Richard Keen's page

Goblin Squad Member. Organized Play Member. 6 posts (144 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character. 3 aliases.


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Just to throw in my support for Paizo to work with Lone Wolf with this software the same way they have with Hero Lab.

It is awesome to be able to download the content in to a program and use it instantly to create a character. I would love to see that capability in Realm Works as it pertains to all things Pathfinder. Instead of me wasting time inputting the information into a piece of software, I can concentrate on how I am going to kill... I mean challenge the players characters!

Richard Keen

Goblin Squad Member

Andius wrote:

Bad news. My next to Wednesdays are booked at GL clan meeting time. Next two including the one upcoming in two days. I'm in P&P campaigns on Thursday and Friday evenings and I work till 8-9 PST every other day of the week........


This meetings topic is very important... I'm wondering how we could go about solving this issue.

My best idea at the moment is that I can hold a private meeting with Jak and/or Valinar and then they can lead Wednesday's meeting...

I'm really not sure...

The Wednesday meeting time is still going to work for me longterm but just not for these next two weeks. I would really hate to delay this meeting out that long though. I think setting up a very rough system right now and perfecting it later is better than waiting 2+ weeks.

Let me know what I can do to help.... If I need to run the meeting I am up for that, I will just need the lowdown on what it is you want covered. I have been looking for you over the last week but our schedules are not meshing.

I really want to figure out when we can join up in Darkfall. I am sure sometime in the future we will be get it all settled! I just keep doing the quest making cash and buying skills.

Yours In Service,

Goblin Squad Member

Andius wrote:

Next Meeting Time

Wednesday 7pm PST.

I will be there!


ciretose wrote:
hargoyle wrote:

In GMing Kingmaker at this time and have stumbled into a real life problem.

Our group is way too busy - our next session is scheduled at halway of July. And as I've just picked up roleplaying after 8 dry years, this is not enough for me.

So, I'm planning to GM a new group with a different AP.

As I've found out, KM is excellent. But I want something different for the new group, namely another AP. What I'm looking for in an AP is:

-Heavy roleplaying
-Not wilderness oriented
-More railroady kind of approach
-Theme doesn't matter (except as noted above)

Any suggestions?

Rise of the Runelords is generally the consensus best, and they are re-releasing with a pathfinder update soon, so lots of product support goodies are coming (see the Wiz kids miniature line)

@Hargoyle... Was this update to PFRPG announced somewhere and if so could you give me an idea where? I must have missed it and would love to read it myself!

I found it here! Path-Rise-of-the-Runelords-Anniversary-Edition-Hardcover#tabs

Thanks for the heads up!

I would love to see a book set in either Numeria or Lastwall!

Tanks for asking!
Richard Keen

Have we received a firm date on when this will ship? I cannot wait to get my hands on it.