
Marcus Gehrcke's page

Organized Play Member. 133 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.

Sovereign Court

Hallo fellow Pathfindes

I do not know if this AP is for me, but i like to find out :-)
What I have read so fare on the internet i sounds pretty good and interesting.

So to all my fellow GM's who have read it, It's this Ap worth it? What makes it stands out and what is good about it, and what is not so good?

Sovereign Court

Hallo fellow Pathfinders

I Need help!

Iam looking for adventures set in Sargava, I have Ire of the storm is there others or even an adventure path in that region?

Sovereign Court

Hallo Paizo

When i ordered the 21-07-2020. You made a resavation on my creditcard
And when you send my order you did the same on 07-08-2020

So on my bank account i will be paying 100$ insted of 50$

please fix this.

Best regards

Sovereign Court

Dear Paizo

After listning to the amazing androids and aliens podcast from the Glass cannon network.

I want to get into the starfinder game, but i have one big problem.
I have 2 different stores i can get it, but the rulebook cover is not the same;
The 1st store has the same front cover as the one on your webpage. The other have a differnt frontcover with only 3 characters on it.

Are one off this rulebook outdated/ old?

Sovereign Court

Have any you used Cthulhu Mythos points (like in CoC, were you slowly gain mythos points) - for this AP.
And how did you do it?

Sovereign Court


Iam currently preparing for the first session - 3 weeks from now.

An a want good deal of different music - i have som great themes for some of the asylum and npcs, but i need more and some inspiration.

What music - did you use for your campaign?

Sovereign Court

Taken from Crownfall, there is a list of the Succession Loyalties, but i do not know all of them, and need some help to who the others are.
How did you handle the Crownfall Aftermath, Were there a grand funeral for Stavian III or many of the other Senators?

The ones i know
High Strategos Maxillar Pythareus
Princess Eutropia Stavian I
Marquess Tanasha Starborne
Grand Duke Borand Heskillar
Grand Duchess Cisera Tiberan
Grand Duke Thestro Briarsmith
Grand Duchess Destelita Solari

Who are they?

Sovereign Court

Please Cancel Pathfinder my pathfinder adventure path and order 4249269

Sovereign Court

Dear Paizo

I want to cancel my adventure path subscription. thank you for the many years of coll adventuring.

bedst regards


Sovereign Court

Does anyone known if pazio is going to make face Cards for this adventure path?

Sovereign Court

Whats nexst?

Will there be any more pathfinder battle miniatures sets for adventure paths?

Sovereign Court

Dear Customer service

I really need help with my order 3508495.

I have not resived it, and today i reseved my order 3515263 that i placed the 06-04-2014

And the order that iam missing i placed the 22-03-2015.

Can you help me out?

Bedst regards


Sovereign Court

Iam trying Again in a new thread.

I Know, that the second darkness adventure path is old, but it is still one of my favorits.

I need some Gm Advice.
What did you do when your player's first meet Depora? Did you have them roll any knowledge skill regarding the fact that the Drow's only exsits in myth.

How did you create that epic moment, that there are drows in Golarion?

Sovereign Court


I whant to cancel my pathfinder comics subscribtion

best regards


Sovereign Court

Have any of you, used the module Carrion Hill in this AP?
And how did it go?

Sovereign Court

what speciel harrow deck Card, do the players get in the hunting of harrowstone?
The Hidden Truth Card were do the players find it or optain it?

Sovereign Court

Dear Pazio

First i love your comics, and have injoyed them alot. But iam beginng to have a real problem. This time you send 5 comics with my normal ad-path. This will become a problem do, to the Danish custom rules, so i have to pay them when the shipment is to big.

(order #2912158)

If this is going to be the standards, then sadly i have to stop my comic book subscribtion.

hopefull you will help me, with my problem.

Best regards


Sovereign Court

Jasper Kandamerus
from the web enhancement. Can make a map of the mushfens, have anyone made a good one?
I dont like the one off the mushfens area, for it shows the tunnels.

Sovereign Court

In my ordered a pathfinder #2 (standard cover)
and i resvied #1 insted.

Caan i please get the issue i ordered?

Sovereign Court

There is something wrong in my comic subscribtion.
I have resive all off the comic book eexcept issus nr: 2.
Have this been to a mistake on my side or ours?
I will like to have issus 2, so can you sendt it with my next adventure path issue?

Best regards

Sovereign Court

Less than 21 Days before med and my players kick of the Shattered Star.
First with a short intro scenario. I will add some small side quest and stuff as the campaign develops.

I have been woundering if I should award my players with Fame when completing side quest?

So fellow GM's do you award your players with additional Fame?

Sovereign Court

Please help me Pazio
I have just started my comics subscribtion, and allready your 2nd comic book it's out off stock;-(
It's there any way to get it??

Sovereign Court

There are a long time to Febuary, and i need some help on the Empyreal lords in Magnimar.

Who were the angel of the Arvensoar? and does it play a roll in the the Shattered star ap??

Sovereign Court

Need help to complete it.

the crow 0 0
0 0
0 0
the gull 0 0 the rat
the gecko0 0 the harpy

wich ones are the Firepelt, osprey, salmon, shark, whale??

Sovereign Court

It's there a branch of the pathfinder society in varsia?
If there is, were? and what is the name off there Venture-Captain?

Sovereign Court

The 3 small island on the westside and the 2 island of the northside of the regicona what are they called and what are on them?
In what rego is the opra house, the Vira Majestica (aspis consortium), the abadar church, and do shelyn have a shrine in the city??

Sovereign Court

Is it Ilnerik on the cover??
I like the cover a lot, make it as a Miniture, please :-)

Sovereign Court

I was wondering why Mammon was chosen. Have any of you gone another way with one of the others archdevils?

Sovereign Court

Me and my players are starting up, Council of thieves nexst year, but i need some miniture help befor that. Who many of the npc have pazio minitures made?
I have the Eccardian, Chammandy and delour, but since i have only read the first scenario i dont no if the made more minitures.

Sovereign Court

Many yers ago, me and my party played rise of the rune lords, and i remember that the were a sweet picture/art work of Shalelu Andosana, but now i cant find it.
iam not talking abot the one in hook mountain massacre.
plz help me out..

Sovereign Court

hallo i can not download any of my pdfs from my downloads.
plz help...

Sovereign Court

It has been a loong time since a DM.
Last timed i had time to play was with the age of worms.
I was planning to use the Pathfinder rules for the players and let the them play the scap as it is.
Have any of you done it that way? and does it work?
Need some help getting back to the game i love...

Sovereign Court

Thursday I am starting my Age of Worms Campaign. I got 5 players and we are going to use the pathfinder Beta system.

In the grub there is:
Necros Apainon Therion - Halforc sorcerer.
Azazel - Half elf Rogue.
Sláine Mac Roth - Human Barbarian.
Moltar Dreal - Cleric of Wee Jas.
Winddus Appelnose - Halfling Ranger.

I will keep and update on how things go.

Sovereign Court

We have allways played with endurance as a skill, like good old 2nd ad&d. And removed die hard as a feat.

Sovereign Court

First off all i like the new cmb system, no more many rolls in a simple and action packt combat.

Under your trip + overrun in alpha 3.
You stat that a medium player cannot overrun or trip a medium player.. Why???
If it can be done in the real life and in the die hard kick a.. action movie why not in the fantasy game..

Sovereign Court

I was wondering if you made a complet gathering of all the maps of mystery in a PDF file. To buy?

And Were can you get the Dragonlace 5th age from 1996. To download?

Sovereign Court

What CR is Kyss ikown it was answered in dungeon after the aow, but i cant it...