MattTheOsome's page
Organized Play Member. 25 posts (533 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 16 aliases.
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So, I can see this thread hasn't been used in some time, but recently I've been running the SnS AP for a group of 5 players, and one of them wrote me this little rendition of "Under the Sea," the song from The Little Mermaid, based on our own adventure. Fittingly, his character's name is currently Sebastian (his second character). I thought it was genius, so I needed some place to memorialize it, and this looked like a good spot. Again, I take no credit for this...
The bilges is always cleaner
On somebody else's boat
You dream about sailing out here
But can you keep a ship afloat?
Just look at the seas around you
You’ll wish you had stayed ashore
When suddenly beasts surround you
To drag you to the ocean floor
Oh ho!
Under attack!
Under attack!
Come grab a sword now
Into the horde now
Beat them all back!
It’s gonna be a sleepless night
Up on the deck we have to fight
If these guys beat us
They gonna eat us
Under attack!
Out here all the pilots’ jumpy
As they sail this cursed sea
They carryin’ precious booty
That covetous eyes will see
Black flags be on the horizon
Be careful for what you wish
You may be the new fresh meat, but
There’s always a bigger fish!
Under attack!
Under attack!
Here comes the ropes now
There goes our hopes now
We’re on the rack!
Forget the place you want your bones
Now they belong to Davy Jones
You’ll take no coffer
Down to that locker
Under attack! (Under attack!)
Under attack! (Under attack!)
Critical failure
No way to sail, her
Hull’s filled with flak!
You thought you’d take it to the bank
But they tell no tales who walk the plank
So come on get Kraken,
Give them a smackin’
Under attack!
Roll initiative
Ye better roll high
If ye wish to live
You gotta master the die
So say a quick prayer
And knock on some wood
The GM’s about to roll
(Oh no)
Sebastian tries talk
For stalling the clock
They’re flanked, unaware
By stealthy Adair
Urbeck’s got the spunk
But can’t shoot when he’s drunk
And Maia can’t tell friend from foe!
Under attack! (Under attack!)
Under attack! (Under attack!)
Character’s dying
Players are crying
Matt gives no slack!
We haven’t got the luck to live
But we have run out of f***s to give
So we’ll keep on sailing
Trying and failing
Under attack!
We won’t go quiet
We’re gonna try it
Under attack!
Don’t be a mackerel,
Conquer the Shackles!
Don’t be a hagfish
Do it for Baggrish!
Don’t try to hide it,
You are a pirate!
Under attack!
Male Human (Canadian) Post-secondary Student, Genetics Major (3)
Put your discussion stuff here.
Male Human (Canadian) Post-secondary Student, Genetics Major (3)
So now that we've wrapped up this session in person, will we be resuming this anytime soon?
This is a bit delayed but the issue has been resolved.
Male Human (Canadian) Post-secondary Student, Genetics Major (3)
I've made a custom combat map for you in google drawings. if you want. editting is open. link here.
I've taken a closer look at the problem myself (with some assistance). It appears to be an issue with loading the image data from the HTTPS://static.paizo domain. No idea why, and so far I haven't been able to find a root cause of the error. It seems the browser is stuck in a feedback loop of not being able to find or receive the requested data file, and request sending again, only to repeat ad infinitum until it times out. As far as I can tell, my Google Chrome is fully updated and operating correctly, so I'm inclined to think it is something beyond issues with that program itself.
I tried updating my driver software as well, to no avail. It may be I simply have to resign myself to not being able to select another avatar image in the future. A fact which will continue to frustrate me, but such is life.
Lissa Guillet wrote: I downloaded the latest chrome and can't seem to duplicate. I'll try it from home and see if there is any difference there. Do you know if you have any addons or extensions? Google apps, Skype click to call (disabled), and AVG secure search. All of these have been on my computer for a rather long time though. Of those, I can only see AVG being a possible interference, and this issue hasn't come up before. Possibility it might have had something to do with a recent update? Not sure.
Does the site require the operation of any specific programs/applications/extensions to function properly?
I'm currently experiencing a problem with image display on the website in general. It seems whenever I load a page that can be edited (my account homepage, new thread window, preview window when posting on PBP, alias editing window) all of the images that should be loaded on that page disappear, replaced with "image not found" icons. I expect that is is a user side error - so no I don't know if it has anything to do with the website - as this phenomena doesn't seem to occur when I access the above mentioned pages on another device. It seems to be solely related to my computer.
The distressing factor is that this has not always been the case. The problem seems to have manifested sometime in the last week or so. My suspicion is that it may have had something to do with resetting the settings of my browser a while back, and I do not remember what custom settings may or may not have been in place at the time. I use Google Chrome, in case you are wondering.
As an addition to the above, the same issue manifests when loading the page in Firefox, so it doesn't seem to be solely an application issue.
If anyone has any suggestions on how to fix this, I would greatly appreciate the feedback.
Male Human (Canadian) Post-secondary Student, Genetics Major (3)
I am conducting a test. The test is that I occasionally loose the ability to see avatar images, icons, and logos, and wish to know how/ why this happens.
It seems consistent that this occurs when I preview posts. also when i attempt to view/edit my own profile.
However I can see avatar images just fine once I submit the post proper.
My hypothesis is that this is a user-side problem, as this phenomena does not seem to occur when I use my phone.
Male Human (Canadian) Post-secondary Student, Genetics Major (3)
Semirhage wrote: Bluff: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (20) + 15 = 35
Wow, epic bluff there. Sure you don't want to surge on that just for kicks too? ;)
Male Human (Canadian) Post-secondary Student, Genetics Major (3)
"Well said," says Chathorik, recognizing the phrase you used.
You flick the stone. Presumably this is a non-lethal attack, so you take a -4. The pebble deals 1 + str damage. Since khana do not have prehensile tails you cannot add your strength to the damage. That would also mean this is an attack with an improvised weapon, which incurs a further -4 on the attack. Punaka is asleep and is thus prone. He doesn't get his dex or dodge to AC, and takes a further -4 for being prone. The net result? Your attack hits; you deal 1 point of non-lethal damage. It is sufficient to wake him up.
Punaka wakes up as the pebble you flick at him bounces off his face. "Is it time to move on?" he asks, stirring slowly.
"Nay cousin," Chathorik laughs, "our brother only wishes to inform you that you missed the action." You both laugh at the sleepy, puzzled look on his face, as he struggles to comprehend. "Do not worry, you still have time to rest. It is only mid-day." This seems to register with Punaka and he rolls over and goes back to sleep.
Chathorik tells you if you wish to stand watch, you may do so. He makes it clear that you do not have to follow his orders. He is not your Kora unless you choose to be of his Karan, and that is something you should not do lightly, as it would mean relinquishing your ties to your past friends. It would also require you to be made a member of clan Krazx, something Chathorik does not have the authority to oversee. He tells you that here in the wild the only rules that need concern you - clanless and bereft of your pack - is the rule of survival. Still, he does not refuse your aid should you wish to extend it. It is up to you to do as you see fit. He has already recognized you a a valuable ally.
Male Human (Canadian) Post-secondary Student, Genetics Major (3)
Map of Kara-Korros is up now. Displays geographical and political entities only. Specific locations TBA.
Male Human (Canadian) Post-secondary Student, Genetics Major (3)
DM Morgoth wrote: The knight swings his blade at Semirhage before she can react, slicing deep into her side. Just a nit-picky detail, if the resulting damage was strain, then you houldnt narrate a serious injury like that. A better description might be "the knight swings his sword down in a deadly arc which Semirhage only narrowly avoids." Just, you know, for legitimacy.
Male Human (Canadian) Post-secondary Student, Genetics Major (3)
yes 1 level. so hopefully soon, but who knows. Basically I'm asking for a ruling for this encounter. (or any other where I need to use a shortsword and don't have access to another weapon for some strange reason.
Male Human (Canadian) Post-secondary Student, Genetics Major (3)
Oh I totally know. I never said I took it personally. And if I do it'll be in character.
also re mordy: Mordekai wrote: why do you want sword swords as slashing? The Sawtooth, if you are going RMA, is already a slashing weapon Because I do not yet have proficiency, and at the rate this campaign is going, it may be a while before I do. Also I can't finesse longswords, so it would be inefficient to sub one as primary.
Also I find that rulign kinda dumb. Shortswords are literally just that: "short" swords. swords are intrinsically slashing weapons. Even daggers can be slashing or piercing. In my opinion short swords should be either S or P, or just S and not P. I get that the idea might have been to use them for stabbing, but really, if a dagger can do both, then a bigger version should be able to do both as well.
Male Human (Canadian) Post-secondary Student, Genetics Major (3)
Semirhage in Gameplay wrote: "Vyllaria, do not embarrass yourself by trying to use your head. If it is metaphor you wish to hear then try this: the blades of your wit would fail to pierce the skin of a mental pudding. Amazingly, you are making Mordy look like a genius." Vyllaria has an Int score of 8. This is how I pass off her having an incredible breadth of skills (from class and campaign bonus) and still have low intelligence. She lacks creativity, meaning her metaphors intrinsically fail. Traded it for the ability to treat short swords as slashing (please?)
Male Human (Canadian) Post-secondary Student, Genetics Major (3)
Kagrenac wrote: Is it alright for me to make up a few details? It seems to fit the culture. That is totally alright and yes it does fit the culture quite suitably.
Male Human (Canadian) Post-secondary Student, Genetics Major (3)
Just fyi, I'm mostly making up the khanan language as I go along. However, unless you specifically say that you are switching over to speaking kuur-Khain, I will assume you are continuing to speak common. Should you do so you don't need top use spoilers or anything. Just tell me what language you are using. If we get to the point where everyone is speaking the same language, I'll just stop using these translation spoilers too.
Male Human (Canadian) Post-secondary Student, Genetics Major (3)
Kagrenac the Hunter wrote: Never mind, found it. Dead thread? Aye dead thread. First time trying to make a campaign on Paizo and I accidentally delete it. May bad...
Male Human (Canadian) Post-secondary Student, Genetics Major (3)
Oh right. That was the one thing I had to change as per our previous discussion. You dropped the divine hammer when you teleported. Also ret-conning that you dropped your magic amulet of talking to people over long distances (see even I don't remember what its called and I made it up.)
Male Human (Canadian) Post-secondary Student, Genetics Major (3)
Here we go, booting up our private session. Hope you're ready for this Kagrenac, Fate's dice are thirsty for Khanan blood. For now just sign in so I know you've found the thread. Once you've done so, I'll see about inviting your past allies (at least those of whom have paizo accounts and aliases) to view the gameplay and discussion threads. As per usual, we'll keep this thread reserved for out of character comments and questions.
Male Human (Canadian) Post-secondary Student, Genetics Major (3)
Here we go, booting up our private session. Hope you're ready for this Kagrenac, Fate's dice are thirsty for Khanan blood. For now just signh in so i know you've found the thread. Once you've done so, I'll see about inviting your past allies (at least those of whom have paizo accounts and aliases) to view the gameplay and discussion threads. As per usual, we'll keep this thread reserved for out of character comments and questions.