Zokar Elkarid

Mario the Plumber's page

7 posts. Alias of Dieben.

Dark Archive

I heard that one of the Tales books set in Cheliax mentions the proper names for Chellish currency, (like how Absalom has copper pennies and silver weights, not just copper and silver pieces).

If anyone can recall offhand what the names for Chellish currency are (copper, silver, gold, and platinum if possible, please), I would greatly appreciate it.

Bestiary wrote:
Like most outsiders, they [azatas] cannot procreate with each other or with mortals, but will happily engage in short-lived relationships with them.
Blood of Angels wrote:
Azata-Blooded, or musetouched as they are sometimes called, is the name given to aasimars who are descended from azata.

This forces me to ask, in total seriousness:

How is babby formed?

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Cue the Theme Music

I am sure by now you are all aware of the vile presence that has possessed the true spirit of Season Nine. This being defies all rational thought and seeks solely to consolidate all of the entries for this season's Superstar competition into a mysterious apparatus called "the Nine".

The combined forces of the Technic League, Technical Support, and the Golarion Union of Murderhoboes for the Betterment of Others (GUMBO) have proven no match for the eldritch fury of Season Nine, as it has already stolen control over our voting tags from the prior seasons!

Desperate times call for desperate measures, which is why I, Tech Support, have announced an Open Call of Recruitment for people to combat the incoming menace. Any and all aliases, PFS characters, and other accounts are invited to post below to pledge their support in combating the menace that has possessed Season Nine.

We cannot do this alone, but together we shall prevail!

This is a free-form RP thread to pass the time. Anyone is free to jump in at any time to describe what they do to aid in the attack on Season Nine. Such actions can be anything from declaring your attacks, invoking RPGSS memes on the opponent, gathering items from PRIOR competitions to supply the front line, or even just kicking back with a staff of popcorn making and watching. This is intended to be fun and lighthearted, so play in the spirit one would have in the Joke Items Thread.
The battle will begin with post #51, but please feel free to jump in at any time at all.
The battle will end when the Top 32 are announced.

Dark Archive Star Voter Season 7, Star Voter Season 8, Marathon Voter Season 9

So with a bit of work with the site's API, I discovered that culls are actually scheduled weeks ahead of time. You can see the countdown on my website.
Happy voting, please don't DQ me.

Dark Archive Star Voter Season 7, Star Voter Season 8, Marathon Voter Season 9

After seeing several entries with these last year, what are your thoughts on the inclusion of hyperlinks in an entry?

E.g.: This magical slinky of stretchiness gives its bearer the compression monster ability.

Did you find these useful or helpful last year? Were they more of a nuisance? Did mobile users have any difficulties with them?

I've been wondering this for quite a while, but due to the specifics of the question and to avoid upsetting people, I have been asked to spoiler my question.

A Question of Lasting Interest:
"If a paladin falls from Glory, does he land prone?"

Dark Archive

Here's a fun build challenge to the public, what is the maximum number of teamwork feats you can grant your allies simultaneously using PFS-legal resources?

Dark Archive 1/5

Can a PFS character have both a Faith trait and a Religion trait as their starting traits?

BBC News: Stockholm

Dark Archive 1/5

On the edge of life and death, between winter and spring, there is a holiday of hallowed halls held here. To some it is known as the Day of Bones, the time when those looked upon by Pharasma celebrate their profession and the transitory nature of life. Join us Saturday, March 1st, 2014 for Online VTT Gameday 3 – Day of Bones, and see if you can keep one foot out of the grave and delay your travels upon the Infinite Staircase. [http://pathfindersocietyonline.com/events/]

A priceless manuscript has gone missing from the Pathfinder lodge in Almas, and the Pathfinder Society has traced its current whereabouts to a remote monastery off the coast of southwestern Nex. Arriving at the Monastery of the Unremitting Tide, the PCs face the suspicious scholars who study there, and in the process risk enraging an ancient spirit and uncovering a long-lost secret that, more than possibly costing them the stolen manuscript, could cost them their very lives.

If you wish to play, please post your intent to play (with your class and level) as a reply, and then e-mail me the following at: RoLL A D20 (at) gmail (dot) com ((without spaces))

Player Name
Character Name
Important things I should know about your character
A token ((If you cannot afford one, one shall be provided for you.))


I ask that alternates keep game time open in their schedule should there be an opening for them come game.

Dark Archive

If it is at all possible, could my alias used to post here please be changed from "Lysander Spurius Dragomir" to "The Kuthona Rat". I used the incorrect alias for that role play and I am hoping to correct the mistake. If it is not possible, then I understand. Thank you for your time.

Dark Archive 1/5

In the spirit of gaming in general, I figured I ought to run one of the classics for the Virtual Game Day: S00-06 Black Waters

The Pathfinder Society seeks the ancient ruby ring of the salamander and it falls to a team of Pathfinders to find it. Last seen in the Tri-Towers Yard, a once elite academy for the youth of Absalom, the ruby ring is now lost in the Drownyard, all that remains of Tri-Towers after it was destroyed a decade ago in the great quake. The Pathfinders must risk the strange black ichors and salty brine to find their prize—will they risk their very souls as well?

If you wish to play, please post your intent to play (with your class and level) as a reply, and then e-mail me the following at: RoLL A D20 (at) gmail (dot) com ((without spaces))

Player Name
Character Name
Important things I should know about your character
A token ((If you cannot afford one, one shall be provided for you.))


I ask that alternates keep game time open in their schedule should there be an opening for them come game. If this time does not work for you, then please look at some of the other quality games be held at http://pathfindersocietyonline.com/events/.

Dark Archive

I've been sifting through the sources, and I have had a difficult time trying to compile a list of the spells that are exclusive to the ranger class. Would anyone happen to have such a list?

Dark Archive 1/5

Hello and well met all,

Short and sweet: Am I allowed at character creation to choose take a permanent, numeric penalty to a subset of saving throws (e.g. mind-affecting spells) at character creation? This is NOT to gain any sort of bonus, feat, qualification, etc. It is purely for fleshing out mechanically a few facets of a character concept I am working on.

Full Name

Angela Summoner







Special Abilities

Summons her mother to fight with her.









About angela summoner

Born in heaven. Summons her mother, a Ghale or a Lilliend, to fight with her.