
Marcus Gehrcke's page

Organized Play Member. 133 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.


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Sovereign Court

Hallo fellow Pathfindes

I do not know if this AP is for me, but i like to find out :-)
What I have read so fare on the internet i sounds pretty good and interesting.

So to all my fellow GM's who have read it, It's this Ap worth it? What makes it stands out and what is good about it, and what is not so good?

Sovereign Court

NECR0G1ANT wrote:
Marcus Gehrcke wrote:

Hallo fellow Pathfinders

I Need help!

Iam looking for adventures set in Sargava, I have Ire of the storm is there others or even an adventure path in that region?

Here you go! Also Star-Crossed Voyages starts in Vidrian.

That is very helpfull :-)

Sovereign Court

Unicore wrote:
Sargava is now called Vidrian. It fully succeeded from under the thumb of Cheliax. Parts of the serpent skull AP are set in Sargava, before it went independent, and might be what you are looking for, but I also think there might be a fair bit more about Vidrian coming up in the strength of thousands Adventure path that will be coming out soon. There is much written about Vidrian in the Lost Omens world guide, Legends and the Mwangi Expanse. There are also several PFS adventures set in the region.

Ahh Iam not fully in to the new setting of golarion - but maybe i can mixed it in - thank you for all your help :-)

Sovereign Court

Hallo fellow Pathfinders

I Need help!

Iam looking for adventures set in Sargava, I have Ire of the storm is there others or even an adventure path in that region?

Sovereign Court

Hallo Paizo

When i ordered the 21-07-2020. You made a resavation on my creditcard
And when you send my order you did the same on 07-08-2020

So on my bank account i will be paying 100$ insted of 50$

please fix this.

Best regards

Sovereign Court

Sam Phelan wrote:

Hello Marcus,

There shouldn't be any alternate covers for the Starfinder Core Rulebook, except the Special Edition cover, which is not what you are describing (it's a solid color faux leather cover). The cover should be the same as the one on our product page. There are several additional rulebooks apart from the core rulebook, so it's possible you may have seen one of those covers. Otherwise, I'd be really interested to see what that other cover looked like if its floating around out there!

The Url is for the other cover rulebook r-core-rulebook-starfinder

Sovereign Court

Dear Paizo

After listning to the amazing androids and aliens podcast from the Glass cannon network.

I want to get into the starfinder game, but i have one big problem.
I have 2 different stores i can get it, but the rulebook cover is not the same;
The 1st store has the same front cover as the one on your webpage. The other have a differnt frontcover with only 3 characters on it.

Are one off this rulebook outdated/ old?

Sovereign Court

Have any you used Cthulhu Mythos points (like in CoC, were you slowly gain mythos points) - for this AP.
And how did you do it?

Sovereign Court

Do Dr. Henri Meirtmane play a roll in the AP?

Sovereign Court


Iam currently preparing for the first session - 3 weeks from now.

An a want good deal of different music - i have som great themes for some of the asylum and npcs, but i need more and some inspiration.

What music - did you use for your campaign?

Sovereign Court

Iam going to run this AP in the neer future. But i feel that iam missing something, when reading this.

1. Do the inmates of the asylum, have a standard set of clothes - like a grey robe and sandalds ?? What did you do??

2. Do the players stumble abon the 3 sarkonian godstones - that ariadnah made?

3. Were is Briarstone island vs. thrushmoor - were does the rowboat dock?

Sovereign Court

1 person marked this as a favorite.

There is a brief mention of the Corcina family in the players guide.

I had Hope that the brilliant Crystal - had help out - before she left Pazio.

Do your players care - do you use it?
Me and my group, have the first session in August.

Sovereign Court

I have only skimmed book 5, and it looks like that the information is only on 8 families.

Do anyone known more about all of the succession loyalties players?

Sovereign Court

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I am going to convert War for the crown.

Holy moly that's a great AP. Me and my group are starting it up in August.

Sovereign Court

The Grassling on page 86.
Do they have a language?

Sovereign Court

I do not have Book 5. Waiting for my game store to get it.

What did you do, I was thinking that the first meating with the mercantile council to be more social rounds and so one, maybe some Yanmass event before hand.
And i am going to award story awards for ganing informationen, and the skip some off the all unavodidable combat. (Argentus encounter is just to crazy for me, that a restaurant owner goes in killing mode like that).

Sovereign Court

Did any off you - make some changes to the twillight child scenario?

And if you did - what...
I do not like that it is so different from the first 2 scenarios, and i was thinging to chance some off it, so that i follows the same concepts from crownfall, and song, scion.

Sovereign Court

Bardarok wrote:

On the topic of silver pieces as a standard I like it because it makes a little more intuitive sense for players unfamiliar with Pathfinder. IRL Gold is valuable in Pathfinder even at level one a single gold piece is pocket change. I would personally prefer if they went further, kept a silver standard and made 1 gp = 100 sp. But I have never also never played in Golarion and therefore don't care about narrative consistence in that setting.

Fuzzypaws wrote:
Cyouni wrote:
Falling is half the distance fallen in feet.
So a level 0 halfling commoner who falls out of bed and critically fails his reflex save dies. A halfling who falls out of a bunk bed automatically dies, and a member of any other race except dwarf dies on a failed reflex save.

I think you're doubling instead of halving or you have super high bunk beds. To automatically kill a lvl 0 halfling with 8 HP you need to drop them at least 16 feet.

I Agree to this, i woud like it to be more like warhammer fantasy roleplay from back in the days, were 12 cp = 1 silver and 21 silver = 1 gold. It is easy for us that is 1 to 10 or 100, but i like it a bit crooked.

Sovereign Court

Blue Eyed Devil wrote:

In the back of book 4, there's a breakdown of what we'll find in the next volume's back matter, and one of those reads:

In Taldor, lineage and power are intertwined. This article presents in-depth details about several of Taldor’s noble families, providing their areas of influence, histories, and prominent members. In addition, learn how your PCs can claim a noble lineage.

I hope that we'll find out about all these other contending families there - I have the same questions.

That said, I like the idea of a funeral for Stavian III and the various senators - I'll probably work that into the week of downtime between the end of book 1 and the beginning of book 2. It might end in some kind of chaos as noble houses throw blame around, and really spark off a powder keg of resentment that drives more of these houses to declare for, say, Merkander or Phaeben (whoever they are) rather than the heirs of the mad prince who just killed their loved ones.

Thank you for the information, Then i hope it will tell us more about thise familys. Iam planning a grand week of morning the Stavians dead, aldo rumors have it that the Ulfen guard will not let any neer the palace or release the body.

Political and noble intrige in Oppra do to lost senators and the claim for the throne, to fuel the political background for the rest of the AP - so that characters maybe can seen agents to other parts to collect information of the succession line.

Sovereign Court

Taken from Crownfall, there is a list of the Succession Loyalties, but i do not know all of them, and need some help to who the others are.
How did you handle the Crownfall Aftermath, Were there a grand funeral for Stavian III or many of the other Senators?

The ones i know
High Strategos Maxillar Pythareus
Princess Eutropia Stavian I
Marquess Tanasha Starborne
Grand Duke Borand Heskillar
Grand Duchess Cisera Tiberan
Grand Duke Thestro Briarsmith
Grand Duchess Destelita Solari

Who are they?

Sovereign Court

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I thing that after the PF2 core rule book, that we will get a new edition of Pathfinder Campaign setting: Inner sea world guide.
And that's a book i will happily buy :-)

Damn a lot has happen in Golarion, the last 10 years :-)

Sovereign Court

@ Captain Morgan

I will miss Sense motive, i do not like it has been put into perception.
Like to have Handle animale back, and not in nature.
Linguistic back.
I dont like that society is a skill with both history, nobility, locale and so on. I want history for it self.

Sovereign Court

Deadmanwalking wrote:
Marcus Gehrcke wrote:
What about History or Linguistics, use magic device??

History seems to be part of the Society skill (though you could also take a Lore), and if they follow Starfinder's lead Linguistics may be as well (though I'm sure Skill Feats are also involved in being a true linguist). Use Magic Device seems to have been split among the various 'magic affiliated' skills depending on the type of device.

1of1 wrote:
Deadmanwalking wrote:
Okay, watching the panel on PF2 at PaizoCon, it looks like Sense Motive has probably been folded into Diplomacy.
It appears that was an erroneous conclusion based on a bad example. It's actually part of Perception.

Hopefully there will be many lore skills then. I am personally not i big fan of removing so many skills, some off them makes sense, going the same way as 5th D&D like athletics. But one of the things i dislike with 5th is the lack of more skills.

So come on Jason and team, give us more skills.

Sovereign Court

What about History or Linguistics, use magic device??

Sovereign Court

How many different Lore Skills will there be, and does anyone know if you only gain them from background?

Sovereign Court

Some Questions.

How long does Rebuilding Stachys take, pr. Improvment in days?

Marjorinr Sandaris from Page 30 and on, it's there any more backstory to her, that the players can find out, beforehand? Rumors or other, so that narative story of when they return with the holy symbol, get's the community of stachy excited?

Sovereign Court

I am having a hard time decipher Handout 2, can not make out all of the words, can someone help me?

Sovereign Court

Darrell Impey UK wrote:
I believe that those product lines have ended.

That's to bad, in my gaming group we have always been big fan of the item card, there were always something special about getting the first item card in a AP.

Some of you have allready starting to play this AP, and maybe i have missed this info in my Crownfall Book. How old is Eutropia?, and how old were Carrius when he was killed?

Sovereign Court

This is an awesome AP. Do anyone known if they will make item cards and face cards for it?

Sovereign Court

I just picked up Crownfall up early today. And It's really awesome. One of my favorit AP as a player, was Curse of the crimson throne, and i have DM some of the others AP's.
But this one have so many of the elements i like. Cant wait to play it.

Sovereign Court

Please Cancel Pathfinder my pathfinder adventure path and order 4249269

Sovereign Court

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Adam Daigle wrote:
Know Direction posts their older shows to their YouTube channel and audio only versions on their website, so you can certainly catch it later if you miss it live.

Thank You Adam :-)

Sovereign Court

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Order of the Amber Die wrote:

Strange Aeons fans:

We will be live on Know Direction, Wednesday, September 21st, 830pm EST. We'll discuss everything from The Strange Aeons Experiment to what it takes to marathon an entire volume of an AP in one sitting, and much more. Come out and join us!

That's late in Denmark, will it be possible to see it, after tonight?

Sovereign Court

Go for it, me and my gaming group have talked about playing this Ap, being mythos and horror freaks.
We talked about doing the totalt blank character sheet - its more horror, and even when the players do not known if they can certain things and have to try.
Slowly the get to fill out the blanks, as a GM make a lot of flashback or other scenes to tease some of their past.

It's a good idea :-)

Sovereign Court

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Hallo my friends

Big fan, good pictures on your FB :-)

I just got my copy of Strange Aeons today :-)
Looking forward to your next hard core gaming - hopefully with Sean back in action to save the players.

I am looking forward to running thi AP - being a big mythos freak, but for now it will wait.
Tomorrow me and my players start the Shattered Star - a good long weekend with roleplay :-)

Keep up your fantastic work, it means a lot for me as a master and your tales give my players hope. As a fellow roleplaying group we like how much investment you all bring to the tabel :-)

So keep rolling 20's and let the madness begin :-)

Sovereign Court

Balgin wrote:
The Jester King wrote:
how many points are you guys giving your players for point buy? I was thinking 15 and fave 4 players. didnt want them to be to powerful running through a horror campaign. at the same time i dont want them to die all the time, cause thats lame and no one will have any fun.

None. My players are going to roll dice :D.

Probably the 7d6 method (as tought to me yb a bloke who lived 'round the corner back in the 90's) or the 24d6 method.

The 7d6 method is easy. It allows for a controlled rolling method without the extreme control of point buy. You roll 7d6. Drop the lowest. Assign one to every ability score. Then you roll the same 7d6 again, drop the lowest assign (but not before assigning the first 6 numbers that you set). Finally you roll the last batch of dice, drop the lowest and assign.

This way you're not pre-assigning dice. A lot of people want to roll all 3 sets and then assign them but that's not in the spirit of the 7d6 system. You essentially get to build and prioritise as you go with enough randomness to avoid the repetitive cookie cutter builds that point buy tends to generate or the extreme variety of 3d6 rolled in order.

It's a nice and simple system. I like it. If the players aren't feeling in the mood for it then we'll use the 24d6 method from the core rulebook so that they can pre-assign dice instead.

Super cool with the 7d6 - I didn't not know that one. Having tried many different ways since starting playing back in the days, so thanks for sharing :-)

Sovereign Court

Dear Paizo

I want to cancel my adventure path subscription. thank you for the many years of coll adventuring.

bedst regards


Sovereign Court

2 people marked this as a favorite.

You Can do it.

Iam cheering for you all and slay some giants.

Sovereign Court

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Order of the Amber Die wrote:

We're officially halfway through Giantslayer at this point! It's been an incredible ride, though a tough one to be sure. Tabletop Terrors just ran a feature on their website that delves into some of the issues concerning The Giantslayer Endeavor.

To read the full interview:

Tabletop Terrors

Good interview

Sovereign Court


It's sad news. I like the adventure path face Cards. And the artwork in giantslayer is super awsome.

Sovereign Court

Does anyone known if pazio is going to make face Cards for this adventure path?

Sovereign Court

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Darkborn wrote:
Marcus Gehrcke wrote:

Were can I find all the info regarding all of the iconic characters?

Such as there stats, equipment, and all that?
Oloch here...way back in October when we first conceived this endeavor, we weren't aware of any existing Advanced Class Guide stat blocks since the book was still very new, so after we selected characters we just used what we could from the Meet the Iconics blogs and designed our characters accordingly, based on the history and images provided. It was fairly easy to gear them up by looking at their equipment in the iconic art, and after rolling up ability scores we proceeded to create the rest from scratch. Later, the stat blocks for Crowe, Oloch, and Quinn were released in the Risen from the Sands module, but we decided to stay with what we had, as we had already put significant work into them. Bottom line - we tried to stay true to the authors' intent, no different than the way we try to do with the modules, and from playing them half way through the Giantslayer AP we definitely feel like we've done them justice. We hope you've been enjoying their story as much as we have!

I enjoy your giant endaevor very much. It's great fun to read, and i feel bad for Oloch, it seems that the Amber dice is specially hard on you. After reading your endeavor me and my gaming group will take up the giant slayer adventure path in a month or two. I have been inspirede by that you use the iconic characters and i will bring it up in our gaming group, so we can try it (maybe even in the giant slayer adventure path).

Thank you for the great Work, that the order of the amber dice puts in to this adventure path and may Oloch kill all of the giants in the forges of the giant god.

Sovereign Court

Cpt_kirstov wrote:

I think Erik said He's approved sculpts for the next 2 sets in one of his blogs

do you known when they will come?

Sovereign Court

Were can i find all the info regarding all of the iconic charecters?
Such as there stats, equipment and all that?

Sovereign Court

Whats nexst?

Will there be any more pathfinder battle miniatures sets for adventure paths?

Sovereign Court

Thank You for all your help.

Bedst regards Marcus

Sovereign Court

Hallo Again.

Still i have not resived my order 3508495.
And the following orders, that all was ship later; order 3526874, order 3501321 and order 3515263. have all arrived.

I know that dont have a way of tracking my order, but can you help in any way?

Bedst Regards


Sovereign Court

Dear Customer service

I really need help with my order 3508495.

I have not resived it, and today i reseved my order 3515263 that i placed the 06-04-2014

And the order that iam missing i placed the 22-03-2015.

Can you help me out?

Bedst regards


Sovereign Court

What knowledge skill, did you have your players roll?

I was thinking a hard history or something like that..

Sovereign Court

Iam trying Again in a new thread.

I Know, that the second darkness adventure path is old, but it is still one of my favorits.

I need some Gm Advice.
What did you do when your player's first meet Depora? Did you have them roll any knowledge skill regarding the fact that the Drow's only exsits in myth.

How did you create that epic moment, that there are drows in Golarion?

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