Avast, ye land lubbin' ladies. Thar's work ta be doin'. I'll be havin' yer PCs up on deck afore time. Now, mebbe ye be be knowin' t'others and mebbe ye be on yer own, and all's right by me. Ye'll all be wantin' ta be part o' th' briney blue afore th' year's out, fer if'n th' sea's not in yer blood, then ye'll be walkin' th' plank afore yer time is due.
Now, ye don' hafta be born ta th' sea, but it'll be growin' on ye in time, so if'n yer only aims are ta abandon ship, then ye'll be changin' yer mind right smart or ye may's well be joining th' sharks.
Now I be a purist, I do, an' yer fancy moves and extra flourishes mean nought ta th' likes of me. I'll be toleratin' the core classes and ye c'n ask fer th' Advanced Player's Guide, but I'll be sayin' "No!" more of'en th'n not. I aint'nt got the Ultimate anything so's yer c'n be forgettin' such fancy thoughts right up, though's I must be admittin' I'll change course if'n a fair enough wind blows me way. Ye be gettin' 20 points t' buy yer stats, 2 traits an' average gold fer yer class. The Player's Guide traits be optional, thar flavour changeable and thar suggested skills indispensable.
Ye're all in Port Peril. Born or brought or even bought, 'tis all the same t' me. Fer those not in the know, Port Peril is th' cap'tal o' Th' Shackles, a free land ruled by th' council of Free Cap'ns where everything's got its price. There be more isles in Th Shackles th'n there are rats in a plague, but Port Peril's on the western coast o' the great continent o' Garund, in a bay that backs onto th' mountains th't guard her from the monsters and savages o' th' hot, wet jungles beyond.
Our northern neighbours were wiped out by the Eye of Abendego, the permanent hurricane to th' north th't arrived a hunnerd years ago and it be protecting us from the fat, rich nations o' th Inner Sea. The worst o' these knaves, th' devil worshipin' nation o' Cheliax, has tried afore to tame us an' both times we scuttled any poor excuse fer a navy they'd left after the Eye took 'em. So's the northerner's mostly leave us alone, an' at our leisure our skillt Cap'ns skim th' Eye an' pay reg'lar visits to the fat sloops on t'other side.
Thar'll be no rush, as we be settin' sail only once the hold is full, an' some o' th' wares be takin' thar time. So be askin' yer questions and displayin' yer wares, an' I'll be takin' what I be wantin'. It's a pirates life fer me.