Clanartus Viliras

Mathew S's page

Organized Play Member. 9 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.


Dark Archive

I just wanted to say thank you to everyone for all the advice they are giving. It is really helping me come up with a fun character for this campaign. :)

Dark Archive

Well Zwordsman it's not so much that I don't want two people running around with extracts etc etc its more I want to let this person play an alchemist since they laid claim too it first and I figured hey let him do his thing and I will go a slightly different route.

As for my plans in combat the idea is to focus more on ranged combat but have a melee weapon for when I am out of arrows or when it would be more practical to flank someone & stab them in the back. The alchemy of my character is going to be more or less a supplement to the character concept and not his primary focus like before.

As for ninja the DM requested we refrain from using stuff originating from the Tian Xia area as he wants our character to more or less be from around the area the campaign takes place in to cut down on the cheese if you will.

And as for the will save buff I suppose i could take the Bastard trait as it is really the only trait I know of that gives a bonus to will.

Dark Archive

Hmmm maybe LoneKnave I will have to look into that lol.

Dark Archive

~Ahem~ Ok first and for most I would like to say that I am grateful to everyone here for all the advice given it was really helpful. But with that being said I was talking to my DM today and turns out one of the other players already planed on playing a Alchemist built around mutagen. So I am instead going to play a Rogue but because I still want to at least do something similar to my original idea I am going to use the Poisoner Archetype and still build up to the Daggermark Poisoner prestige class.

Ultimately in the long run the concept of the character is a Assassin like character who uses alchemy to make Poisons for his weapons along with Poisonous Smoke Bombs and special Alchemy Arrows.

Anyway here is what I currently have for the build.

Name: Einalis Galanodel
Race: Elf
Class: 1 Poisoner
Height: 6' 2"
Weight: 168 lbs
Hair: Black
Eyes: Ruby Red
Skin: Grey
Gender: Male
Alignment: Lawful (Neutral/Evil)
Deity: Norgorber
Languges: Common, Elven, Sylvan, Draconic, Orc

HP: 8
AC: 17 = 10 + 3 + 0 + 4 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0
Touch: 14
Flat Footed: 13
Initiative: 4 = 4 + 0
BAB: +0

Str: 12 (1)
Dex: 18 (4)
Con: 11 (0)
Int: 16 (3)
Wis: 12 (1)
Cha: 13 (1)

Fortitude Save: 1 = 0 + 0 + 0 + 1
Reflex Save: 6 = 2 + 4 + 0 + 0
Will Save: 1 = 0 + 1 + 0 + 0


- Low-Light Vision
- Elven Immunities
- Keen Senses
- Weapon Familiarity
- Silent Hunter

- Sneak Attack +1d6
- Poison Use

- Poisonous Slayer
- Resilient

- Point Blank Shot

Acrobatics: 8 = 4 + 1 + 3
Craft Alchemy: 7 = 3 + 1 + 3
Craft Traps: 7 = 3 + 1 + 3
Disable Device: 8 = 4 + 1 + 3
Intimidate: 5 = 1 + 1 + 3
Heal: 2 = 1 + 1 + 0
Knowledge Local: 7 = 3 + 1 + 3
Perception: 7 = 1 + 1 + 5
Profession Herbalist: 5 = 1 + 1 + 3
Sense Motive: 5 = 1 + 1 + 3
Sleight of Hand: 8 = 4 + 1 + 3
Stealth: 8 = 4 + 1 + 3

Explorer's Outift
Studded Leather Armor
Arrows x40
Bed Roll
Sunrod x5
Trail Rations x7
Belt Pouch
Vial x5
Gold: 24
Silver: 3
Copper: 9

My longer term plan is to not enter the Daggermark Poisoner until I reach level six, and get the following Rogue Talents and Toxic Tricks.

Rogue Talents:
2nd: Fast Stealth
4th: Finesse Rogue
6th: Lasting Poison

Toxic Tricks:
2nd: Smoke Bomb
4th: Poison Bomb
6th: Poison Conversion
8th: Combine Poison
10th: Concentrate Poison

So what do you think? Any suggestions?

Dark Archive

Ok Thanks I will :)

Dark Archive

Awesome thanks :) Any other advice?

Dark Archive

Daggermark Poisoner is something I like and while not required I would like to use it though it is not required.

Dark Archive

Yes hello I am coming to this page today because I am about to join a King Maker Campaign and I have decided to build up to the Daggermark Poisoner Prestige Class. I am gonna start out as a Lawful Neutral Alchemist who worships the Black Fingers Aspect of Norgorber but I thought I would come here and get some advice on how I can make this character the best her can be. What I know for certain.

- 25 Points for stat buy.
- 150 Gold to start.
- Can start with 2 traits

With this being said I was considering on my first trait being:

Poisonous Slayer (Norgorber): You know the secret of plunging a poisoned weapon in just the right spot. You gain a +1 trait bonus on attack rolls when you are wielding a weapon treated with poison.

So with that all that out of the way any advice and suggestions? I am still uncertain on the following.

- Race
- Starting Feats
- Starting Equipment
- Second Trait though I am open to changing my first trait as well.

Thank you for taking the time to read this post and any and all help is greatly appreciated. :)

Dark Archive

I recommend the Witch Archetype Cartomancer as it gives a Harrow deck at level one instead of a familiar, and it gives you the deadly dealer feat at level 2 granted you loose your second level Hex for it but that is ok because if it is that important the extra hex feat can be taken to replace it! :D

I also recommend the Harrows Chosen trait as it gives you a family harrow deck that gives you some really nice bonuses.