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Marco Palmieri's page

12 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


Thank you very much! i can wait without any problem, in the meantime i will finish reading this awesome rulebook.
For now i don't have any other questions, thank you for your help!

Shouldn't have problems to pay the Custom Duties, the price is really low, so no problem about that, you can send me the replacement without worries! just had the question if i have to sent the other copy back since i never done it.

I'm not sure if "Custom Duties" is the right word, it is a "tax" i might have to pay and it is calculated based on the prize of the product, i suppose since it will only be the flip mat it shouldn't be much of a problem (i hope) in case i will check, since it is my first time that this happen i don't know how this works, so i need to send you back the wrong flip mat or?
Thanks for your support in advance!

Hi, i just got my shipment, everything is perfect except that i received a Flip Mat Basic Terrain instead of the Starfield one.
What can i do now? becouse i already had to pay 42€ for Customs duties to get the package and make another order would be painful to pay.

Yes, everything is perfect now, i can't wait to have it in my hands! thank you very much for all your work!

Just made the order! the number of the order is 4369692

I'm ready to submit the order, should i choose the same type of shipping for all of them or you can do that after i placed the order choosing the one that cost less?

i see, but i found a way, i have another pre paid card with a bit of money in it, shouldn't be a problem to start the order now, one of these days i should be able to make the order, thanks for all your help again!

Mh, this could be a problem, but i think i can solve it, i'll write again after i make the order! Thanks again!

Yeah they got separated again, but anyway this is perfect thank you! if it's $59.56 for all four then i really think i could buy them.
Thanks again for your help! ah one last thing, i will probably charge my card with the exact amount i need, will it be a problem in starting the order if i don't have the amount that i would need with the four different shipment?

Got it, thanks for the answer, is there a way I can see or calculate how much it could cost in shipment with all those items before i make the order?

Hi, first time here trying to buy something directly from paizo, i was interested in Starfinder and i'm pretty exctited about it.
Before making my order i wanted to know if the price wasn't too high for what i wanted to buy since i'm a poor student; I knew about the high shipping price to another country (i live in Italy) and i was worried about that, but during the choosing of the type of shipment i notice that the four manuals where separated in four shipment, is that something that suppose to happen or?