Radi Hamdi

Marius Bergan's page

677 posts. Alias of Void Dragon.

Hello, I am currently running a Wrath of the Righteous PbP where 2 players have had to drop. I am currently opening this recruitment to try and get some more players for the game. The group is currently about 3/4 through the first book, and this is a campaign that will go from 1-20 and you will get mythic tiers on top of that. If this interests you then look below.

Current Characters
NG Wizard (conjurer) 4
CG Shaman 4
CG Magus (Kensai) 4

Character Generation:

Creation: 25 point buy
Level: 4th
Race: Any Paizo, but if you want to be a 3rd party race just link it to me, and I will consider it.
Class: No gunslingers, or synthesist summoners
Alignment: No evil.
Equipment: equipment for a 3rd level character
Traits: Two, and one must be a campagin trait.
HP: first level max, after first roll HD, and take either PFS HD+1 or what you rolled whichever is higher.
Backstory: ties in with the adventure later on so include some sort of backsotry

I am looking for 1 to 2 players who would like to play either healers or skill focused characters, though that doesn't have to be your only focus. I am also looking for some good rolepalyers so please include a backstory with a few plot hooks.

Hello! I am currently running a Wrath of the Righteous PbP where 2 players have had to drop for undisclosed reasons. I am currently opening this recruitment to try and get some more vict... players for the game. The group is currently about halfway through the first book, and this is a campaign that will go from 1-20 and you will get mythic tiers on top of that. If this interests you then look below.

Current Characters
CG Barbarian (Invulnerable Rager) 3
CG Shaman 3
CG Magus (Kensai) 3

Character Generation:

Creation: 25 point buy
Level: 3rd
Race: Any Paizo, but if you want to be a 3rd party race just link it to me, and I will consider it.
Class: No gunslingers, or synthesist summoners
Alignment: No evil.
Equipment: equipment for a 2nd level character
Traits: Two, and one must be a campagin trait.
HP: first level max, after first roll HD, and take either PFS HD+1 or what you rolled whichever is higher.

The group currently has most areas covered so please feel free to apply with most anything. I will be looking for around 2-3 more players. The deciding factor for me will be backstory so I would like to see some character plot hooks and some NPC's please. Posting speed will be approximately 1-2 posts per day.

Hello this is a recruitment to get some more players for an old hombrew campaign. If you are interested the stuff to get you started is in the spoilers below. This campaign will run to level 50. That's right level 50. This is not going to be a low power campaign by any means.

Two players are already on, but I am willing to take up to four more people for a total party of six. If there is something missing from the spoilers below feel free to ask me about it. I will be keeping this recruitment open till May 4th.

Crunchy stuff:

1. 28 Buy Points
2. Any class and race allowed. 3rd party classes, and races okay. Archetypes are allowed.
3. Start at Level 8, but level 7 starting gold and one free outfit 10 GP or less.
4 Superfast progression: This means 75% of the fast progression chart value and to get to level 21, add 7% more experience from the previous total, level 22, 7% more experience than level 21's total, etc.
5. 3 Traits. 4 if you take a drawback.
6. Guns are emerging, but early firearms only.
7. HP: We always have Max HP.

Fluffly stuff:

1. Backstory is important, but I'm fine if it is short and too the point.
2. Try to include at least one plot hook as that will help me with dming.

EXP Current Map

Well here is the opening post.

Current Map

Here's the gamplay thread for dots. I will place the first post of the game after everybody is ready.

Current Map

Discussion is now up and running.

Character Creation:

Race: Any Paizo, but if you want to be a 3rd party race just link it to me, and I will consider it.
Class: No gunslingers, or synthesist summoners
Alignment: No evil.
Equipment: Full cash for 1st level.
Traits: Two, and one must be a campagin trait.
HP: first level max, after first roll HD, and take either HD+1 or what you rolled whichever is higher.

I had this recently come up in a game I GM'd. If a person doesn't have the improved form of a combat maneuver such as Improved Grapple. Does, the AoO that it provoke stop the combat maneuver if it hits? I know that it did in 3.5, but pathfinder is a bit different. Specifically somewhere in txt where this would be found.

This is a simple and probably easy question to answer, but where did the sin specialist wizard archetype come from?

4 people marked this as FAQ candidate.

If a wizard has chosen to have an arcane bond and then takes a prestige class that automatically gives him a familiar does he
a) lose his arcane bond but get full familiar progression?
b) keep both arcane bond and full familiar progression?
c) keep arcane bond, but only get progression for familiar with those prestige class levels?
d) something else?

I have a group of 6 people and one of them is a tiefling fighter. He says that using feats and traits he was able to get fire resistance 20. I have looked through the ARG but it doesn't seem to me that you could get fire resistance higher than 10. Is there something I'm missing?

I have a player who is a barbarian and wants to multiclass into a spell-casting class, when he rages it says he cannot use and charisma, dexterity, or intelligence based skills, so is spell-casting considered using a skill?

I have become the new DM of a group after the old one had to move and I am looking for help with two of my players. We have a group of five and two of them "frank" and "ronald" are causing me a few problems and may be causing the other three problems as well.

"frank" has been cheating ever since day one. He has used loaded d6, lied about spell lists and spell effects/saves, and even "found" himself a +4 vorpal longsword and said that I okayed it (9 lvl character, and it wasn't a +4 vorpal longsword, but it was an item(s) that his character had no way to afford even with relevant feats to decrease cost) , finally his character would always have over powered stats (and by over powered I mean nothing less than a 14). (on the cheating I and several other players have caught him in the act in this and other games of cheating)

"ronald" is an avid 2.0 DnD player and keeps trying to bring over rules from 2.0 also he seems to think that almost every encounter that doesn't end in 1 round is OP and I need to change it. He also can get very distracted and start talking about things that aren't relevant to the current game, and can take up around an hour of time this way. He also insults some of my other players regularly and when they begin to ask him to stop he just laughs it off as if they are over reacting. How should I deal with this?