GM Void Dragon |

Hello, I am currently running a Wrath of the Righteous PbP where 2 players have had to drop. I am currently opening this recruitment to try and get some more players for the game. The group is currently about 3/4 through the first book, and this is a campaign that will go from 1-20 and you will get mythic tiers on top of that. If this interests you then look below.
Current Characters
NG Wizard (conjurer) 4
CG Shaman 4
CG Magus (Kensai) 4
Creation: 25 point buy
Level: 4th
Race: Any Paizo, but if you want to be a 3rd party race just link it to me, and I will consider it.
Class: No gunslingers, or synthesist summoners
Alignment: No evil.
Equipment: equipment for a 3rd level character
Traits: Two, and one must be a campagin trait.
HP: first level max, after first roll HD, and take either PFS HD+1 or what you rolled whichever is higher.
Backstory: ties in with the adventure later on so include some sort of backsotry
I am looking for 1 to 2 players who would like to play either healers or skill focused characters, though that doesn't have to be your only focus. I am also looking for some good rolepalyers so please include a backstory with a few plot hooks.