Erudite Owl

Marco Palmieri's page

12 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.

Hi, i just got my shipment, everything is perfect except that i received a Flip Mat Basic Terrain instead of the Starfield one.
What can i do now? becouse i already had to pay 42€ for Customs duties to get the package and make another order would be painful to pay.

Hi, first time here trying to buy something directly from paizo, i was interested in Starfinder and i'm pretty exctited about it.
Before making my order i wanted to know if the price wasn't too high for what i wanted to buy since i'm a poor student; I knew about the high shipping price to another country (i live in Italy) and i was worried about that, but during the choosing of the type of shipment i notice that the four manuals where separated in four shipment, is that something that suppose to happen or?