Gremlin, Pugwampi

Master Pugwampi's page

881 posts. Alias of Feros.


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quibblemuch wrote:

*fantasy I often have*

"Hi, I'm Quibblemuch."
"Hi, nice to meet you."
"So... what do you do?"
"I'm the guy who invented Reply All in email."
"Yeah, I get that a lot."

It's well known among gremlins that Reply All was an incredibly subtle yet powerful invention by a particularly creative and forward thinking gremlin. It is sublime!

*french chef kiss*

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Stone Dog wrote:
And there was much rejoicing!

Little banners appear over a far hill with a faint, "Yay!"

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Drejk wrote:

Fantasy Monster: Tooth Gremlin.

I am spawning too many gremlins...

I know each of those words, but that sentence has no meaning for me...

Freehold DM wrote:


I wonder if it was snowing...

How did that get past our fans?

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Freehold DM wrote:

*tries to hide the massive fans blowing all snow away*

Random atmospheric conditions?

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Monkey Santa wrote:
Drejk wrote:

Now I misread my own words as "Monkey Jack".

Lets hope that Monkey Santa doesn't go into cheese-making business...

No, no. I don't fling CURDS...

At least not before they have been...processed...

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Reviving a tradition:

*a large group of pugwampis gather dressed in yuletide gear (like burglary equipment for descending chimneys, bags for stealing presents, lockpicks, dead batteries to replace charged know, the usual)*

♪♫ We wish you a Merry Christmas,
We wish you a Merry Christmas,
We wish you a Merry Christmas,
And a Happy New Year! ♪♫

♪♫ Glad tidings we bring,
As we break all your things,
Glad tidings for Christmas,
And a funny New Year! ♪♫

♪♫ Please bring us all your candy,
Please bring us all your candy,
Please bring us all your candy,
Or we'll burn something down! ♪♫

♪♫ Trees burn really easy,
Trees burn really easy,
Yes, trees burn really easy,
So feed us right now! ♪♫

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Nutbunnies. We failed. It rolled out without a hitch.

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*sneaks carefully back into the thread*

*pulls out a tie-dyed poncho, puts on colored granny specs, and picks up a beat-up guitar*

♪♫ September, I'll remember
A love once new has now grown old. ♪♫

*bows after completing a six month running gag/performance piece, takes off gear, and slinks back out of the thread to start coordinating the gremlins' efforts to derail the animist/exemplar playtest roll-out*

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*sneaks carefully back into the thread*

*pulls out a tie-dyed poncho, puts on colored granny specs, and picks up a beat-up guitar*

♪♫ August, die she must
The autumn winds blow chilly and cold.♪♫


"Autumn winds blow chilly and cold"? In August?

Obviously, Paul Simon wrote this song long before climate change was widely acknowledged.

*takes off gear and slinks back out of the thread*

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*sneaks carefully back into the thread*

*pulls out a tie-dyed poncho, puts on colored granny specs, and picks up a beat-up guitar*

♪♫ July, she will fly-y-y,
And give no warning to her flight.♪♫

*takes off gear and slinks back out of the thread*

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*sneaks carefully back into the thread*

*pulls out a tie-dyed poncho, puts on colored granny specs, and picks up a beat-up guitar*

♪♫ June, she'll change her tune,
In restless walks she'll prowl the night.♪♫


*sudden realization of the lyrics*



*attempts to flee the thread before being glomped by a night prowling succubus*

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Hunt, the PugWumpus wrote:
Rysky wrote:
Feros wrote:
Just curious as to your opinion on Pathfinder Remastered. I see it as very similar to moving from 3rd to 3.5, but maybe that's just me. Your thoughts?

I agree with what you’re seeing, a super patch rather than an edition change. I’m hyped about a lot of though sad we’re losing some iconic monsters and alignment, but everyone else seems to be happy for the latter so I’ve come to terms with it.

I will miss rust monsters and otyughs though.

And Pugwampis, they I shall miss most of all.

Well I'll miss you too- wait, what?! NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! {begins to turn transparent}

Master Pugwampi wrote:
Excuse me, but pugwampis are not included in the SRD and as such can still be used by Paizo, thank you very much!!!

Oh, whew! {begins to turn opaque}

TriOmegaZero wrote:
I feel like I can still hear them, as if they were still with us.
Rysky wrote:

I know, I feel the same.

I can almost hear that little snicker when a trap went off.

Wumpums will always be with us in spite.

NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! {begins to turn transparent again} Well fine, if I'm going to fade away, I'm first going to phase through the cabinet doors stoopid child-proof locks, I am not a child! and eat all of Mistress's cookies!

{runs headfirst into very solid cabinet door} *bonk!* Ow?


I guess I'll have to break out the bactine again...

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Rysky wrote:
Feros wrote:
Just curious as to your opinion on Pathfinder Remastered. I see it as very similar to moving from 3rd to 3.5, but maybe that's just me. Your thoughts?

I agree with what you’re seeing, a super patch rather than an edition change. I’m hyped about a lot of though sad we’re losing some iconic monsters and alignment, but everyone else seems to be happy for the latter so I’ve come to terms with it.

I will miss rust monsters and otyughs though.

And Pugwampis, they I shall miss most of all.

Excuse me, but pugwampis are not included in the SRD and as such can still be used by Paizo, thank you very much!!!

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Zaister wrote:
Master Pugwampi wrote:
As pugwampis are not creations listed under the OGL, I an confident of our prime placement within the Monster Core book!

Pugwampis are in fact listed under the OGL, because Paizo placed them under that licence. What you mean is, and what is important here, is: they are not from the SRD.

It is easy to confuse OGL and SRD, but they are different things. The OGL is the licence that has allowed Paizo to use content from that SRD – the System Reference Document, which contains all the Open Game Content, the rules from D&D. Now that Paizo is moving away from using the OGL, they can no longer use SRD content. That is the reason that stuff such as certain creatures is now being phased out.

Yeah, Yeah, details. The point is, we're good!

...and without alignment, that's my story and I'm sticking to it!

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As pugwampis are not creations listed under the OGL, I an confident of our prime placement within the Monster Core book!

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*sneaks carefully back into the almost-completely-but-not-quite-abandoned thread*

*pulls out a tie-dyed poncho, puts on colored granny specs, and picks up a beat-up guitar*

♪♫ May...ay, she will stay,
Resting in my arms again. ♪♫

*slips out of the hippy gear and sneaks out of the almost-completely-but-not-quite-abandoned thread*

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Dang it. I am so out of practice.

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Hunt, the PugWumpus wrote:

{contingency triggers Xanxost's silver bungee cord of Astral yoinking} ...and that's why a possum screams at own-

{blinks in the bright light} Where the fudge am I?

Rysky wrote:
I wonder if hippies like caramel.

{spots Mistress} Um, hi? Please don't have Power Word: Caramelize memorized, oh please, oh please..

Welcome back Hunt! let's just slowly edge to the door before Rysky glomps us.

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*sneaks carefully into the abandoned thread*

*pulls out a tie-dyed poncho, puts on colored granny specs, and picks up a beat-up guitar*

♪♫ A...April, come she will,
When streams are ripe and
swelled with rain♪♫

*slips out of the hippy gear and sneaks out of the abandoned thread*

Dancing Wind wrote:

For all you Monty Python fans

Almost a TTRPG Monty Python game


It's only a model.

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Drejk wrote:

Fantasy NPC: Glit Flitwibble, Scholar of Gremlins.

Because gnomes.

Quite obviously a scholar of the highest caliber and far too above the other plebeians to be truly appreciated in her time.

Bravo! Keep up the good work!

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Monkey Santa wrote:
I've been having supply chain issues. By which I mean my brandy supply guy managed to escape the chain I had on his ankle. Now I've just got a basement full of distillery parts and banana mash. What am I supposed to do with that?! Blast it all, this is the worst thing to happen to anyone ever!

*unsuccessfully hides suspiciously large bolt cutters behind his back*

In a completely unrelated topic, self-preservation is an ongoing mission.

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captain yesterday wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:

(And for the record, our record is 9 people riding around in a VW Rabbit. 3 in front, 4 in back, and 2 in the trunk.)

We got 10 people into a Gremlin.


You fiend!!!!

Selene Spires wrote:

Some good news I hope

I had a very good job interview on Friday and may have a better job soon.

Break a leg!


Just make sure it isn't your own...

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Rysky wrote:
Poppet or Leshy?

Winner of that versus Gremlin?

Drejk wrote:

Fantasy Monster: Dog-Baiter Gremlin.

A new annoying gremlin.

Welcome! I have always felt that cats were our natural allies, and here is a beautiful hybrid! Huzzah!

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I don't it really him?

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Bunkering down. And you?

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Monkey Santa wrote:


Vanykrye... knows too much... add... to... Pounce List...

Wow, that Pounce List must be getting awfully long now!

*laughing amusedly*

You will probably have to clone yourself to be able to pounce...everyone...


*having accidentally put the pieces of the puzzle together, MP heroically runs from the thread to put the gremlin forces on alert*

Set wrote:
Kobold Catgirl wrote:
Today I worked on the ancestry collection I want to publish, which will include mothpeople, beepeople, the fiendish equivalent to gnomes, a new construct race of life-size wind-up dolls who serve as prisons for demonic spirits, and some others. I also worked on drawing together publications I can use for the portfolio. I feel pretty decent about it.

I thought 'the fiendish equivalent to gnomes' was goblins? :)

Nope! Gremlins!!!

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We have tiny fey (sprites) already. So what is the excuse for no gremlins?!?!?


Limeylongears wrote:
Get well soon! I recommend rest, and soup (you may or may not wish to rest in the soup. Up to you)

Being used to "flavour" soup (or caramel, for that matter) is NOT fun.

TriOmegaZero wrote:
gran rey de los mono wrote:
Wei Ji the Learner wrote:
Sharoth wrote:
gran rey de los mono wrote:
Taliesin Hoyle wrote:

The forums are still too long. Kaeyoss' baby is all gwowed up. They started this nonsense years ago when somebody posted that the forums were too long and we posted single words of a sentence to prove them right. Now it is on thread 6, and so incredibly impossible to ever parse.

This forum is WAY too long.

I'm still undecided as to which of the following is true about FaWtL:

1) It is in fact a PBP that went off the rails.
2) It is all done by a single person in an attempt to mess with everyone else in the world.


Gadzooks!!! I have been tumbled! I have to flee for my very life!!!

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Freehold DM wrote:
Drejk wrote:
Fantasy Monster: Kitchen Gremlin

...can I eat one?

Or have it sit in a simmering broth and flavor a meal for me?

Rysky has a Caramel Cauldron that she would likely lend...

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Drejk wrote:
Fantasy Monster: Kitchen Gremlin

The look on the face of a fine Lady or Lord when they take their first bite is worth the effort putting up with these disgustingly well-meaning air-heads!

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In keeping with tradition:

♪♫ I saw Rysky kissing Santa Claus
Underneath the mistletoe last night
I didn’t make a peep
While I was trying hard to keep
Quiet on a dreadful plot to
Drop on her while asleep. ♪♫

♪♫ Then I saw Rysky tickle Santa Claus
Underneath his beard so snowy white
Oh, what laughs would’ve been cried
If the plot I could’ve have tried
While Rysky kissed Santa Claus last night! ♪♫

♪♫ I saw Rysky kissing Santa Claus
Underneath the mistletoe last night
He shuddered and went pale
Where he was so fat and hale
For a succubus can truly suck
The life out of a male! ♪♫

♪♫ Then I saw Rysky tickle Santa Claus
Underneath his beard so snowy white
Oh, free cookies I then spied
As Kris Kringle died inside
While Rysky kissed Santa Claus last night! ♪♫


I didn't want to hear that truth!!!

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captain yesterday wrote:

College kid I trained last summer: Oh man, I need a shovel but the only ones are in Yesterday's trailer!

Other Captain: So, just go in and take one!

College kid: No way, man, that's a good way to get hurt!

Other Captain: What?! He's not going to do anything to you!

College kid: Oh, I'm not afraid of Yesterday! I've seen him booby trap that thing! He doesn't mess around!!

Oooh! Do you prefer pre-made traps, or do you go for ingenious jury rigged avalanche types?

*prepares to take notes*

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Rysky wrote:
Ambrosia Slaad wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Rysky, what should I have for breakfast?
Dang, I really want an authentic cuban sandwich for breakfast with this coffee.

You’re in Florida right? Go get you a Cuban!

Yummy tasty Cuban.

Ummm...Boss, did you mean Cuban sandwich or Cuban as in...Cuban?

'Cuz you know...succubus...

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Always breakfast pizza!

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Kobold Cleaver wrote:
Happy birthday, MP!

Thanks, KC, you rabble rouser you! You rock!

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Hunt, the PugWumpus wrote:

{rubs head lump} Ow! Wait... something is coming to me...

It's your birthday, isn't it MP?

Yes, it is! Or at least that now 53 year old lump of "conscience" Feros that I lug around, it's his birthday. I was born from his head, like Athena from the head of Zeus!


Gremlins!!! Better!!!

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Hunt, the PugWumpus wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Lord Fyre wrote:
Wei Ji the Learner wrote:

Is eating the McRib on the 5th of November treason?
Has McDonald's made the McRib sauce too mild?
I remember when it was a spicy as an irritated Rysky, I tell you whut.
mumble mumble pocket sand mumble grumble propane mumble dogdiggity darn New York City I teh yuh whut

Dude, you really have to let stuff go...

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Drunk Second Grader wrote:


Did somebody say janitor?

*even louder hurk*

Sorry. Must've been a bad juice box.

*improbably loud hurk; splat*

*lamely trys to hide the large vodka bottle from sight*

Yeah, you've got to watch those things. They go "off" so easily.

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Rysky wrote:
Master Pugwampi wrote:
Rysky wrote:

OOOOOoooooo, hrrrrrmmmm

That'd be hard to narrow down for Ancestry, for class though Hexblade, I loved them in 3.5 an Dael'kyr Halfblood for the heritage I suppose it would be?

For one's specific from P1 though Inquisitor (and/or Green Knight Cavalier if Archetypes are allowed) and for Ancestry.... hmmm... either Lashunta or Gathlain.



But I want you as familiars first :(

Also do you you really wanna have to spend the spotlight with the Sprites? >_>

The fact that we got beaten to the First Fey Ancestry by those upbeat little a$$4a++s is the worst part!!!

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Bob the Pugwampi wrote:

YES!!! And we are in a SNIT!!!


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Rysky wrote:

OOOOOoooooo, hrrrrrmmmm

That'd be hard to narrow down for Ancestry, for class though Hexblade, I loved them in 3.5 an Dael'kyr Halfblood for the heritage I suppose it would be?

For one's specific from P1 though Inquisitor (and/or Green Knight Cavalier if Archetypes are allowed) and for Ancestry.... hmmm... either Lashunta or Gathlain.



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Kobold Cleaver wrote:
I am slowly undergoing the self-care process of Hiding every "controversy" thread, one by one, through an advanced technique I like to call "arguing on it until I get so mad I post an outburst and then sheepishly Hide the thread to avoid having to confront the consequences".

Don't knock it. It's a solid strategy.

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