Clanartus Viliras

Mathew S's page

Organized Play Member. 9 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.

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Yes hello I am coming to this page today because I am about to join a King Maker Campaign and I have decided to build up to the Daggermark Poisoner Prestige Class. I am gonna start out as a Lawful Neutral Alchemist who worships the Black Fingers Aspect of Norgorber but I thought I would come here and get some advice on how I can make this character the best her can be. What I know for certain.

- 25 Points for stat buy.
- 150 Gold to start.
- Can start with 2 traits

With this being said I was considering on my first trait being:

Poisonous Slayer (Norgorber): You know the secret of plunging a poisoned weapon in just the right spot. You gain a +1 trait bonus on attack rolls when you are wielding a weapon treated with poison.

So with that all that out of the way any advice and suggestions? I am still uncertain on the following.

- Race
- Starting Feats
- Starting Equipment
- Second Trait though I am open to changing my first trait as well.

Thank you for taking the time to read this post and any and all help is greatly appreciated. :)