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![]() Well, since I got fired and was never made to sign a nondisclosure agreement and will likely be banned for this, here is the first page of the file I buggered up, typed from memory. ATTACHED: Winners32_Copy.doc ![]()
![]() TIFU By Attempting to Streamline A Server Before a Massive Traffic Influx This actually happened today! So I was a new hire at a data center in the Redmond, WA metropolitan area. Everything had been going well the past few weeks until I was told by my supervisor that I needed to help prep one of our largest corporate-grade servers for a massive traffic influx. We had been running some polling program for this company for a while now and had been instructed to transfer a couple of files onto the main polling page at a specific time. All was swell until that file transfer. That was when I FU'd like no other. Each time I tried to perform the transfer, I was given an error code that I was unfamiliar with. I figured it was something I could fix on my own and impress my boss in the process. I was unable to export the file to any external devices or attachments. I thought that a clever solution would be to cut and paste the data and just reinsert the formatting manually thereafter. Here was the FU: I did the cut from "Winners32" and went to paste it in the proper place, however as I typed the file name in the computer suggested "Windows32". I opened this in notepad and saw it had a lot of garbage text that I should have recognized as code. Instead, my auto-piloting brain hit ctrl+A to select all, ctrl+V to replace the gibberish with the copied text from "Winners32", and then ctrl+S to save. The polling server immediately crashed. The company needs to reinstall the OS and try to recover their data. I am now out of a job and likely will never see another job in computer-related fields for the rest of my days. To make an all around sucky day that much worse, this gaming company has a competition I entered and they were supposed to post who managed to make it into round 2 of their competition at noon today and they had the gall to push it back an additional 24 hours due to technical difficulties. I'm so irritated, I'd love to strangle the one responsible for this postponement, I mean, why should I be punished for something I had nothing to do with? TL;DR: Messed up a file name, overwrote something, got fired. Now everything else in my life is going wrong and I'm angry. ![]()
![]() TIFU By Attempting to Streamline A Server Before a Massive Traffic Influx This actually happened today! So I was a new hire at a data center in the Redmond, WA metropolitan area. Everything had been going well the past few weeks until I was told by my supervisor that I needed to help prep one of our largest corporate-grade servers for a massive traffic influx. We had been running some polling program for this company for a while now and had been instructed to transfer a couple of files onto the main polling page at a specific time. All was swell until that file transfer. That was when I FU'd like no other. Each time I tried to perform the transfer, I was given an error code that I was unfamiliar with. I figured it was something I could fix on my own and impress my boss in the process. I was unable to export the file to any external devices or attachments. I thought that a clever solution would be to cut and paste the data and just reinsert the formatting manually thereafter. Here was the FU: I did the cut from "Winners32" and went to paste it in the proper place, however as I typed the file name in, the computer suggested "Windows32". I opened this in notepad and saw it had a lot of garbage text that I should have recognized as code. Instead, my auto-piloting brain hit ctrl+A to select all, ctrl+V to replace the gibberish with the copied text from "Winners32", and then ctrl+S to save. The polling server immediately crashed. The company needs to reinstall the OS and try to recover their data. I am now out of a job and likely will never see another job in computer-related fields for the rest of my days. To make an all around sucky day that much worse, there's a gaming company that has a competition I entered and they were supposed to post who managed to make it into round 2 of their competition at noon today and they had the gall to push it back an additional 24 hours due to technical difficulties. I'm so irritated, I'd love to strangle the one responsible for this postponement, I mean, why should I be punished for something I had nothing to do with? TL;DR: Messed up a file name, overwrote something, got fired. Now everything else in my life is going wrong and I'm angry. ![]()
![]() Looks dumbfounded at Bahbrahb who is slowly sinking his own ship by a combination of self-inflicted cannon fire and viciously ramming his vessel into the numerous plot holes of this story. Sorry, about those, I've been busy lately and did not get the opportunity to write more often. Shaking his head he casts Salvage on the vessel, if only to be able to say that he contributed to the fight somehow besides asking people for help. ![]()
![]() I am sure by now you are all aware of the vile presence that has possessed the true spirit of Season Nine. This being defies all rational thought and seeks solely to consolidate all of the entries for this season's Superstar competition into a mysterious apparatus called "the Nine". The combined forces of the Technic League, Technical Support, and the Golarion Union of Murderhoboes for the Betterment of Others (GUMBO) have proven no match for the eldritch fury of Season Nine, as it has already stolen control over our voting tags from the prior seasons! Desperate times call for desperate measures, which is why I, Tech Support, have announced an Open Call of Recruitment for people to combat the incoming menace. Any and all aliases, PFS characters, and other accounts are invited to post below to pledge their support in combating the menace that has possessed Season Nine. We cannot do this alone, but together we shall prevail! This is a free-form RP thread to pass the time. Anyone is free to jump in at any time to describe what they do to aid in the attack on Season Nine. Such actions can be anything from declaring your attacks, invoking RPGSS memes on the opponent, gathering items from PRIOR competitions to supply the front line, or even just kicking back with a staff of popcorn making and watching. This is intended to be fun and lighthearted, so play in the spirit one would have in the Joke Items Thread.