ultimate Campaign for Kingmaker). Don't want to make the list *too* unwieldy.
>Doesn't the adventure Dawn of the Scarlet Son tie into events of Shattered Star?
Hadn't heard (I own them but haven't read either the module or the AP in detail), but if it does I can add it... Which reminds me, I should add "We Be Goblins" for Jade Regent (next time I get around to editing the list).
Which new expansion? Levels 7B?

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Here's the updated list (just changes recommended in messages by others in this thread since the last list):
Rise of the Runelords:
Campaign Setting: Magnimar, City of Monuments
Campaign Setting: Lost Kingdoms (for Thassilon)
Campaign Setting: Giants Revised (for the 4th adventure)
Flip-Map: Town Square (for 2 of the first encounters)
Player Companion: Varisia, Birthplace of Legends (not particularly focused on anything for this path, but the region)
Shattered Star Map Pack (Magnimar and map of Varisia)
Pathfinder comic #1 (has section on Sandpoint)
Pathfinder Chronicles: Classic Monsters Revisted (each chapter of the AP predominating feature one type of monster, and many are covered in detail in this book)
Curse of the Crimson Throne:
Guide to Korvosa (mostly player-readable other than the final chapter)
Harrow Deck
Chase Cards (I think the concept was introduced in this AP)
Player Companion: The Harrow Handbook (tangentially, more of a stand-alone)
Second Darkness:
Varisia: Birthplace of Legends
Into the Darklands
Elves of Golarion (some out of date/inaccurate to PFRPG items)
Legacy of Fire:
Dark Markets, A Guide to Katapesh
Mythical Monsters Revisited (4 monsters (1 NPC) in this AP)
Towns of the Inner Sea (Solku is nearby the AP)
Campaign Setting: Osirion, Legacy of Pharoahs
Council of Thieves:
Pathfinder Companion: Cheliax, Empire of Devils
Player Companion: Blood of Fiends (for Tieflings)
Book of the Damned vol. 1 (for Devils)
Pathfinder Chronicles: Guide to the River Kingdoms
Ultimate Campaign (hardcover book)
Ultimate Rulership (3rd party book)
Ultimate Battle (3rd party book)
The Book of River Nations (3rd party book, partially outdated by Ultmate Campaign and Ultimate Rulership)
Flip-Mats: Forest, Ancient Forest, Swamp
Player Companion: People of the River
Serpent's Skull:
Campaign Setting: Heart of the Jungle
Pathfinder Companion: Sargava, the Lost Colony
Cities of Golarion (Tangentially, as potential background for PCs + faction)
Carrion Crown:
GameMastery: Harrow Deck
Campaign Setting: Rule of Fear (A Guide to Ustalav)
Campaign Setting: Classic Horrors Revisited
Dungeons of Golarion (minor: just some information on Gallowspire)
Player Companion: Undead Slayer's Handbook
Player Companion: Blood of the Night
Player Companion: Blood of the Moon (may have some options for PCs)
The Harrow Handbook
Jade Regent:
Map Pack: Caravans
Player Companion: Dragon Empires Primer
Dragon Empires Gazetteer
Lands of the Linnorm Kings
Player Companion: People of the North
Skull & Shackles:
Player Companion: Pirates of the Inner Sea
Sargava, The Lost Colony (does it cover too far south to be relevant?) Flip-Mat: Pirate Ship
Map-Pack: Ship’s Cabins
Campaign Setting: Isles of the Shackles
Campaign Setting: Ships of the Inner Sea
Campaign Setting: Heart of the Jungle
Shattered Star:
City of Strangers (Kaer Maga)
Campaign Setting: Magnimar, City of Monuments
Player Companion: Varisia, Birthplace of Legends (not particularly focused on anything for this path, but the region)
Module: Seven Swords of Sin
Reign of Winter:
Campaign Setting: Irrisen, Land of Eternal Winter
Campaign Setting: Inner Sea (recommended in player's guide, but this is just a small part of the region)
Player Companion: People of the North
Cities of Golarion
Campaign Setting: Distant Worlds (In the frozen stars)
Wrath of the Righteous:
Mythic Adventures (hardcover book)
Campaign Setting: The Worldwound
Campaign Setting: Mystic Realms
Campaign Setting: Lost Kingdoms (for Sarkosis, now the Worldwound)
Book of the Damned Volume II (for demons)
Demons Revisited
Player Companion: Demon Slayer's Handbook
Mummy's Mask:
Osirion, Land of Pharaohs (mostly replaced by Legacy of Pharoahs)
Campaign Setting: Osirion, Legacy of Pharoahs
Player Companion: People of the Sands
Iron Gods:
Campaign Setting: Numeria, Land of Fallen Stars
Campaign Setting: Technology Guide
Player Companion: People of the Stars
Player Companion: People of the River
Campaign Setting: Belkzen, Hold of the Orc Hordes
Supplements that seemed like they might be useful for a particular Adventure Path, but apparently are not:
Campaign Settings:
Campaign Setting: Castles of the Inner Sea (doesn't really tie in to any AP)
Campaign Setting: Lost Cities of Golarion (for Xin-Shalast.. But it describes the city after the events of Rise of the Runelords; the adventure path itself has more releveant information)
Player's Guides (The first three tie in to the various Pathfinder Society Factions)
Pathfinder Companion: Taldor, Echoes of Glory
Pathfinder Companion: Qadira, Gateway to the East
Pathfinder Companion: Andoran, Spirit of Liberty
Player Companion: Faiths of Purity (recommended by player's guide for Carrion Crown, but a bit dubious and removed from that list.. possibly useful, but barely any moreso than for any other AP)
10 people marked this as a favorite.
It's been well over 30 years since I first played an RPG. Those demons that are supposed to possess me are sure taking their sweet time.
1 person marked this as a favorite.
I had an aunt who, when she heard I played D&D, asked me to my face "Doesn't that do stuff to you?". Looking back on it, that would've been an easy question in which to reply with all the beneficial aspects of playing RPGs.
At the time though, I just brushed that off... It was the same aunt who, upon hearing I was going to a 'They Might Be Giants' concert, asked my mom if she was okay with me going to a concert with all those sex and drugs. My mom's reply was 'One of [the band] plays an accordion'. Awesome reply on her part.
Going back to RPGs: Really though, there wasn't too much i had to deal with other than just the social stigma, but honestly, I had the kind of personality that if RPGs were mainstream, then I wouldn't have been interested in them.
Don't go into Power Dome A wrote:
I don't think Faiths of Purity really warrants inclusion. The only explicit mentions of followers of good deities don't appear until the final chapter. The primary deity of Ustalav is the neutral Pharasma.
To add to the list:
Rule of Fear is the name of the Ustalav-centric Campaign Setting book.
Yeah, I think that I only entered that because it was in the player's guide iirc.. Seems a bit dubious, I'll remove it next time I update the list (along with adding the other two suggestions).
Not sure what you meant about Rule of Fear. It's already on the list for Carrion Crown... Or do you mean it doesn't belong there?
Sebastian Hirsch wrote:
And change the enemies a whole damn lot. Mythic characters are supposed to feel awesome, and they should get to be awesome against “regular” enemies, but truly mythic enemies should pose a credible threat to mythic groups.
Thanks for the advice. For enemies, I was going to use Scorpion's statblocks (whenever we do play it, might be awhile).
And I guess the second order has been finalized, so my suggestion above wouldn't work.
Anyhow, the new shorter version of the post is "I receieved the CDs for Pathfinder Legends volumes 2 and 3 in my shipment instead of volumes 1 and 2".
Bellona wrote: I assume that you are also keeping in mind the free (and downloadable) Player's Guide to each AP.
Guide to Korvosa - with the exception of the last chapter - is basically player-friendly (as opposed to GM's eyes only). It might help players starting in CotCT to really get to grips with the city and where their characters live in it.
I left off the modules themselves and anything with its own adventure path name in the title, as its obvious what they're useful for (but ones that are useful for a different AP than the one in their title, mainly the Shattered Star Map Pack, would be listed in the AP they're unexpectedly useful for). But other than that, pawns, the named-for-the-AP map packs, player's guides, and such are not listed.
Thanks for the heads up about Guide to Korvosa being (mostly) good for players.

Piccolo wrote: I am currently running this adventure, and am wondering why you chose these:
Carrion Crown:
GameMastery: Harrow Deck
Player Companion: Faiths of Purity
Campaign Setting: Classic Horrors Revisited
Dungeons of Golarion (minor: just some information on Gallowspire)
Player Companion: Undead Slayer's Handbook
Player Companion: Blood of the Moon (may have some options for PCs)
The Harrow Handbook
For example, what does the Harrow Deck add to the campaign?
In general, I haven't played many APs yet, and made this thread with the starting point of what the players guide recommended (if any) and what the descriptions of each supplement mentioned they were useful for, and asked for contributions/opinions.
For Carrion Crown, There are a lot of undead and horror type creatures, which is what most of the recommendations center around (either detailing the creatures or how to fight them).
I thought that was the one where players could draw from the harrow deck approximatlely once per module.. Maybe I mistook it for another one... but at the very least, I'm almost certain I saw it referenced in that AP or I wouldn't have added it.
Edit: Yeah, I just double checked. not quite what I said, but each of the modules except the first one has a sidebar that explains how using the harrow deck is helpful for the module (players can earn draws from it)
Blood of the Moon is the least directly relevant one, but someone thought it would be a good option for the PCs in certain cases that could arise in the third module.
I had ordered all 3 Pathfinder Legends CDs, but the 3rd one was still on preorder at the time (well, at least I thought it was), so I just sidecarted volume 3 and had the first 2 set to be shipped separately.
I just received my order # 3208270 that was supposed to be for:
Pathfinder Legends: Rise of the Runelords #1 Burnt Offerings
Pathfinder Legends: Rise of the Runelords #2 Skinsaw Murders
but I got volumes 2 and 3 instead (though the invoice included says volumes 1 and 2 on it).
I still have an order pending (order # 3193568 ) that includes volume 3, which I no longer need as I was already sent it... But I still need volume 1 as I didn't receive it in my order above.
If you could switch volume 3 out and replace it with volume 1 in my pending order before it ships, everything would work out...
stuart haffenden wrote: Change the well highlighted problematic parts of mythic rules.
Then my answer would be yes.
Main thing for me is that not having played with mythic, I'm bound to not figure out all of what feats not to use or what other problem areas there are.. Most recommendations are along the lines of "I ban [list of 3 or 4 powers] and other overpowered ones".
Odd thing that the mythic adventure hardcover book gets such good ratings but the reviews/forum for the only adventure path to use them goes in detail about it being unplayable as written.
Guess its good for reading but not actual playing? :/
I mainly was asking because one of the players went as far as to buy mythic adventures, and I think the main reason he'd be interested in this AP is that its the one made for those rules (and he might not be interested in the suggestion of playing a non-mythic character in it).
It *really* sounds like a lot of work to make mythic work in another AP, just seeing if there's a way to salvage it in this one without banning a whole bunch of feats or doing the 3x/4x HPs for enemies changes... Was hoping that fewer PCs would be enough of a change, but having never played mythic, wasn't sure how bad it was.

Enlight: Good catch, I hadn't noticed how many of the predominant monsters for each chapter in RotR were mentioned in detail in the classic monsters revisited book (exactly the kind of thing I made this list for, I have that book and didn't notice the connection)
Re: Shattered Star Map Pack for RotR: I'll keep it in. Even if it mentions the name of the city, its in the title of one of the modules, so its not that much a spoiler.
Added Heart of the Jungle to Skull & Shackles.
Haven't had a chance to check if People of the River is relevant for Kingmaker, see haven't added it yet, but if someone who knows posts the answer, I'll add it (or not, as appropriate).
The as-of-now most up to date list:
Rise of the Runelords:
Campaign Setting: Magnimar, City of Monuments
Campaign Setting: Lost Kingdoms (for Thassilon)
Campaign Setting: Giants Revised (for the 4th adventure)
Flip-Map: Town Square (for 2 of the first encounters)
Player Companion: Varisia, Birthplace of Legends (not particularly focused on anything for this path, but the region)
Shattered Star Map Pack (Magnimar and map of Varisia)
Pathfinder comic #1 (has section on Sandpoint)
Pathfinder Chronicles: Classic Monsters Revisted (each chapter of the AP predominating feature one type of monster, and many are covered in detail in this book)
Curse of the Crimson Throne:
Guide to Korvosa
Harrow Deck
Chase Cards (I think the concept was introduced in this AP)
Player Companion: The Harrow Handbook (tangentially, more of a stand-alone)
Second Darkness:
Varisia: Birthplace of Legends
Into the Darklands
Elves of Golarion (some out of date/inaccurate to PFRPG items)
Legacy of Fire:
Dark Markets, A Guide to Katapesh
Mythical Monsters Revisited (4 monsters (1 NPC) in this AP)
Towns of the Inner Sea (Solku is nearby the AP)
Council of Thieves:
Pathfinder Companion: Cheliax, Empire of Devils
Player Companion: Blood of Fiends (for Tieflings)
Book of the Damned vol. 1 (for Devils)
Pathfinder Chronicles: Guide to the River Kingdoms
Ultimate Campaign (hardcover book)
Ultimate Rulership (3rd party book)
Ultimate Battle (3rd party book)
The Book of River Nations (3rd party book, partially outdated by Ultmate Campaign and Ultimate Rulership)
Flip-Mats: Forest, Ancient Forest, Swamp
Serpent's Skull:
Campaign Setting: Heart of the Jungle
Pathfinder Companion: Sargava, the Lost Colony
Cities of Golarion (Tangentially, as potential background for PCs + faction)
Carrion Crown:
GameMastery: Harrow Deck
Player Companion: Faiths of Purity
Campaign Setting: Rule of Fear (A Guide to Ustalav)
Campaign Setting: Classic Horrors Revisited
Dungeons of Golarion (minor: just some information on Gallowspire)
Player Companion: Undead Slayer's Handbook
Player Companion: Blood of the Night
Player Companion: Blood of the Moon (may have some options for PCs)
The Harrow Handbook
Jade Regent:
Map Pack: Caravans
Player Companion: Dragon Empires Primer
Dragon Empires Gazetteer
Lands of the Linnorm Kings
Player Companion: People of the North
Skull & Shackles:
Player Companion: Pirates of the Inner Sea
Sargava, The Lost Colony (does it cover too far south to be relevant?) Flip-Mat: Pirate Ship
Map-Pack: Ship’s Cabins
Campaign Setting: Isles of the Shackles
Campaign Setting: Ships of the Inner Sea
Campaign Setting: Heart of the Jungle
Shattered Star:
City of Strangers (Kaer Maga)
Campaign Setting: Magnimar, City of Monuments
Player Companion: Varisia, Birthplace of Legends (not particularly focused on anything for this path, but the region)
Module: Seven Swords of Sin
Reign of Winter:
Campaign Setting: Irrisen, Land of Eternal Winter
Campaign Setting: Inner Sea (recommended in player's guide, but this is just a small part of the region)
Player Companion: People of the North
Cities of Golarion
Campaign Setting: Distant Worlds (In the frozen stars)
Wrath of the Righteous:
Mythic Adventures (hardcover book)
Campaign Setting: The Worldwound
Campaign Setting: Mystic Realms
Campaign Setting: Lost Kingdoms (for Sarkosis, now the Worldwound)
Book of the Damned Volume II (for demons)
Demons Revisited
Player Companion: Demon Slayer's Handbook
Mummy's Mask:
Osirion, Land of Pharaohs (mostly replaced by Legacy of Pharoahs)
Campaign Setting: Osirion, Legacy of Pharoahs
Player Companion: People of the Sands
Iron Gods:
Campaign Setting: Numeria, Land of Fallen Stars
Campaign Setting: Technology Guide
Player Companion: People of the Stars
Player Companion: People of the River
Campaign Setting: Belkzen, Hold of the Orc Hordes
Supplements that seemed like they might be useful for a particular Adventure Path, but apparently are not:
Campaign Settings:
Campaign Setting: Castles of the Inner Sea (doesn't really tie in to any AP)
Campaign Setting: Lost Cities of Golarion (for Xin-Shalast.. But it describes the city after the events of Rise of the Runelords; the adventure path itself has more releveant information)
Player's Guides (These ones tie in to the various Pathfinder Society Factions)
Pathfinder Companion: Taldor, Echoes of Glory
Pathfinder Companion: Qadira, Gateway to the East
Pathfinder Companion: Andoran, Spirit of Liberty
Asked this in the 'A failed AP' thread, but that's really not the right place for it, so asking here:
There's a lot of comments about the AP being far too easy once the PCs start getting mythic abilities.
Would this AP work better as written (with mythic) but with only 3 PCs? (normally play with 5, but thinking maybe this would be a good AP for the weeks where some people can't make it).
Would this AP work better as written (with mythic) but with only 3 PCs? (normally play with 5, but thinking maybe this would be a good AP for the weeks where some people can't make it)
Have you gotten either of my replies? Haven't heard anything back after either of them.
Sorry about all the customer service posts, but things get complicated when ordering 150 items in a month ^^;
I accidentally ordered the "Pathfinder Pawns: Reign of Winter Adventure Path Pawn Collection" in two different pending orders. I still want one, but don't need two. Could I have one of them removed?
The order #s are

2 people marked this as a favorite.
For now I'll refrain from adding 3rd party items that I don't own from the list. Still leaving on the 3 for Kingmaker, as I have and can see how good those are. Thanks for the lists of them though, I'll keep them in mind if/when I run those adventures.
rknop: I didn't list any of the paper minis as anything that has the name of the adventure path in the title is pretty clear what it's for, and it'd needlessly lengthen to list to add pawns/minis, item cards, face cards, the individual modules, map folios, and other items... Just sharing a list to remind me of which players guides and campaign settings to use with each adventure path. But it is a good reminder about paper minis that for some reason Paizo doesn't include them in the list of items available for each adventure path like they do for the regular pawns and minis.
Anyhow, the newest list (posts can't be edited after awhile (1 hour?), which is why I keep redoing the list):
Rise of the Runelords:
Campaign Setting: Magnimar, City of Monuments
Campaign Setting: Lost Kingdoms (for Thassilon)
Campaign Setting: Giants Revised (for the 4th adventure)
Flip-Map: Town Square (for 2 of the first encounters)
Player Companion: Varisia, Birthplace of Legends (not particularly focused on anything for this path, but the region)
Shattered Star Map Pack (Magnimar and map of Varisia)
Pathfinder comic #1 (has section on Sandpoint)
Curse of the Crimson Throne:
Guide to Korvosa
Harrow Deck
Chase Cards (I think the concept was introduced in this AP)
Player Companion: The Harrow Handbook (tangentially, more of a stand-alone)
Second Darkness:
Varisia: Birthplace of Legends
Into the Darklands
Elves of Golarion (some out of date/inaccurate to PFRPG items)
Legacy of Fire:
Dark Markets, A Guide to Katapesh
Mythical Monsters Revisited (4 monsters (1 NPC) in this AP)
Towns of the Inner Sea (Solku is nearby the AP)
Council of Thieves:
Pathfinder Companion: Cheliax, Empire of Devils
Player Companion: Blood of Fiends (for Tieflings)
Book of the Damned vol. 1 (for Devils)
Pathfinder Chronicles: Guide to the River Kingdoms
Ultimate Campaign (hardcover book)
Ultimate Rulership (3rd party book)
Ultimate Battle (3rd party book)
The Book of River Nations (3rd party book, partially outdated by Ultmate Campaign and Ultimate Rulership)
Flip-Mats: Forest, Ancient Forest, Swamp
Serpent's Skull:
Campaign Setting: Heart of the Jungle
Pathfinder Companion: Sargava, the Lost Colony (recommended for the Skull & Shackles in that AP's players guide, but seems appropriate for this)
Cities of Golarion (Tangentially, as potential background for PCs + faction)
Carrion Crown:
GameMastery: Harrow Deck
Player Companion: Faiths of Purity
Campaign Setting: Rule of Fear (A Guide to Ustalav)
Campaign Setting: Classic Horrors Revisited
Dungeons of Golarion (minor: just some information on Gallowspire)
Player Companion: Undead Slayer's Handbook
Player Companion: Blood of the Night
Player Companion: Blood of the Moon (may have some options for PCs)
The Harrow Handbook
Jade Regent:
Map Pack: Caravans
Player Companion: Dragon Empires Primer
Dragon Empires Gazetteer
Lands of the Linnorm Kings
Player Companion: People of the North
Skull & Shackles:
Player Companion: Pirates of the Inner Sea
Sargava, The Lost Colony (does it cover too far south to be relevant?) Flip-Mat: Pirate Ship
Map-Pack: Ship’s Cabins
Campaign Setting: Isles of the Shackles
Campaign Setting: Ships of the Inner Sea
Shattered Star:
City of Strangers (Kaer Maga)
Campaign Setting: Magnimar, City of Monuments
Player Companion: Varisia, Birthplace of Legends (not particularly focused on anything for this path, but the region)
Module: Seven Swords of Sin
Reign of Winter:
Campaign Setting: Irrisen, Land of Eternal Winter
Campaign Setting: Inner Sea (recommended in player's guide, but this is just a small part of the region)
Player Companion: People of the North
Cities of Golarion
Campaign Setting: Distant Worlds (In the frozen stars)
Wrath of the Righteous:
Mythic Adventures (hardcover book)
Campaign Setting: The Worldwound
Campaign Setting: Mystic Realms
Campaign Setting: Lost Kingdoms (for Sarkosis, now the Worldwound)
Book of the Damned Volume II (for demons)
Demons Revisited
Player Companion: Demon Slayer's Handbook
Mummy's Mask:
Osirion, Land of Pharaohs (mostly replaced by Legacy of Pharoahs)
Campaign Setting: Osirion, Legacy of Pharoahs
Player Companion: People of the Sands
Iron Gods:
Campaign Setting: Numeria, Land of Fallen Stars
Campaign Setting: Technology Guide
Player Companion: People of the Stars
Player Companion: People of the River
Campaign Setting: Belkzen, Hold of the Orc Hordes
Supplements that seemed like they might be useful for a particular Adventure Path, but apparently are not:
Campaign Settings:
Campaign Setting: Castles of the Inner Sea (doesn't really tie in to any AP)
Campaign Setting: Lost Cities of Golarion (for Xin-Shalast.. But it describes the city after the events of Rise of the Runelords; the adventure path itself has more releveant information)
Player's Guides (These ones tie in to the various Pathfinder Society Factions)
Pathfinder Companion: Taldor, Echoes of Glory
Pathfinder Companion: Qadira, Gateway to the East
Pathfinder Companion: Andoran, Spirit of Liberty
Pan wrote: There is a player companion or campaign setting book about vampires called blood something that works pretty well for CC. Blood of the Night? Orignally didn't add it as I thought it was more for PC Dhamphirs, but looks like it does have things like these:
•New feats, equipment, and spells to vanquish undead foes and compel the living to submit to your sanguine will
•A thorough dissection of vampirekind, including tactics for encountering these undead fiends and properly sending them back to the grave.
So I added it. Revised list updated again, thanks to everyone!!
Yep, looks like Magnimar is in there, added it to the revised list. Thanks!

Thanks for the reply, here's my updated list:
Rise of the Runelords:
Campaign Setting: Magnimar, City of Monuments
Campaign Setting: Lost Cities of Golarion (for Xin-Shalast)
Campaign Setting: Lost Kingdoms (for Thassilon)
Campaign Setting: Giants Revised (for the 4th adventure)
Flip-Map: Town Square (for 2 of the first encounters)
Player Companion: Varisia, Birthplace of Legends (not particularly focused on anything for this path, but the region)
Shattered Star Map Pack (Magnimar and map of Varisia)
Pathfinder comic #1 (has section on Sandpoint)
Curse of the Crimson Throne:
Guide to Korvosa
Harrow Deck
Chase Cards (I think the concept was introduced in this AP)
Player Companion: The Harrow Handbook (tangentially, more of a stand-alone)
Second Darkness:
Varisia: Birthplace of Legends
Into the Darklands
Elves of Golarion (some out of date/inaccurate to PFRPG items)
Legacy of Fire:
Dark Markets, A Guide to Katapesh
Mythical Monsters Revisited (4 monsters (1 NPC) in this AP)
Towns of the Inner Sea (Solku is nearby the AP)
Council of Thieves:
Pathfinder Companion: Cheliax, Empire of Devils
Player Companion: Blood of Fiends (for Tieflings)
Book of the Damned vol. 1 (for Devils)
Pathfinder Chronicles: Guide to the River Kingdoms
Ultimate Campaign (hardcover book)
Ultimate Rulership (3rd party book)
Ultimate Battle (3rd party book)
The Book of River Nations (3rd party book, partially outdated by Ultmate Campaign and Ultimate Rulership)
Serpent's Skull:
Campaign Setting: Heart of the Jungle
Pathfinder Companion: Sargava, the Lost Colony (recommended for the Skull & Shackles in that AP's players guide, but seems appropriate for this)
Cities of Golarion (Tangentially, as potential background for PCs + faction)
Carrion Crown:
GameMastery: Harrow Deck
Player Companion: Faiths of Purity
Campaign Setting: Rule of Fear (A Guide to Ustalav)
Campaign Setting: Classic Horrors Revisited
Dungeons of Golarion (minor: just some information on Gallowspire)
Player Companion: Undead Slayer's Handbook
Player Companion: Blood of the Night
Jade Regent:
Map Pack: Caravans
Player Companion: Dragon Empires Primer
Dragon Empires Gazetteer
Lands of the Linnorm Kings
Skull & Shackles:
Player Companion: Pirates of the Inner Sea
Sargava, The Lost Colony (does it cover too far south to be relevant?)
Flip-Mat: Pirate Ship
Map-Pack: Ship’s Cabins
Campaign Setting: Isles of the Shackles
Campaign Setting: Ships of the Inner Sea
Shattered Star:
City of Strangers (Kaer Maga)
Campaign Setting: Magnimar, City of Monuments
Player Companion: Varisia, Birthplace of Legends (not particularly focused on anything for this path, but the region)
Module: Seven Swords of Sin
Reign of Winter:
Campaign Setting: Irrisen, Land of Eternal Winter
Campaign Setting: Inner Sea (recommended in player's guide, but this is just a small part of the region)
Player Companion: People of the North
Cities of Golarion
Campaign Setting: Distant Worlds (In the frozen stars)
Wrath of the Righteous:
Mythic Adventures (hardcover book)
Campaign Setting: The Worldwound
Campaign Setting: Mystic Realms
Campaign Setting: Lost Kingdoms (for Sarkosis, now the Worldwound)
Book of the Damned Volume II (for demons)
Demons Revisited
Player Companion: Demon Slayer's Handbook
Mummy's Mask:
Osirion, Land of Pharaohs (mostly replaced by Legacy of Pharoahs)
Campaign Setting: Osirion, Legacy of Pharoahs
Player Companion: People of the Sands
Iron Gods:
Campaign Setting: Numeria, Land of Fallen Stars
Campaign Setting: Technology Guide
Player Companion: People of the Stars
Player Companion: People of the River
Campaign Setting: Belkzen, Hold of the Orc Hordes
Supplements that seemed like they might be useful for a particular Adventure Path, but apparently are not:
Campaign Settings:
Campaign Setting: Castles of the Inner Sea (doesn't really tie in to any AP)
Player's Guides (These ones tie in to the various Pathfinder Society Factions)
Pathfinder Companion: Taldor, Echoes of Glory
Pathfinder Companion: Qadira, Gateway to the East
Pathfinder Companion: Andoran, Spirit of Liberty

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Having just bought most of the Adventure Paths, player's companions, and campaign settings in a short time, I researched to see which supplements were relevant to each adventure path.
Just looking for feedback and addendum for the lists I came up with. These list are not made with any expertise, I mostly just know Rise of the Runelords. I've come up with this information mainly by looking at PLayer's Guide for each AP, and at the descriptions of each supplement.
I did not list the obvious things that have the name of the adventure path in the product title (item cards, face cards, map folios, pawns).
Rise of the Runelords:
Campaign Setting: Magnimar, City of Monuments
Campaign Setting: Lost Cities of Golarion (for Xin-Shalast)
Campaign Setting: Lost Kingdomds (for Thassilon)
Campaign Setting: Giants Revised (for the 4th adventure)
Flip-Map: Town Square (for 2 of the first encounters)
Player Companion: Varisia, Birthplace of Legends (not particularly focused on anything for this path, but the region)
Curse of the Crimson Throne:
Guide to Korvosa
Harrow Deck
Chase Cards (I think the concept was introduced in this AP)
Second Darkness:
? - Not sure of any of them
Legacy of Fire:
Dark Markets, A Guide to Katapesh
Council of Thieves:
Pathfinder Companion: Cheliax, Empire of Devils
Pathfinder Chronicles: Guide to the River Kingdoms
Ultimate Campaign (hardcover book)
Ultimate Rulership (3rd party book)
Ultimate Battle (3rd party book)
The Book of River Nations (3rd party book, partially outdated by Ultmate Campaign and Ultimate Rulership)
Serpent's Skull:
Pathfinder Companion: Sargava, the Lost Colony (recommended for the Skull & Shackles in that AP's players guide, but seems appropriate for this)
Carrion Crown:
GameMastery: Harrow Deck
Player Companion: Faiths of Purity
Campaign Setting: Rule of Fear (A Guide to Ustalav)
Campaign Setting: Classic Horrors Revisited
Jade Regent:
Map Pack: Caravans
Player Companion: Dragon Empires Primer
Dragon Empires Gazetteer
Skull & Shackles:
Player Companion: Pirates of the Inner Sea
Sargava, The Lost Colony (does it cover too far south to be relevant?)
Flip-Mat: Pirate Ship
Map-Pack: Ship’s Cabins
Campaign Setting: Isles of the Shackles
Campaign Setting: Ships of the Inner Sea
Shattered Star:
Player Companion: Varisia, Birthplace of Legends (not particularly focused on anything for this path, but the region)
Reign of Winter:
Campaign Setting: Irrisen, Land of Eternal Winter
Campaign Setting: Inner Sea (recommended in player's guide, but this is just a small part of the region)
Player Companion: People of the North
Wrath of the Righteous:
Mythic Adventures (hardcover book)
Campaign Setting: The Worldwound
Campaign Setting: Mystic Realms
Mummy's Mask:
Osirion, Land of Pharaohs (mostly replaced by Legacy of Pharoahs)
Campaign Setting: Osirion, Legacy of Pharoahs
Player Companion: People of the Sands
Iron Gods:
Campaign Setting: Numeria, Land of Fallen Stars
Campaign Setting: Technology Guide
Player Companion: People of the Stars
Player Companion: People of the River
Supplements that seem like they might be useful for a particular Adventure Path, but I'm not sure:
Campaign Settings:
Cities of Golarion
Heart of the Jungle
City of Strangers (Kaer Maga)
Dungeons of Golarion
Lands of the Linnorm Kings (for Reign of Winter?)
Campaign Setting: Castles of the Inner Sea
Campaign Setting: Distant Worlds (originally thought Wrath/Righteous, but I guess it was Mystic Realms)
Towns of the Inner Sea
Campaign Setting: Belkzen, Hold of the Orc Hordes
Player's Guides:
Pathfinder Companion: Taldor, Echoes of Glory
Pathfinder Companion: Qadira, Gateway to the East (for Legacy of Fire?)
Pathfinder Companion: Andoran, Spirit of Liberty (for Council of Thieves?)
Player Companion: The Harrow Handbook
Anything on each Adventure Path's supplements I listed that doesn't belong there? Anything I missed that's recommended? Know what Adventure Path(s) is relevant to anything on my list of 'supplements that look like they might be useful for a particular AP'?
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The Order of the Stick Adventure Path.
Apparently the order was finalized this morning, so lo longer possible :/
Haladir: Wow, thanks for the better than I could hope for in detail response!
I did end up buying the individual volumes before seeing the response, but its great to have the context for what's still an interesting read now and what was made out of date by later releases.
As it looks unlikely that I can get Carrion Crown #1 (its been backordered a month now), could I cancel carrion crown #2 (adventure path #44) from my sidecart and carrion crown #3-6 (adventure paths #45-48) from order # 3187711 ?
I'll spend the money with other modules and player/campaign guides if so. ^_^
I've been trying to add 5 new subscriptions, but the order won't submit. When I do the 'place order' option on the final 'confirm order page' in checkout, it just brings me back to viewing my cart.
Hello, among other things, I had ordered Adventure path volumes 52,53, and 54 in this order.
I had received volumes 52,49, and 54.
So I got #49: Jade Regent: The Brinewall Legacy
instead of the #53: Jade Regent: Tide of Honor that I had ordered.
i'm sure I'm just missing a thread that already covers it, but I have the anniversary edition, and seeing if there's any interesting non-module content (the stuff in the back half of each book) that was in the original release but not in the anniversary.
I did see this from a message board post:
The articles from the appendices are reproduced [in the anniversary edition](and rewritten to bring them up to date), so you're only missing out on the articles on Desna and Lamashtu, and the Bestiaries (which are pretty much entirely consolidated into the Bestiary 2 and Bestiary 3,
..but from the difference in page counts between the 6 modules combined and the anniversary edition, it seems like there should be more.
Are there more stories, background info, etc of interest?
Just seeing if there's really no reason to get it other than being a completionist (I have the Adventure oaths 7+ already or hopefully on the way already)
Looks like there's now another item backordered holding up my shipment, could this backordered item be separated from it so the rest of the order can go out?:
Pathfinder Adventure Path #55: The Wormwood Mutiny (Skull & Shackles 1 of 6) (PFRPG) Print Edition
Originally had placed the order on June 20th, but on last Saturday someone at Paizo sidecarted the Carrion Crown #1 module that was backordered and holding everything up so everything else could be shipped out.
Now it looks like the same thing has happened again to the same order with the Skull & Shackles being backordered ^^;
I'd still like Haunting of Harrowstone if it is available, but I'd like the rest of the order shipped in the meantime (I'm fine of course with paying for the Haunting of Harrowstone's shipping separately).
I see a module is backordered, is there still any chance of that showing up?
Will the free RPG day items be available from the Paizo online store?
magnuskn wrote: I thought furries wanted to be polymorphed into humanoid antropomorphic animal-people, not tiny helpless squirrels. ..But being turned into a squirrel doesn't incur the 'helpless' condition!