Eldran Tesh

Master Edward Caldwell, vampire's page

12 posts. Alias of Michael Johnson 66.


Paddy wrote:

Reacting to the vampire fallng, Paddy reaches into his quiver and takes out an arrow. he quickly snaps the arrowhead off and jabs the shaft into the heart of the vampire.

I hope that does the trick. Iommi, you know just about everything, what do we need to finish this bloody thing off?

The pieces of the vampire's dismembered corpse suddenly shrivel as soon as Paddy impales the rotten heart, crumbling into dry grave dust and warped bones!

The fanged skull falls open, the jawbone dropping, and a wild shriek ascends into the foggy sky!


Nacht's whirling, spinning, lashing blades unravel the vampire's white, clay-like flesh as surely as a cat shredding a quilt! The pieces fall into the sarcophagus with a dry, rattling sound, drowned out by the ringing death-shriek that sounds like a pack of wolves howling at the moon....or a pack of ghouls howling for flesh....

The vampire is defeated.... But not yet permanently destroyed....

Paddy wrote:

Paddy, realizing that the key is to try to kill the vampire, hops up into the cart, trying to gain a flanking position opposite Nacht.

assuming 5ft jump into cart, 3 ft height dc is 16


He then slashes at the vampire with his silvered rapier.

[dice=attack]1d20+9+2; 1d6+5; 3d6-2 to attack if flank allowed

In spite of Paddy's skill and panache, the vampire's unearthly agility allows it to twist aside and avoid the silvered rapier thrust!

Master Caldwell fixes Nacht with a baleful glare of burning red eyes!

You shall make a fine bodyguard for me.... Whatever you are....

Dominate on Nacht, Will save DC 22 to resist....

Iommi-Tyr Magnusson wrote:

Rd 2


Iommi-Tyr Magnusson rushes forward twenty feet drawing forth a bubbling elixir of vampire destruction and hurls the bomb at the undead creature, making sure NO splash hits any non-undead.

[dice=This is what Odin says to do to Undead!]1d20 +8 vs TOUCH AC
[dice=Burn Baby Burn!]4d6 +6

My friends, DON'T KILL the humans!

They are probably Dominated pawns, poor bystanders!

Only subdue them or just concentrate on Edward Caldwell.

Note that I'm eliminating the Splash Damage squares.


Iommi-Tyr lands a direct hit that bursts on Vampire Caldwell's face! His gaunt, bearded mask becomes a melting, semi-skull-faced horror!

Hoenheim Dobberkau *Nacht* wrote:

The bad luck is real, though if it were me it likely would have crit. Hrm Now Al does 2 less damage.. sadpanda.

Round 2: Diary of a Beetleman

Tough, this undead was like the wolf-beings and rat beings. But its squeal of pain was much more pronounced. The Holy-being seemed to hurt it greatly. And though the being near him attempted to impale him with a bolt, Nacht ignored it for the most part. It was a race to make this undead scream more. Rip and tear at unholy flesh.

[dice=Multi Ant Keenstar Slash]1d20+10; 1d8+9
[dice=Multi Ant Sawtooth Slash]1d20+10; 1d8+9
[dice=Multi Ant Gladius Slash]1d20+9; 1d6+8
[dice=Multi Ant Dagger Slash]1d20+9; 1d4+8

If I can get flanking add +2

[dice=Confirm Multi Ant Dagger Slash]1d20+9; 1d4+8

If I cant get flanking then influence jumps up by 1 again as he surges

[dice=Surge on Keenstar]1d6

The Beetle Man unleashes a flurry of well-aimed strikes.... All but the gladius slash or pierce into the cold, pale flesh of the undead being! It howls in rage and pain!


22 total damage after DR....

After Hisao The gaunt, bearded vampire slams 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (18) + 8 = 26 Alphonse for 1d4 + 4 ⇒ (2) + 4 = 6 bludgeoning damage, plus 2 negative levels!

Alphonse Veritas wrote:

Alphonse moves in on the foul creature of the night.

[dice=Kn. Religion]1d20+8 In order: Weaknesses, Special Abilities, Defenses.

"Your days of feeding on the innocent are over, vampire! Even if I don't know how you got here!"

The vampire becomes outlined in a white nimbus of holy light that sears its flesh. Smite Evil, +4 attack, +4 AC, +10 damage on the first hit, +5 subsequent.

[dice=Forereaper Slash]1d20+12

Alphonse knows that magical silver weapons are normally required to harm vampires.... But he also knows that I Am will grant him the power to smite the undead in spite of a lack of silver in Foereaper, for this thing is an abomination, anathema to God....

Foereaper carves a deep, ruddy cleft in the vampire's chest! It's scream sounds like a chorus of devil-tortured victims screaming in Hell....


Iommi-Tyr Magnusson wrote:

Seeing a magical globe of inky blackness blot out the caravan we just passed, and upon hearing the beginnings of the sound of combat, Iommi-Tyr Magnusson looks desperately to see if he has any magical Darkvision left and to his great relief, still has a potion.

Move Action: Draws potion of Darkvision
Standard Action: Drinks it lustily down
Free Action now that I can see: Look out, Paddy; they're surrounding you!

(if applicable) [dice= Inspired Knowledge Nobility regarding the individual, Master Edward Caldwell]1d20 +24 +1d6

[dice=Inspired Knowledge Religion regarding Vampires]1d20 +21 +1d6

Master Edward Caldwell was a Freemason who installed wells for villages in southern England. He was successful and gained an estate near Greenwich from Humphrey Lancaster, Duke of Gloucester.... In life, he had an eccentric taste for the blood of virgins, believing it instilled youth and vigor....

Hoenheim Dobberkau *Nacht* wrote:

He would technically have had to spot me as I was hidden, though I dont think that might matter

[dice=Spider Blend Stealth]1d20+18


So Nacht in in darkness which is fine as he gave himself Darkvision to even see under the tarp

Coming out of the either Nacht appears, the creatures four weapons drawn as it faces of with the vampire. Its muscle tissue bulged and ready to kill, all hidden in the globe of darkness. He weilded the serrated blade for the first time in another hand

[dice=Multi Ant Keenstar Slash]1d20+10; 1d8+9
[dice=Multi Ant Sawtooth Slash]1d20+10; 1d8+9
[dice=Multi Ant Gladius Slash]1d20+9; 1d6+8
[dice=Multi Ant Dagger Slash]1d20+9; 1d4+8

With unearthly grace and speed, the vampire dodges Nacht's swing with Keenstar....

Nacht rips into the undead flesh with his sawtooth saber, releasing a gout of crimson blood! HIIISSSSSSS!!!
The vampire nimbly evades Nacht's last two thrusts....

16 slashing after DR.... I'll retroactively edit if Nacht decides to roll those d6s and gets more hits....

The pallid, gaunt, bearded man rises up from the sarcophagus with uncanny grace....

Nacht still gets an AoO unless he is flat-footed, in which case he only gets AoO if he also has the Combat Reflexes feat....

....and lashes out a pale, claw-like hand at Nacht 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (8) + 8 = 16....missing!


Initiative 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (10) + 8 = 18