Dancing Hut

Bulletin Board's page

5 posts. Alias of Dieben.


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Notice to the public: Over 63 apparatuses have been said to have been entered in this year's competition. There's no telling how many or whose will be culled. Good luck to all!

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Print Co. Owner Alleges Racism in Court
The Kobold Print Co. has filed for bankruptcy after settling a class action lawsuit for distributing newspapers with explosive runes in the Entertainment section.
"The moment there is a trap involved, everyone blames the kobolds. Why not investigate the humans, or the goblins, or the elves. Seriously, this is a travesty of justice, all I wanted to do is publish an article that would get peoples' attention- and it succeeded. What's wrong with that?" said founder and owner of K.P.C., Mr. Inkscale Penscribbler.
While the bombing case is still pending in the criminal circuit, Penscribbler was convicted on a contempt of court charge after submitting a motion with a sepia snake sigil attached. He has plead not guilty on all charges.

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Has fluffy black and white fur. Big tail. And racing stripes that are like a tiger but not going the right way. Easily scared. Likes food. The people at the "Mo' Gin Travesty", at least I think that's what it's called, they have a picture of my kitty saying he isn't allowed there anymore, so he's probably somewhere else. When found, please contact Lysander Spurius Dragomir via a Sending.
I don't know. Moneys? Do people still collect that?

Interested parties should inquire within the roundhouse tavern. Please speak with the lonely cloaked figure seated in the sole corner of the room.

Please come prepared,
~Mysterious Stranger~

BBC News: Stockholm